choa eating planes and knocking down buildings
based rv pandering to their lesbian audience
well you should have been more clearer in your words because "in" can mean lots of things especially gay things which people like to say choabros do when they actually don't
and being mean to choabros is being mean to choa because choa loves all of her fans
we are just protective of choa and each other because we are close
FREAKIN CUTE, i think choa saved the other tower there
a true hero, our hero
10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10
shitposting on kpg again i see, yeri
if you have any funny choas i can use to make giant choas feel free to post them, these edits are fun
actually, maybe not the phallic object near our choa's mouth, she does not do that at all
mina’s shoes make me want to kill myself
this should have been the single instead
new RV was very underwhelming, it's not bad, but it's not good either
that's the stuff
she did it for the greater good, choa saved many lives that day
did you see all the ones i posted before?
Looks like bboom bboom is still SOTY
joy and yeri pandered pretty well to the hetero white male
the lesbos like that too
more like whom whom
one of many reasons to love our pretty hero choa
this but excuse me
do you have a choa where it looks like she's stomping on something?
excuse me came out last year peabrain
let me check my database
yeah, it's that good
tfw no suzy gf
so it cant be soty for 2018
bad boy more like bad song
maybe this, i will keep searching
i just said it was so good it extends into the next year
she really is! glad we have more choa fans now
wow they’re doing pretty good
thanks chingu
>he thinks being number 4 is a flop
i would like to see one with this too maybe if you can make it work somewhere
Isn't that worse than peek at 2?
ill try to find a suitable background
I said they’re doing pretty good.
dayoung tho
another good one i think
this is pretty exciting
Can we all agree that Red Velvet did it again?
what kind of songs do normies have sex to?
looks like candy pop is still soty
looks like big bang's bad boy is still best bad boy
Toro Y Moi's album "Anything in Return"
this but brand new girl
>Revealed by HaSeul in Loona TV#40, each member is released based on their performance test scores, meaning HeeJin, having the highest, debuted first.
the heej is a goddess
but i wonder if they still do this, sounds counterintuitive because the quality would always go down every new girl
so cute
haven't heard the song yet but sure
>vivi higher than oec
this surely can't be true
and maybe this one where she looks down at the little people
i don't think she ever said that
bad boy sounds like a loona b-side
omo queen
twice nippon showcase in tokyo
yep, the wiki stretched what she said
apologise to loona pls
it's sounds like an oec song, or maybe yves song
i still think it's pretty good and i loved the mv
when will jinsoul and slug collab
The instrumental’s pretty fun. I’m surprised sm released inst versions this time.
lip's voice is really good, the 4th best singer in loona
yeri really steals the show for me in bad boy. can't focus on anybody else. she really had the right attitude going on
Is Weki Meki going to be alright, i'm scared about all the rumors of Fantagio hostile takeover
i mean i was going to say it sucked even if it was good but this new rv really actually is pretty shit dbh
I remember that first time I saw jinsoul..
Literal Goddess
yup, looks like RV is about yeri now, but i still couldn't stop looking at joy being super sexy
>see new rv trending the twitta machine
>click on it
>every 5th post is the screencap of them almost kissing
>no link to ever listen to the song
where do you find links for shows like that
we can agree Jiho is based
and she never looked like that ever again
I'm certain smartfu will wrangle an amicable deal with the corporate board
women are so easy to manipulate. clc should jump on this opportunity next comeback
who is sally?
>japanese cheer up
why do i get the feeling that yeri wouldn't mind dying these days
the other one sounds better
is chuu evil
love this song
no that's gowon