Pure monkeyno
Pure monkeyno
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pls respond???
This meme needs to end these suck terribly. They arent anywhere near kino they are infact mad max plebbit road tier flavor pleb shit
>being this much of a pleb
vacate my malaysian picture board you memelord
I will forever get the titles of these films mixed up. You could argue either way whether "rise" should logically precede "dawn" or not. I guess what they went for is that the apes "rise" from nothing to the "dawn" of the big transition to the a planet dominated by apes. But you could also say that "dawn" could mean the very beginning and that from that point they "rise".
They are not monkeys they are apes god DAMMIT
show me a better blockbuster than Planet of the Apes or Mad Max that came out in the last 10 years
Every Which Way But Loose
Any Which Way You Can
Cannonball Run II
These movies have better CGI than 90% of what Disney shits. The last shot of Dawn is impressive.
that Maurice monke was borderline real
>in the mood for a monkey movie
>found this "classic" about a guy that lives on mars with a monkey
>it was truely awful
will nothing ever surpass dustin checks in?
The Monkey content is excellent, especially in Dawn
Anything that has to do with the human characters is shit
pic related
is anyone else irritated by that cover? they shoulda just put the faces together. other than that, yeah i love these movies
post better monkey movies then faggot
black people are monkeys
who cares, the human characters arent important, especially in 2, they are like 20% of the movie.
my nigga Caesar is where its at
they prolly will put whole Caesar face in the middle when War comes out
the next one is going to be GOAT
>watch the trailer
>"And if we lose..
>It will be...
>A planet..
>..of apes..."
I know a guy who watched the entirety of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes without subtitles for when the apes speak. He didn't know there were supposed to be subtitles. Let's just say he was a bit confused.
when talking about time of day, dawn precedes sunrise
what did they mean by this?
we dont talk about this movie
That was so fucking awful. How can you watch the original and miss the point of the ending so fucking badly?
you are talking about a director who said he hates comic books after he directed fucking Batman
Good God.
I accidentally did this for the first few scenes of Dawn, forgetting that they were a thing because they weren't on by default. So I was just making up how ape conversations went in my head and, well, I need to brush up on my ASL.
Well fuck, the rip I watched didn't have subtitles and I assumed there were none. I still understood what was going on pretty well though.
its pretty good, im hyped for the third one
>the only blockbuster franchise right now that puts character and story above mindless action
>what is BvS
I did this on my first watch, was kind of fun trying to figure out what they were saying.
Best "new" franchise of the last 10 years
Trailer sure doesn't do a good job selling that.
utter trash?
is the chimp's face supposed to look nothing like a real chimp's face? it's distracting
they had to make Ceasar more human-ish so the normies could associate somehow
they just made it look weird and fake imo
it's almost as if the apes in the movies are some kind of weird mutation which gives them almost human like characteristics and features.
but who knows.
not me. i didn't watch it. that's why i asked if the chimp was supposed to look nothing like a chimp
no, they had plenty of realistic looking apes in the movies
Caesar is just special
this gotta be the best CGI in a movie that ive seen