What did Bono mean by this?
What did Bono mean by this?
The US is a shithole desu
he is shilling so hard he is completely lost it. He is the purest form of the "please call me a good person" type of human
Boner meant he can't into history.
Only the parts with all the black people.
Bono and U2 have just lost all sense of subtlety and artistry. Whatever they do now is awkward and feels forced. It’s time for them to fuck off.
He thinks that America didnt exist and didnt have a purpose before the Irish fled here, apparently. Typical attitude of globalists shitholers.
lel no
>The USA is a shithole.
>Also I am basically Jesus
That's when they're not plagiarising someone.
Lots of white shit hole places in America too boyo.
U2 was never good
He's tacitly admitting that Ireland is a shithole that filled the US with trash.
Pretty sad that the closest thing to a far-flung white shithole in the US still has better quality of life than actual shitholes elsewhere. Even the most retrograde Appalachian squalor pales in comparison.
The American Dream was pretty much poor immigrants from some of the least developed regions in Europe and the Middle East (Sicily and Naples, Galicia, Ireland, Russian Poland, Greece, Anatolia, Syria and Lebanon), or were fleeing from countries that were exceedingly restrictive of liberal ideas (most Germans, Russians, Czechs and Hungarians). Given Bono is Irish, I reckon in his view immigration is not bad as a thing.
That's not entirely true, some shitholes are better than others. There's parts of America that, whilst not as shit as Haiti or somewhere, would definitely be Moldova tier.
what a boss
Maybe I'm an idiot, but please explain to me how I as a white American am "taking advantage" of impoverished immigrants when they are deliberately entering my country and asking us to employ them
It's not like I'm colonizing Zimbabwe
What has he become...?
A fag like he's always been.
Someone trying to be liked be everyone.
>There's parts of America that, whilst not as shit as Haiti or somewhere, would definitely be Moldova tier.
Then we need to calculate overall shithole percentages.
Safe to say over 99% of Americans who arent homeless bums are shitting in toilets. 99%+ streets that lead anywhere of public interest are paved. 99%+ of the nation has power. All in a vast, continent-spanning nation with 330 million people, the majority of which contribute little to nothing overall, or worse.
Compare that with any shithole nation of your choice.
Somebody explain this fucking band to me. Theyre supposedly hugely popular but I've never heard a single song by them in my life. Theyre supposedly hugely critically acclaimed but everyone bar rolling stone thinks they suck
>but I've never heard a single song by them in my life
I find that hard to believe.
easy bono,it hurts the biddy
ireland average IQ - 92
They're basically REM but where REM knew when to stop U2 didn't and are now awful
>never heard Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year's Day, Pride, Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, One, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Beautiful Day or even fucking Vertigo
Seriously. I couldnt name any off the top of my head even if i wanted too
Every year that passes I regret not killing Bono when I had the chance a little more.
Yeah, seems impossible.
You probably just arent familiar with them, but I guarantee you've heard at least a few of their songs.
Just trying to regain some relevancy by BTFOing Drumpf just like every other celibrity
my sweetest friend
James Murphy is from a shithole country?
I generally dislike Trump, but I find it really funny how he's now made every media liberal in America start calling these countries shitholes. No matter what political stripe you are, you have to admit that it's hilarious watching someone vehemently proclaim that they're a "proud shitholer."
Story time
Seriously, it’s fucking hilarious
Not much of a story, really. I got dragged to a couple of the 360 tour shows and got close enough to Bono to spit on him. After sneaking in a bottle of booze the first time I thought about how easy it'd be to sneak in a pistol the second time and go down in history as the man who shot Bono. I decided the admiration of millions wasnt worth the jail time and obviously never did it.
Maybe next time.
Also as long as Bono wears platform shoes in public like the self-conscious little manlet that he is I dont think his opinions are valid.
He probably wouldnt do it if he wasnt shrinking so bad. Those damn leprechaun genes.
Just saying, he looks like he's wearing boots from a Frankenstein outfit. Who could take that seriously?
he is on infinite drugs
Limousine Liberal doing his limousine grandstanding. Nothing to read into.
