Music that cured your depression

music that cured your depression.

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you're not depressed you're just a pussy

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what was playing during my chin implant surgery

>God Is Love

Dad rock

just something about it idk

how I accepted to be a girl

bipolar here

"cure" is a strong word but tracks/albums that help me move out of a downswing:

ultralight beam by kanye
dark red by shlohmo
violent femmes s/t (depends on the type of depressed patch)
vespertine by bjork
jon hopkin's late night tales

Islands - Return to the Sea
Saul Williams - S/T
Brahms - A German Requiem

A few that I wouldn't say cured, but helped me realize shit ain't always so bad. If you are expecting some ground breaking lyrics to change your life you will be disappointed. The music just made me feel good.


the crying light is better hon

guys when you're feeling shit do you

a) listen to sad music to make yourself feel worse and just wallow
b) attempt to spook yourself out of it by listening to upbeat music
c) something else

Both. Depends on what I find first honestly.

I listen to sad music to feel even worse and then somehow I feel better

Sometimes I listen to old blues and folk and stop being a faggot because all of my family is still alive, not having been killed by a steel company, and my dogs all died of natural causes

same. my depression's a nice warm blanket

Mahler's 9th symphony
Schoenberg (his body of work,his ambition)
what I see in each of these is unique and something I think of literally every week(at least twice)

terekke's discography

really any mahler, honestly

true. But the 9th holds a special place in my heart,first time I heard it was after listening to the norton lectures,another anti-depression thing for me, I don't think anything has ever sounded so urgent and important as that amazing adagio

this guy looks a lot like me except he's probably better than me in every way.
feels bad

this like 8 months ago, i was hooked

stop posting your face all over Sup Forums you cunt

You look like a better looking and much more fitter me.

i don't want to sound like a dick here but if you feel like that then you don't have depression, youre just feeling sad that day

don't romantise it - i also used to do that, as if having depression was some big cool poetic thing that makes you introspective and deep, but now that i actually have it it forced me to realise its the fucking worst. it is the oposite of a blanket. it is an anvil

1. Maplestory OST
2. Grouper - A I A Compilation / Paradise Valley Single / Dragging a Dead Deer Up a Hill

Now kiss.

is this you user? if yes, you're quite attractive

I've dealt with it for over a decade. I've spent months alone in my room just kind of waiting to die. Yeah I get what you mean.

However, when I say it's like a warm blanket, I mean that familiar feeling you get when you start to slip back into it. Like you're still being a productive member of society but everything's a little bit greyer. I feel more like "myself" that way

same, he has one of those every man faces. there are approximately 15 in total for white people.

ah ok i see what you're saying, apologies for making assumptions

Music won't sure your depression. I was depressed for 15+ years. Exercising regularly (trail running, lifting, sauna/steam room), switching to a high nutrient density, low carbohydrate diet, and taking a new approach to meditation (I had been meditating for several years with not real effect on my depression, not that I was really doing it because of my depression. But once I started doing it this way, it did help to fix my depression in a very direct way:, fixed it. Haven't been depressed in 4-5 years.

Music can't cure depression. Depression is a mental illness. There's no curing it, just a long neverending process of healing.

Depression is a result of depressive features of your life. Fix those and it goes away. See:

I think it's a baseline mental state for a lot of people when they aren't being put to use or putting themselves to use, at least some of the time it's that way. There are lots of work arounds where you can simulate being put to use, like going to the gym, but it seems like calling it an illness reinforces it all in a way. For some people. I know that it's bad at a genetic/neurological level for others.

Also, forgot to list sun exposure. Very important IMO. Also, just daylight exposure, if not actual direct sun, during the cloudy months.


This sounds like stupid advice, but is actually very good. We evolved to function outdoors and it is apparent.