What will her Darth name be, before she becomes Empress of the New Order?
Darth Xeno
Darth Pusy Mistress I hope, im so horny for her!
dark ovaries
Darth Menstrus. Let the force flow.
Darth Gril
Darth Slag
dubs say Darth Vagichlorians
Darth Gear
Darth Sueius
Darth Compressorius
Darth Starkiller
Darth Cunnilingus
Darth Femme
Darth Icky
That's the shittiest fan edit I've seen
Darth Gurl
Yeastus Infectus
You watch yourself.
Darth Ass
Death Ray
Darth Reyvan
Darth Smilus
Darth Insanius
What does Darth even mean or indicate? Just an honorific instead of saying "Sith such-and-such?"
Why are jedi such niggers?
Why does my wife sleep with black men?
Darth Bypass
It's dutch for Dark.
Darth Munter
I want her to be Empress of muh fucking dick desu senpai
What will Luke do to Rey?
darth reddit
Darth Mar i-Xue
Darth ChompySquintSquint
Is Mark a manlet? Tippie toes
Take his lightsaber back and force throw her off the cliff.
Why not just Rey?
>Darth Rey
>Death Ray
It fits with the fucking stupid naming scheme. If not just call her Darth Nefarious
Darth Shav, daughter of Shiv, guv
>of the New Order
They got fucked no one wants to see those pussies anymore.
The dudes in 7 were the First Order, not the New Order.
The New Order will be the empire Empress Rey assembles after she kills snoke desu
Darth Ogressive
Darthy Sue
Wait, is this a spoiler?
Nah, I'm just really, really trying to meme Empress Rey into reality
It's, imo, the only thing that can redeem the new trilogy at this point.
Dorothy Soo
Oh OK. Yeah I'm not seeing this. God it would be cool if she did turn dark.
The best and most realistic I can see happening would be Rey goes to the dark, and Kylo goes to the light, and ends up pulling her back to the light. Or it'll just be another 2 movies of her being a god.
Star Wars was released in 1977
In my happy world where the sequels don't exist yet, during the second movie she'll train with Luke, get powerful, and something will happen where she'll need more power to get what she wants, to save some people or some shit. I don't know, that's not the point. She'll feel the pull of the dark side and get corrupted.
The conflict will end with her and snoke. Snoke will be like "kill kylo and become my apprentise lol" and she'll be like "I am no ones apprentise" and kill snoke.
After she kills snoke she takes over the remnants of the first order, makes it the New Order, of which she is Empress.
The last movie will be about her hunting down Kylo to make him her apprentice, in an almost demented manner. Mostly for fetish reasons.
Kylo will be turning to the light and trying to get the New Republic army to stand against Rey.
and they are siblings
Darth Xer/Xe/Xim/xier/xies/xiem/xien/dier/zoop/zip/ze/zes
that's not bad
though I want her and Kylo bro sis
God what kind of fucking name is Kylo anyways
the name that kids will be named in 10 years
I suspect if she joined the dark side she'd be dubbed Darth Revan or something. Neckbeards would lose their shit but normies would love this male character being genderbent to a strong independent woman villain.
Also why the fuck does Mark Hamil tuck in his tshirt with a belt on. Jesus.
I doubt it. If 7 was anything to go off of, we're not going to get a dark twist like that.
Then again, Rogue One was pretty dark, as far as Star Wars goes.