>walks outside
>gets shot
>goes to hospital
>no insurance
>bills make you go broke
>become homeless
>gets shot again
Ah yes American prosperity
You're not missing out. If anyone thinks that there's a single iota of U2's discography that's not completely inherent dogshit, you have objectively shit taste and shouldn't be browsing this website.
>these songs literally all sound the same
>*duka duka duka duka duka duka duka duka*
>*light guitar noises*
>nice enough to go for a walk
>liberal enough to have private firearms ownership
>developed enough to have some of the world's top-tier medical centers, and hospitals are everywhere
>private enterprises provide ways to cover medical expenses
>developed enough to bill people and tie it to their name/identity
>can exercise free will to the point where you hit rock bottom
>can still own a gun, worth mentioning twice
>can pass off your inheritance with minimal theft from tax collectors
Sounds great to me.
Wow I love millennials now
I went shooting when I was in America. It was scary, exciting, very cerebral. I think its important for everybody to try once, you don't really understand what a gun is until you shoot one.
I mean this is yet another popmart and rattle and hum moment, which will be followed by a more reserved and heartfelt moment that comes from humbler ambitions to be down to earth and relatable. Its a cycle they've been in since the 80s
Obsessed faggots BTFO
so all the relevant cities?
joshua tree
This fucking retard
The trailer park white trash in countryside leave you the fuck alone. But if you show up on their doorstep uninvited they chimp out just like black people, but at least I never feared they would rob my fucking house for no reason.
This and the ones run by liberals
but that would be the whole usa
In Chicago right now for school and living in Lincoln Park neighborhood. FOr all the bad rep Chicago gets this place is fucking nice. Only place I see shitty blacks is when I take a bus or train to school. Neighborhood is booming and everyone is always out at night 2AM and not worried about getting mugged. Shame all the crime of black and illegals tarnish this city. Way better than NYC in my opinion.
REM are more abstract/artsy and not as political.
>at least I never feared they would rob my fucking house for no reason
Clearly you've never lived next to meth/heroin addicts then
exactly...which is why we need to make America great again
Lel being this much of tard
They usually end up killing themselves. Taking and trying to make their product so that problem solves itself
I have a friend who lives in Lincoln Park, it's literally rich white suburbia but with a train line lmao
If you actually live there you're probably a sheltered trust fund babby and you know literally nothing about the world. Nobody gives even a tenth of a shit what your opinion on "all the crime of black and illegals" is when you live somewhere where you don't have to deal with it
>being mad he can afford to segregate himself from blacks youth why you still have to live them
Almost reminds me of liberals who want more illegals and refugees even though they aren't the ones who have to live next to them.
>opinion on "all the crime of black and illegals" is
That isn't an opinion. That's a fact.
It's weird how neighborhoods are in this city. You can have blocks of nice, trash free streets then as soon as you turn a corner on one street it's a ghetto shithole. It's like this next to Aragon. Down the street around the corner of the Aragon that entire place is full of blacks and homeless bums, but they never cross into the other side of the neighborhood.
Appalachia doesn’t have many blacks m8
You've been trying to do that for 2 years now and nothing has happened. Can't drain the swamp if your entire country is a swamp.
You should really refresh yourself on the definition of "facts" and "opinions" before you post again
Hint: "all the crime of black and illegals tarnish this city" is, aside from barely being a coherent sentence (maybe you should spend more on a better college and less on rent you spoiled little dumbass), not a fact
Great arguments
The point stands. If you live in a rich white neighborhood and, by your own admission, rarely ever see minorities or poor people except when you go into the city, your opinion on said people is worth exactly nothing.
If I listened to something everyone hypes here, like Velocity Design Comfort or something, and only listened to the iTunes 30-second preview of Dsco then decided to come on here and start throwing around my opinion like it holds any weight you would all rightfully shit on me. But I guess it's okay for another user to do it because they're conforming to your edgy circlejerk
I don't live in Chicago, but I've traveled there extensively. But you're right. I'm in another big city in the Midwest and it's exactly the same way here.
