Which city has the worst fans and why is is Philadelphia

Which city has the worst fans and why is is Philadelphia

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good, fuck nazis

>Sup Forums is losing
But you are correct, Philty is by far the worst.

>Fire someone for being white
>Prove Sup Forums's point

I'll pity you when the rope comes.

>firing minimum wage workers for political beliefs
>this only looks bad for the Phillies
>losing badly

sounds like you need to be Dodge'd

fuck off, bong

that is one smug slut. I bet she threw a battery at sana

Enjoy your food stamps


>fuck commies they're fucking ruinin our country with this SJW cuck mentality you don't deserve any free gibs you fucking nigger loving cucks muh capitalism muh spooks


oh sweet another reddit thread

I think you would get fired from any job if you were a vocal "white nationalist." Hilarious that someone who believes in the superiority of the white race couldn't get a better job than as a fucking pistachio peddled though.

the only good commie is a dead commie

>"Fuck off, you're probably part of the alt-right!"
>The "alt-right"




I love neighbour

>last year

I remember this shitstorm. lmao at all the redditors whothink it's recent tho

Would be great story for Dee in Always Sunny

enjoy being so intellectually stunted you reject facts and scientific realities is favour of virtue signalling and pseudo-science

oh wait, you are probably a NEET or ex-mil plumber retard, nevermind trying to explain anything to you.

>withhunt on everyone with a different opinion
>we are the nice guys
>they are the nazis

The Gang Becomes Unemployed

kek, your argument went from "shit" to "lost" in the space of one post. Pretty embarassing for you lad

Everyone's gone insane

nazi used to be a bad thing. now they're the new freedom fighters?


Emily a cute

she was probably in school and working for the lillies as a summer job

>In school

Fash goys can hide in the college republicans as long as they stay quiet on the JQ.


When exactly is this reckoning supposed to happen you dumbshits?

I don't really believe in it but you're retarded if you don't think we're close. Racial tensions havent been this bad since the civil rights movement

>asks "what do you think about white people?"
>gets no response
>tweet claims she didn't want discussion
Just saying.

>I don't really believe in it but you're retarded if you don't think we're close

da fuck, how is this considered white, looks like a dirty sand monkey or jew

Emily is stacked desu

they don't give a crud la

I don't know, why does a hispanic join a white nationalist movement?

It's >USA-white

he joing the Que Que Que chapter

White hispanics honorary aryans after the zimmerman trial

I thought this was a shit on Philadelphia thread.

the u.s. has a very liberal definition on whats white

She's 26 my man.

what are non traditional students

>"oy vey, we are the land of freedom, enjoy the free speech"
>people use their free speech

Really put your neurons on fire tbqh

I think Texas ranks up there. Any city

>Amerifats go on about their free speech muh freedums
>Literally get kicked out of your employment/university for voicing the wrong views


Businesses are allowed to fire people based on what they say. Free speech means he can't be charged in a court, but that's about it.

>free speech
Why won't people understand what free speech actually means?
Free speech means you won't get locked up in gulag for spouting shit.
They're still free though, freedom to be unemployed is still freedom.

I see no evidence that she's anything but a pistachio peddler for a shitty team.


free speech doesn't mean you're allowed to chat shit and not get banged. private organizations (which includes most US universities) are allowed to hire and fire whoever the fuck they want which is ironically supposed to be the core idology of these alt right fucktards.

Now she's a youtuber with an amazing 11k subscribers

>i don't understand the law


>decades of propaganda meant to destroy white families and lower white birthrates
>decades of mass immigration from the third world
>decades of shipping jobs from white areas of the country overseas
>decades of massive black-on-white crime epidemic
>years of pushing identity politics
>white people embrace identity politics
>organize a rally to defend their culture and shout that they don't want to be replaced in their own countries

oy gevalt

Literally nothing is stopping you from going outside and having kids with a white woman.

