If we start buying albums again, will music improve?

If we start buying albums again, will music improve?

you gotta make the improved music

Unironically, yes. The big issue nowadays is that major record labels aren't making as much money so they're playing it really, really safe and only pushing what they know will work. You think they'd take a chance like they used to nowadays? Give them their money and they'll do good with it.

It's not fair. Someone fix this shit.

Did movies improve when people started buying VHSs again?

I don't know, but VHS tapes were dope, maybe we should start buying. Anything is better than another superhero flick.


was there a period where people stopped buying VHSs and started pirating/streaming all their movies?

So is Operation: VHS Tapes in effect or not?

Yes, anyone who says otherwise is trying to justify their piracy like an addict

Yes, that's why I buy music I like. I also buy music on vinyl if available because I like vinyl. Money talks nigger.

But one dude ain't gonna change much.

streaming killed music but the convenience of streaming won't ever go away to normies so they won't ever buy music unless they absolutely worship the artist and even then it's like taylor swift or kanye west

Well, yes but a more reasonable/better approach is to start buying more merch of you’re favorite artists and talking about music more. Lil ugly man makes $0 from his albums and he’s rich as fuck because of his merchandising and loyal fans exposing him to more people.

I'm thinking about buying albums again. The internet is great to discover new stuff, but now that I know what I like I'd rather spend my time really listening to the albums I enjoy. I'll continue looking for new albums, but it will be like 10% of my time spent on music, otherwise no real bond is created with the music. It makes more sense to buy albums than listen to the same 5 albums on spotify all the time and keep paying the subscription.
For the industry I think it would be ideal if people reached a similar balance. If people forge a true bond with artists they'll be willing to spend more money on it anyways, and to top it off it will do the general population good. But I don't see that happening soon, that would mean people would need to stop being technology minions, and those with the money wouldn't like that a bit.
Also posting my waifu

Having a waifu is straight up bitch-made, just to let you know

Was there ever a point where people were pirating and streaming media...but then went back to buying physical copies?

Not saying it’s hopeless and CDs will be here for a long time but people do what’s easier. Inventions come and go

I saw her live at the Roxy in LA. She was truly fantastic.

Also, you're a faggot.

Kanye deserves it.

>if we start buying paintings again, will art improve?

Only if people don’t buy shitty music

there is music being made on soundcloud and bandcamp with almost no listeners that is just as good as the great music of the past and it is almost impossible to find any of it lol

it's not the same. painting is vastly less personal than songwriter music.

>there is music being made on soundcloud and bandcamp with almost no listeners that is just as good as the great music of the past
Is this the biggest lie ever told? "You gotta dig for it bro!"

Normal People have jobs and gfs

Your days are numbered.

If streaming is adopted en masse it enormous potential, we are talking about a large subscriber base vs people buying albums once in a while. Monetarily it has a lot of potential, my problem with it is it cheapens music to the extreme. It is no longer something people truly spend time with, it's just something else in the background for those who can't stand silence. This is what kills music. Greedy asshole execs don't help either. If this goes on unchecked it will only encourage more cookie cutter pop stars and predictable indie. Music becomes only what you hear at starbucks or the soundtrack to people getting wasted and hooking up. This is how low music has been brought. It terrifies me.

But then music is reduced to advertising merch. Musicians should care about selling music, not clothes, mugs and ejat have you. This also spawns more cookie cutter bullshit

What? You don't keep up with the neo surf techno bands from Guam? Stop being a lazy fuck for once in your life, please. You're what's wrong with music. They should do it for the music, not money!

Wow we have the same opinion. Do I know you?


No, hard times create strong men

this is why perpetual growth is a bad system. they have more money than ever before but are less likely to take risks with it

>they'll do good with it
>implying they weren't always a bunch of cunts
>implying it hasn't gotten even worse due to the internet and further concentration at the hands of a few conglomerates
You don't know what you're talking about kid. Go back to your dolls.

The best thing that can happen is indie acts getting their shit together business-wise. Once that happens they'll deal with the labels better. As it stands many are incompetent, some are waiting for a label to come forth and solve all their problems, some focus too much on business and suck on music and a minority manages to do both. Yeah it would be great if artists could focus on the art only, but let's not be divas and pretend like there are no other professions getting fucked. That doesn't mean that I agree with what's going on, but a lot of artists need to be told not to be divas on a daily basis