Is society reverting back to paganism/barbarism?

>Beards / other facial hair
>Strange, nontraditional hairdos
>Tattoos & piercings
>Hypersexual culture and clothing
>Lack of faith in Christ or any traditional religion
>Desire for nanny state / interdependence and strong leadership

Seriously, replace the multiculturalism with tribalism, and the naive pacifism with lust for war, and we have a full-blown reversion to pagan culture.

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And this is a good thing

(P.S. more terrorist attacks will bring about the last two)

>inb4 1 post by this ID

This guys tattoos are fucking cringy, seriously look like they were just copied and pasted.

your gay mate

I never see people like that. Most guys look pretty normal.

polygamous relationships are also becoming acceptable as well, just like when the pagans were around

Are there any Sup Forums approved tattoo styles or it's just outright degeneracy?

Well there was that one who said God is dead, it seems this is exactly what he meant. Now that religion is seperated from the state in the west, nobody cares about it anymore. I'm pretty sure in a few hundred years the majority will have no religion

Am I the only one that thinks you should bulk up if you're going to go big on the facial hair?