Say something nice about Rey

Say something nice about Rey

I'd fuck her.

I honestly had no problems with Daisy's performance. She felt like a brash, abrupt, headstrong survivalist who's been living alone and surviving on scraps for her entire life and has no idea how to deal with other people. I liked the early stuff that showed that part of her life. For me, it's not so much that she's an outright Sue in the context of Star Wars, it's that they rushed through two films of development in two hours. By the end of the first film, she can do everything Luke could do at the end of ROTJ. They didn't save anything.

She is disgusting.

this is a no bully zone

Rey a cute! A CUTE!!

She was very energetic and kept my attention

She has a fat head
Oh wait something nice haha
Um...she has a clear voice

i've seen uglier

Fuck that's infuriating. Is she supposed to be handicapped?