What the fuck is his problem?
What the fuck is his problem?
he looks brutal
Too much alcohol, too much childhood spent in the desert
/thread. Used to be a huge fan until he pulled that shit recently. He gone!
>drop many major release with various bands
>still no credit from mainstream media
I would have gone nuts and shot the whole band since years
I think people want him to go through that "bad boy rock'n roll" kinda character to give him credit
No way he could make it with a "cool guy" attitude, and it will be YOUR fault
Maybe he just need some rest
what a fuckin idiot you are by saying this
I'm glad your music tastes are influenced by influenced views of internet trends
go listen to NMH faggot
take josh hommes dick out of your mouth and type like the Sup Forums user you are
He needs to lay off the sauce.
>can't separate art from the artist
how does it feel to be a pleb?
I was a fool to go on Sup Forums and expect civility. When you go around generally acting foolish, you'll eventually lose your fan base. No reason he should have kicked anyone. Alcohol on stage every night will turn your mind to mush.
Being an artist, there is no seperation. Your art reflects your inner self, and your actions reflect your outer self. But go ahead and resort to basic attempts at insults. Whatever helps you sleep.
you get hammered regularly don't you?
I don't drink at all. Try again.
Btw I think NMH is terrible and only try hards "like" it.
>not jamming out to on avery island
Blue Island is the only island I know of round these parts.
god damn thread like this make me lost faith in humanity
this, Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums
art reflects whatever the listener wants it to reflect
does the melody of i wanna make it with you sound different after josh kicked that photographer?
does the rhythm of song for the dead beat in a different way?
your perception about it changed, and it's up to you to keep enjoying it regardless
No one makes art for the viewer. They make art for themselves. I don't write riffs so a neckbeard could possibly enjoy it. If you have to try and enjoy something, you're not enjoying it. I don't enjoy abusive behavior. I don't enjoy substance abuse problems. I don't enjoy having to "change my perception" to listen to the music I've listened to for 16 years.
i guess it's up to the listener
for me, the same way the artist being a great person wouldn't affect my views on his music, him being an asshole doesn't affect it either
My gripe is that he was a guy that in my eyes was seemingly above typical rock star behavior. Do peeps make mistakes? Yes. Am I perfect? No. My disappointment is probably the biggest factor here. It's tough because you're certainly not wrong when you wanna make that distinct separation between art and artist. But I've never been able to do that.
seriously. i don't get how people can be swayed by petty tabloid drama that goes on in an artists personal life. you wouldn't even be aware of any of this shit if it weren't for some loser journalist trying to make a quick buck exploiting these situations anyway. newsflash: every artist has done shitty things
I love Burzum
Violence is a little bit too shitty for my tastes. He kicked Nick out for hitting women so it's hard to have sympathy for him.
you seem sheltered
Nope. Just pride myself on trying to be as good a person as I can. But I'm in the den of malcontent, so it could be going better. The world already gives people so much bullshit, so I try not to add to it.
lol i actually forgot that he kicked nick out for beating up his gf. hypocrite bastard. eh, i still dig a few of his songs
>being a pleb
how do you live your life
I think I like you.
well everyone makes mistakes, learn to forgive and move on.
By living. My life doesn't revolve around forums and criticism. There's sunlight and fresh air outside. Instead you choose to try and insult me. So let that sink in.
Bought into his own hype and the "last real rockstar" public image that desperate music journalists built up for him.
QOTSA was always buttrock though. More tasteful buttrock than Nickelback or Foo Fighters maybe, but still buttrock.
I will probably get over it eventually. But it just sucks right now and I'm being a little bratty about it.
I'll agree that he bought into his hype. I can't agree with the butt rock comment. What do you consider NOT butt rock?
Ma boi
yet you are here and responding to """criticism"""
and if you think that was an insult you must be 13
Well I don't resort to name calling when trying to make a point. I was on here looking for effects posts and this caught my eye. Now back to band practice in the real world away from the cesspool. Have fun swimming.
how delusional you have to be to believe that?
anyways have fun dude, good luck with your world.
What does any of this have to do with pol? Stop being a faggot