>there will never be another grime album this good
There will never be another grime album this good
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I miss the streets
What the fuck do you think grime is? Hip-hop with a british accent?
>retarded 'pardner who doesn't know what grime is
Are you it's not UK Hip Hop/Indie?
see Unless you're trolling you're a fucking idiot. This isn't even close to grime.
Try something like pic related for grime or something like Wiley - Treddin' on Thin Ice
>muh elitism
it's fucking grime and has been referred to as such by most people since it's inception
they've been interviewed as "grime musicians" since they were first around
pic related
>making a joke instead of arguing the point at hand
Calling The Streets "are" clearly demonstrates you don't know what you're talking about
UK hip-hop isn't grime though.
>Calling The Streets "are"
fucking what?
they had aspects of both genres, garage as well, but a large portion of it was grime.
Enough to be listed as one of the most influential grime artists.
The Streets is the solo project of Mike Skinner
I'm aware of that lmao, and I'm almost positive I'm correct in my grammar there.
>it's on Wikipedia therefore it is correct
Listen to any Grime album and you'll see it's not really anything like your pic related
Not really. The streets have always been hip-hop with some 2-step beats here and there or like house influence or rock.
Not grime in the slightest.
Not to mention The Streets are pretty shit compared to some proper grime albums but that's more of an opinion
Why do you hate me, Sup Forums?
True Grime banger
post your grime albums
If that shit is "the best" then I don't even wanna know what a bad one sounds like.
i smell the fucking stench of pissheads through the monitor from all of these British cucks in this thread