What did the hair gods mean by this?

What did the hair gods mean by this?

Northern Europeans have shit hair genetics

Receded hairlines are GOAT

This picture is so fucking funny

i used to make fun of balders too,
but then i, myself, began balding...

Eriksen really is an unfortunate looking man. Good thing for him he's a millionaire athlete

looks like the average white scandi

he paid £10k for his hair to look like that..

Wtf this shouldn't happen after a hair transplant

He isn't ugly but he's still a short cuck

You can see where the transplant was (the darker parts)

the rest of his hair will continue to go away, that's the part everyone forgets. You get this stupid ring.

He's probably too stubborn to go on fin and actually keep it all

According to google he's 6' so not short. Well he's not hideous, just odd looking. Probably due to his small mouth and non-existent lips

Okay, my bad. I thought he was already full bald when he got the transplant but Google Search shows they only filled his temples.

why? hair transplant isn't eternal, you still lose your hair, you have to take chemicals to prevent your new hair to fall, but sometimes it doesn't work as effectively, it depends on the person.


>the state of the English genepool

He should go to the people who did Shane Warne

make them more aerodynamic

t. Guardiola & Conte

What's up with Sup Forums's obsession with hairlines?

Projection you retard

Eriksen is Danish and Kane is ethnically Irish