Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

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What sort of assault rifle did he use?!

Leftists BTFO.

>okc bombing in 1995
>libtards are using a 20+year old attack as an example

Muslims do more terrorist attacks in a week than whitey has in 20 years

>Burger being a total shitposting shill
>leaf has some common sense

am i seeing this right? brings a tear of joy to my eye

He blew it up because he felt like he needed to get even with America for bombing other countries like Serbia, no religious motives.

He was raised catholic but lost touch with his faith.
He only believes that God exists, that's it, this is confirmed.

>I know there's gotta be SOMEWAY to make this about white people
Liberals are literally insane. I know we say this alot, but this year it is reallllllly starting to show

Thats correct

What's his race got to do with it?

This argument is invalid because McVeigh did not commit his act of terror in the name of any Christian terror group, he did it because he hated the fed govt