I had to go to the courthouse for jury duty this morning (got out of it lel) and accidentally caught the wrong bus on the way back, and 10 minutes in the city was literally unrecognizable.
I'd be really interested to find out what factors led the city to develop that way. But of course I don't know anything about it right now so I'm not going to start trying to argue about something I don't have experience with.
Saint Louis is a lot like that. Hell, drive 10 minutes towards the airport and you'll hit ghettos, industrial districts, 300 person townships, the rural countryside, ghettos again, a mini-suburb full of upper class white folks, another industrial district, strip malls, then the airport.
same in NYC
The thing is U2 is a band of 3 great instrumentalists, and then a self aggrandising, shit head singer, who's got an alright voice.
That sentence means absolutely nothing. moreover its a cunty thing to say. You "bless" people stuck in a society with no potential or social mobility (which is what the American dream is btw, americas had probably the most social mobility in history). You 'bless' them for giving others the -chance-, lets not forget the American dreams not a guarantee, its a crap shoot, with a few winners, and plenty losers. and this 'winner' blesses the shitholes for giving others a chance to get rich. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT BONO?!
I love how the new massa is a gender-neutral white
>americas had probably the most social mobility in history
fucking lmao. Yeah if you're white and were born in the 1950's maybe
How fucking old are you? What do your parents do for a living? Serious question.
imagine being a performer backstage just doing whatever and little do you know some stagehand behind you is contemplating your murder
Bono likes corrupt third world countries, they are where he chooses to pay his extremely minimal taxes.
He can go fuck himself and fuck off while he's doing it.
reee fuck wypipo
But in all seriousness, I don't even care at this point. Let death come to the "West" so the powerful and woke kangz can see the garbage they are.
maybe not for everyone everywhere, but the peasant to president narrative is intrinsic to the US more so than any other nation. From Alexander Hamilton, to Jay Z there's been that sort of extreme social mobility viable in the US
Who's "you"?
Wow wtf is wrong wrong you
Stop it, get some some help. Leave the country if you must. I still aint buyin your next album.
I'm Mexican and I know some huge U2 fans, they're all old hipsters in their 40s-50s. I guess they were ok for their day, but their music is very dated now and there's no reason why a Millenial needs to listen to it.
appalachia is the lifeblood of this country
>liking music is not a reason to listen to it
Stop you dumb beaner
Shame we can't sacrifice Bono to the universe to bring back Mark E Smith.
Perhaps your right it's not been universal but social mobility is the "American Dream" in a nutshell. It's that hit the lottery mentality, that you can go from digging ditches at 19 to owning 9 houses by the time you hit 90
The US was built on the principle that one could achieve success via their own hard work and ambition. Europe wasn't like that, European culture was founded on the idea that the son of a king is a king, the son of a farmer is farmer.
The US also has some of the worst income inequality in the developed world. But hey Jay-Z got rich so go USA!
>How fucking old are you? What do your parents do for a living?
You didn't answer the question.
Yeah and Radiohead was founded on the idea of being a shitty Nirvana ripoff
That's kind of how things work is they don't always end in exactly the same place they start. Wild concept I know
>The US also has some of the worst income inequality in the developed world
We have a bigger population than Switzerland. A lot bigger. That inequality would be greater is inevitable, but then again this is balanced out by the fact that European cost of living is higher.
I guess he could always blame the Jews for his life too.
Also its not as if people didn't have social mobility in Europe, there was heaps of it during the age of exploration. Just that it wasn't intrinsic to those societies the way it has been in the US.
Also half of Europes still got a ways to go to being properly democratic. The British house of lords still has people voting with hereditary peerage rights i.e they were grandfathered in (quite literally).
That's exactly what I'm saying a country with high income equality, but the chance to move up and down the scale, how is that concept so hard to grasp. The "American Dream" has nothing to do with equality, it never has, thats why its had its critics for over a century now.
What the fuck does it matter?