When did Around the Horn become total shit?
When did Around the Horn become total shit?
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When they hired Bomani Jones
Yes it's a board on Sup Forums
Anytime they don't have the terrible Sarah Spain on, its a good episode.
2009. I honestly can't believe this show is still on
It's been shit for a long time.
it was never good desu
It was never good desu.
I had a phase around 2010 where I though baseball was watchable and picked up some ESPN games that were on cable at the time.
What a terrible mistake.
It didn't even help my insomnia.
It turned to shit after they got rid of the classic theme in favor of that new dog shit one by Umphrey's.
was it kino?
>fake chloroform
lol they would not get away with that today
Tony Reali still looks 25 how does he do it?
Jay Mariotti getting arrested was the start of the fall
Pablo Torres being hired was the impact point
Watch your stupid mouth Umphrey's are gods
When they started replacing good commentators with lesbians and bomani jones.
when he got fired for 'assault'
>watching BET Sports at any point after 2012 for anything besides Monday Night Football
pablo torre
Also, I remember they were celebrating one of their gay panelists wedding one time.
E!SPN hasn't been good since 2009 though.
When they changed proper sports journalists to empowered lesbians and turbo niggers.
bomani was tolerable
but then came pablo and those two women
They have lesbians on the show now? Well, Jackie McMullen is probably a carpet muncher too, so it hasn't changed that much
it became shit when i realized how moronic sports talking head shows are
ath, pti, first take, etc. who cares what other people think about sports
Jackie is pretty based, but the rest are just awful. I stopped watching it shortly after Kate Fagan became a regular
as soon as they started filling the panel with nogs and womyn instead of credible sportswriters
I STILL enjoy it. It's annoying when panelists talk about other shit besides sports but whether they do it's still alright. Good way to kill time on the radio in the car during the 5pm hour
>instead of credible sportswriters
yeah, like Woody Paige
He was a credible sports writer though. Wasn't he an original panelists?
Fagan made me check out forever...militant lefty dyke reading politics into everything.
Yes, he was.
Yes, he is.
His diet consists of Quinoa and Kale in a wholemeal wrap
I also suspect he's the sort of guy who moisturizes x3 a day
Jackie was alright but I couldn't stand how it was always Jackiewinslol
Pablo was also alright however those two gay chicks, bleh.
But yeah, Mariotti getting canned was the beginning of the end.
Eh, for the theme, not really.
It went bad when they put all the faggots and dykes on it. I don't want to be preached at about Colin Kaep by a man who licks other men's assholes.
When they couldn't convince that faggot (homosexual) asian and [every female guest outside of that old chick from Boston] to stop making everything political
>God Kaepernig isn't on a team buh'cause Drumpf is hitler