No one in the rebel alliance believed that there was a Death Star, why the fuck didn't they just look up and see it?
Also fuck you to those fags talking near me for most of the movie and a further fuck you to the dad and son who sat on their mobiles for most of it.
Josiah Walker
I knew no one could explain this massive plothole
Chase Turner
>Also fuck you to those fags talking near me for most of the movie and a further fuck you to the dad and son who sat on their mobiles for most of it. You should have said something.
Andrew Bennett
I did, it was some fucking nerds giggling and saying memes through out it.
Jayden Gomez
It was kind of them to sit on top of their phones so you couldn't see the glow from the screens.
Jaxon Kelly
They were transparent though and the light shone through them.
Charles Phillips
I rebel.
Gavin Morales
They did believe in the death star you dolt. They didn't believe in Galen's story about his weakness or that they needed the plans because he was an imperial who was probably luring them into a trap
Benjamin James
No, at the start they didn't believe there was a Death Star. I just watched it
Carter Baker
>caring this much about the plot of a disney cashgrab