Why is the star wars extended universe so much more interesting than the main series?

Why is the star wars extended universe so much more interesting than the main series?

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Good guy rebels vs. evil space nazis: the lead up to a 45-minute space battle is boring after a couple movies.

The extended universe allowed writers to make up stories within the universe that were more morally ambiguous and usually more interesting.

It's the difference between watching a detective film noir and a WWII documentary.

It canonizes bigger luke theory by introducing Luuke and Luuuke

EU was like giving nerds te right to do whatever the fuck they wanted with the universe so even the bad stuff(Force unleashed,Darth maul wank,making Jedi reality warpers) was still fun to see and the good stuff(Jacen solo,sith history,New age)

Better question is why the fuck is Star Wars trying to cater to girls? Is that not absolutely retarded business practice?

Because Lucas is a painfully average creator in terms of quality

and now there's no dumb fun stuff and no god-tier stuff that took risks

it's all just play-it-safe shit

and there wont ever be a single good SW game or comic ever again

>Better question is why the fuck is Star Wars trying to cater to girls? Is that not absolutely retarded business practice?

Males will go see star wars because its star wars, there is no need to pander to them.

Females will only go see star wars if it has a female lead.

So if you want to expand the audience, market to women. It's that simple.That's why both new star wars movies have female leads and every commercial for star wars toys stars a little girl.

Also the hunger games was a proof of concept that this would work.

I want to cuddle the second girl from the left

Pretty much, widen your potential audience by having a diverse cast. Make mo cash. Disney isn't not stupid they would have done tonns of testing and group interest trials to get the perfect formula.

>but user, because of this tactic, I've stopped caring about Star Wars entirely
>Checkmate, marketers

Capitalism is a crime against humanity

Its not. They both suck.

>During the Mission to Ryloth in 14 BBY, a clone trooper served as the captain of the Emperor's Royal Guard, the personal security to Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine. In the aftermath of the Free Ryloth movement's destruction of the Star Destroyer Perilous over the planet Ryloth, he was present with the Emperor, Darth Vader, Sergeant Erstin Deez, and two other members of the Royal Guard as they evacuated on Vader's shuttle. Upon the shuttle's crash landing in the jungles of the planet's surface, the Emperor, Vader, the sergeant, and the captain were the only mobile survivors. One guard died as a result of the crash's impact, and the other, whom had neglected to fasten his harness in the shuttle was unconscious and now fashioned a broken limb. The captain, on the Emperor's orders and without a second thought, executed the immobile guard for his insolence. Making their way through the forest, the group of survivors eventually encountered a hoard of lyleks that relentlessly chased them through the jungle, eventually corralling them in their nest. After an intense battle, the nest and its queen were eventually all killed, however, among the carnage, the captain was also killed.[2]


Who will portray him in the inevitable adaptation?

neckbeards don't figure into demographics

It's the cyclical nature of the galaxy at war, mainly the Republic/Jedi vs. Sith, and how both sides have their own history, lore, artifacts, legends, and temples. Also because you get more time to explore physical locations, and it's not so much of a rush to get to the next battle. You're not gonna see a mainline Star Wars film that spends talking about history or venturing to locations to do mundane things.


Because you're a child that wants to see Space Wizards use Form 8 Sju'kiwh'zna against bad guys

>diverse cast

Jyn was the only female on her team. The only other remotely big female character was Mon Mothma and she just hung around the base. The cast was male as fuck and how Disney is getting away with it is beyond me.

Old Republic is the only good EU thing.

It isn't, 90% of it is poorly written, ridiculous shit.
There are a few gems here and there, but there is a reason why people always mention the Thrawn trilogy and KotoR and not much else. Wookipedia legends is like a compendium of shame.

From left 2 5 3 4 1

Exceptional taste user

2 > 3 > 1 > 5 > 4

Because writers and developers make the games out of passion and love for the franchise.

Now it's all about pandering, controlling what gets shown and in the name of easy money

Is that thing I'm looking at exactly what it seems like it is?

I can tell you that that's no moon.