But that's the free speech inherent to private enterprises, as they're just as much a person as you or me.

whats her channel


>German nazis killed a bunch of worthelss polacks 60 years ago
>...but nationalism is great when we do it lol fuck immigrants (when they come to our country which they don't ever because it's a repulsive shithole, but we should be allowed to go to western countries, it is our birthright as European citizens) and fuck G*rmany (but also keep giving us money, we deserve it because you were nazis which is bad when you do it but great and heroic when we do it)

Even chanology fagets understood why you don't show your powerlevel and this was before facebook. My 10 to whoever is doxxing these bandwagoning newfags.

witch hunt? They were in a public venue

t. amir al granada

let's just ignore that whites can hardly find good jobs, can't afford housing without getting in debt for decades to jews, let's ignore the massive brainwashing campaigns, feminism etc. directed on white communities

all the while people who just arrived on a boat from Africa get free housing, welfare (more and more for every kid) and are fed a combination of historical victim complex, anti-white hatred and black/muslim supremacy since young age.
That welfare and housing of course paid by white taxes

And yes pushing feminism, nihilism and hedonism on white communities by jews fits the definition of genocide. The fucking hypocrisy. White people having children? No the earth is overpopulated stop, watch tv and get on the pill instead. Oh, btw. we need millions of africans because white people aren't making any babies.

Huh, what? Can't find a good job? Your girl won't get maternity leave? White children are taught that being white is evil in schools while both their parents must work their ass off to barely support them? Silly white people, why don't you just have 15 kids like muslims who get everything for free?

You can literally show up from Africa having nothing to offer as a person to Canada and get EVERYTHING while a white european person would have to go through massive procces first and would get rejected at the end of it anyway.

Oh, and you think those ebil nazis are bad? You have muslims openly calling for rape and murder of whites, you can easily look it up. On the streets, in mosques. Actually killing whites in terrorist attacks and murders. Rapes every day. And every day they get told that THEY are the victims here, of islamophobia.

You have direct quotes from college professors that white men are evil and white race must me eliminated and then you get shocked when young white males, without hopes and perspectives, spat upon every day (but told they're priviledged, all their complains dismissed and ridiculed) get radicalized and fight back.

This only really effects you if you are white in skin color only. If you are really white on the inside you would be successful. The reason you are poor, jelly and mad is because you have a nigger soul.

>XD he lost his maccdonald job

meanwhile the fat bitch lost her life lol

>historical victim complex

Remind you of anyone?

These guys are right! The hollywood blacklist did nothing wrong!

The believe the white nationalists will only kick out the "bad hispanics".

in ALL seriousness, what's wrong with being a white nationalist?

It's a triple-tie between Philly, Seattle and Vancouver

nothing if you're white. But the thing is, actual white people like Germans or Scandis are some of the least nationalist people on the planet as I'm sure you know from your frequent Sup Forums shitposting fests. What's wrong is spics or slavs like you or mixed american mutts roleplaying as white nationalists.

I want to ____ Emily

If you're just proud of being white and all, there's nothing essentially "wrong" with it.

But for the most part, "White nationalist" has become more of a euphemism for Neo-Nazi really. So they get tied in the same bucket, and you go from being a guy that takes pride in his race to a guy that wants to exterminate other races because he thinks his is superior.

Thank the media and a generally uninformed public for graying the two together.

>libtards will defend this

>1 team cities
>comparable to philthy
nobody cares about those backwater outposts.

She literally wants to impose white sharia

that phillies fan died btw


why is it always low level service cucks making minimum wage who attend these rallies and shout MAGA?
are they planning on contributing, or just freeloading off of others, like the niggers and spics they hate?

jesus dude get a grip

>le ebin redpill

>Sup Forums is unironically reddit 2.0 now

What went wrong?

generals, even the mods have given up on Sup Forums

they moved on and are protecting core boards from creating generals

as soon as he opens this thread and realizes its has gone way off topic it will get deleted, for free, of course.

Question: Should I go see the Cubs play the Phillies next weekend?

Hard mode: Cub fan with a Cubs cap and Rizzo jersey.

People started thinking being a white nationalist was a good thing

most boards experience a massive influx of redditards and the accompanying incredible drop in post quality on very special occasions only (gamergate, some shitty anime goes mainstream, a literal human meme starts winning presidential primaries, etc)

but Sup Forums gets them regularly every other year due to the Olympics and the World Cup. as such, while on most boards post quality somewhat fluctuates over the years, Sup Forums post quality has had a steady decline since its (re)creation by nature. 2008 Sup Forums was better than 2010 Sup Forums, 2012 Sup Forums was better than 2014 Sup Forums, and they were all better than current Sup Forums.

>It's a /spol/ thread

holy fucking shit dude

>wah wah why can't people accept me as a racist in real life like on Sup Forums



Based poland

Good lad.

based poland dropping a truth bomb

>being this delusional

Witchhunt implies they aren't actually doing what they are accused of.

Severely underrated post.

Autistic literal Sup Forumsack stikes again