So a Corvette PUSHED a Star Destroyer into ANOTHER Star Destroyer and they BOTH crashed through the shield...

So a Corvette PUSHED a Star Destroyer into ANOTHER Star Destroyer and they BOTH crashed through the shield? Did I see that right?

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Does anyone actually FLY these fucking things?


Somebody explain this to me, dammit.

a Corvette PUSHED a Star Destroyer into ANOTHER Star Destroyer and they BOTH crashed through the shield

If enough force is applied to something in a 0-g environment, then yea, shits gonna move in space, no matter how big it is.

God dammit. Okay then. Thanks.

Agreed, but a Star Destroyer isn't inert. It's a ship, doesn't it have steering? Stabilizers? Something?

Yes I saw that. I dont know why it went down with the ship. I assume there was a scene cut that showed them either stuck, or their reverse engines disabled, or some other crap

maybe the force of the corvettes engines hitting it from that angle were enough to overwhelm it's maneuvering abilities