
Sad anime edition

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done every other popular drug except coke

is it nice or do you just feel awful afterwards


>I disagree with what you are saying but have no counter argument so instead I'll just post a picture of a man in a fedora

goat rap song


DESPERATELY craving a british bf right about now


I have never touched a breast

more of this set?

WISH my gf had somewhat bigger tits

wonder if she wishes I had a somewhat bigger willy too

>>I disagree with what you are saying but have no counter argument so instead I'll just post a picture of a man in a fedora

its too expensive for what you get and quite addictive so I would advise you continue to avoid it
you arent missing anything if youve done all the others

have you touched a breast (male)?

you better be a grill

he's an actual nutter



You better be British. I won't let a non-brit touch my Jellybellies™.

I have...

in med school :-(

Hindu anime edition

no idea


coke doesn't make you feel awful afterwards if you don't do absolutely loads of it. it's very easy to do absolutely loads of it though.

That's right you little roaches, keep posting for MY amusement

You are naught but ants beneath my boot

on it's own it's ahrsh afterwards but the thing is whne you're out of your mind on coke you can drink and drink and drink and eventually you just pass out so it's ok

>"homosexuality is normal"
>"gays are just like you and me"
>go into public toilet stall to piss because the urinals are all taken
>words scribbled all over the stall walls
>"I can be ur sissy, call me [phone number]"
>"text me and i'll show you my dick [phone number]"
>"gagging for a dick, will you give it to me? leave your number!"
>"It's currently June 25th, meet me here at 3pm on June 29th and I can be your personal toilet hehe"
>(written directly below the above sentence) "Nobody showed up :("
Burn them all.

Some girl let me grope her at the strip club.

Brit on vacation here ;-)

how many so called religious people have read and understood the entirety of their holy texts

imagine the life of these people

hate 9 to 5ing but there is no other way lads :(

My housemate's girlfriend hangs out in the same circles as her

Apparently she's a dirty sket and her and Maisie are constantly off their faces on whatever drug is fashionable

There was a story about her pissing in the men's urinal




best new anime

was at a rap concert once and people in the crowd kept sexually harassing women

there was one super qt girl who had made eye contact with me earlier in the night and she stood close to me on the dance floor

i tried to stick a finger up her skirt and she smacked my hand and said "dont do that!" and i just wimpered, apologized, and looked down

nearly same as in im not a virgin but the girl i had sex on didnt have tits


what's it about?


All normal people want sex, gays just don't bother with all the airy-fairy coy nonsense

>slavery tomorrow

Jungle and DnB are the same genre

His hands are more attractive than her chest
(Not a homosexual)

Imagine actually being the sort of twat who watches fucking anime

holy moses as my mum would say

had a similar expereince at a music festival.
one night i was grinding on some big bootie chick, kissing her neck and that (she was grinding back so it was all cool)

next night, started grinding on some other girl and then this guy pushed me off and she was looking all disgusting. apologised and wimpered away.


remove from hard drive


t. bender that deserves to be in a camp

day 3 of no fap

Those are nice TIGHTS

quite pleased that I never fell into it
it really is a grim hobby to have

but i just made it

In a couple of hours in town I saw 5 obvious trannies and a child who appeared to have deliberately been turned androgynous by its parents

>go into stall because urinals are all taken
>"timothy james byrne here flat spracklen house dukes place marlow it's the 21st of june 2016..."

>(((holy moses)))

Ah yes, the mostly monogamous sex lives of heteros are totally comparable to gays literally sticking their dicks in the shit-filled intestines of hundreds of random strangers

Lost about 10ETH trading today

That's about £1500

the flat

>ywn be a streetwise punk growing up in 1980s Boston

Those are my pictures and I didn't give you permission.

>second worst possible yuri to adapt
>people lap it up because yuri memes
Its a shame the worst is also getting one.


ticka ticka ticka

Awful. Imagine living in that.

i've lived in worse places


cute anime girls

No fridge or washroom huh..

foot hurts :-/

Hate the social dynamics of places with pounding music and lots of bodies close to each other. Saw some girl once at a club and this fella had her up against the wall with a hand on the wall on either side of her face like that thing that's trendy with gooks at the minute. She was laughing along with his jokes and smiling and talking casually with him and then he looked away for a few seconds and she turned to me dead serious and mouthed "Help me".



nice bum that

imagine if you were there

>monogamous sex lives of heteros
It's not the 1920s anymore, grandma.

big fan of benders

What's the rent

>anime and gay stuff
This is turning out to be a rather terrible thread.

I'd honestly rather live here than the student accomodation I had in first year - not having to share a bathroom or kitchen would be great

no fridge though?

>he doesn't do anal

Hello virgin!


no such thing!

Retarded povvo autist here

Bought train tickets and it didn't tell me the platform, do I find out on the big screens just before departure?

comfy at twenty
depressing at thirty
lethal at fourty

need a /brit/ bf who prefers bottom

its in london so 800 a week lol

why so many girls have the same smell like a sort of piss/soap smell?


hello shlomo

bit gay

big fan of getting my arse filled with cum


everyone is so soft these days

give yourself enough time though

these are wise words

Ordered Basic Economics (Hardcover) by Thomas Sowell

once got an escort to 'foot fist' my arse, very enjoyable experience but have since moved away from the whole extreme anal scene as i need to strengthen my sphincter

why do normies have to ruin everything?

tim just wanted to upload his daily selfies and they have to go and do this

feel bad for him

this. I'm renting a room of a family right now.

the room is peng and the kitchen is nice, but the actual experience of living with other people is far worse than living in a ridiculosuly small studio like in that pic.

>loud noises constantly
>constantly having to interract with people
>have to get fully dressed if i need to go to the bathroom
>have to wait for people to be done with stuff

Anyone want to go bowling?