>be bigger than most of the people in your weight class, win easily >fight a guy bigger than you finally and lose horribly >rematch instantly and can't finish him while also running away so you don't lose again embarrassingly again >only draw in the UFC so the judges give the win >go back to fighting smaller fighters and win >no going to a completely different sport and acting like he belongs
Does the UFC make glass champions? Ronda,Conor,Jones, literally use their size to win fights and if they go against a fighter equal to their size they lose. The only real title holder is mighty mouse and the UFC doesn't even promote him because he doesn't trash talk
Isaiah Price
>le cut two weight classes to beat up on little guy man
Gavin Ramirez
>you will use the exact same argument even if he wins against Floyd Floyd's head is simply too small
Gabriel Howard
>ronda How did she use her size to win against smaller opponents? Jones and McGregor do though.
Carter Fisher
>weight class exploiter you do the same when you beat your kids and wife
Aaron Myers
Thomas Turner
>How did Rhonda use her size. By grappling and throwing to the ground, thats the only way she's ever really won, and when people wised up to how the dumb bitch fights they just waited for her to charge in with her chin out and busted her face open and backed off.
Go look at her big losing fight, thats all she did, dash in, get punched in the face and try to grab, thats all she knows how to do, throw her weight into shit.
Gavin Nguyen
Her problem is she didnt grab, she started thinking she could be a serious striker and looked absurd instead of just riding her one trick pony
Charles Scott
>get beat up for pennies >use the event where you went viral to meme yourself >build hype >leave MMA and go to sport where big money is >fight someone well known for not knocking out opponents and going for points >get paid ALOT more for it genius desu
Ian Sanders
I like mcreggor but let me express some thought to when I used to hate him >easiest fucking matchup, SIVER >DIDNT FIGHT FRANKIE >didnt have to fight supercharged RDA >took fights where he can lose and have size excuse DIAZ >they didnt match him with a wrestler until post prime Mendes out of shape >fights Eddie alvarez for belt, hasnt fought Frankie, showtime, KHABIB, prime Pettis, prime bendo, even Melendez Hes like a gambler who got lucky and won fast. Khabib would eat him, but he is boxing!!
Juan Cruz
The mendes shit is bs, chad wasn't past his prime. It only seemed that way after Conor potentially deleted his chin.
Mendes bragged about being ready and in shape year round, the 'not ready' shit also begun after the loss.
Julian Anderson
also the siver fight was fucking ridiculous
Jaxon Campbell
>Jones Jones is smaller than DC weight wise Smaller than OSP even
Jeremiah Clark
As oppose to boxerr who dodge fighters their entire careers or wait until they're like 500
Austin Howard
Conor's talents are wasted fighting people, he should be a cult leader with all the shit he's got people believing
Jace Jackson
Weigh ins and weightclasses in martial arts are a fucking joke. A whole day between weigh in and fight? A weight class for every five kilos? Just pop diuretics (lmao drug tests??) and you're good to go.
Fucking joke.
Camden Sullivan
Jon Jones isn't the biggest lhw by any stretch
Owen Miller
Didn't he have something silly like an 11 inch reach advantage And 5 inch height advantage vs dc?
The only time he flight someone with similar physical attributes he won a debatable, controversial decision and has been avoiding the rematch since. After gustaffson jones looked like a zombie.
Notice how he'll fight a bloated past prime Brock and admitted miocic is "too big" even though they're the same height and similar reach and off season weight.
>the same size as me is "too big"
People really underestimate the advantage height and reach give.
Hunter Parker
>le rocked by johnson man
Jacob Torres
>Does the UFC make glass champions no shit they do, they are the matchmakers with a total conflict of interest to keep their cash cows from getting exposed
William Phillips
That's the issue with sports, it's the one with the physical and doping advantage will win the majority of times.
That's why GSP is P4P #1 He was not the biggest guy in his division and had the disadvantage of being the cleanest, but he scarified a normal life to keep competitive and dominate WW.
John Allen
How will people deal with it when this mentalcase pysco literally kills Mayweather?
Camden Ortiz
Well memed
It's sad Diaz will never get his rightful rematch and the belt he deserves too. Sucks, he's my local boy. (209) bitches.
Logan Perry
DC has fought people as tall as Jones before. He ragdolled Gustafsson. Jones has that crazy reach though, but regardless of his reach Jones himself is a fantastic fighter. He has more tools and is simply a much better fighter than DC. And didn't Jones not train for that Gustaffson fight? I remember he was coked up and partying. Or was that another fight?
I agree with you though, height and especially reach are advantages not to be underestimated especially in the professional scene where every advantage counts.
Luke Foster
I'm just here for the shitposting
Hudson Morales
Using the entire octagon is part of the game. He won the 2nd diaz fight fair and square, anyone who judges it in favor of diaz is an idiot. >go back to fighting smaller fighters and win What are you talking about? He hasn't come down from lightweight since he went up. >no going to a completely different sport and acting like he belongs he's UFC champ in 2 different weight classes, you want him to just keep defending his belt against a bunch of scrubs that he already beat? can't wait for him to knock mayweather out
Anthony Watson
>bigger Don't they fight by weight class how can he be bigger? You didn't even name Brock, who was legit bigger because he was fighting heavy division
Cooper Taylor
>liking the Diaz brothers >talking shit about any aspect of MMA Enjoy the gif
Ryan Long
So Ronda used skill rather than size? Gotcha dumbass
Elijah Gray
Even if Conor's side comes out to $100,000,000, which is doubtful because a lot of that is no doubt coming from back-end points (meaning he's likely not to see money from that for a long time if ever, google: Hollywood, back-end points, not getting paid), he has to pay out:
10% to publicist 10-15% to manager 10% to agent $300-$500,000 for camp, pre-fight medical, travel and $121,505.25 (lump sum; income tax) PLUS 39.6% of the income over $418,400 (income tax)
And... the $100,000,000 shows up as around
in the bank.
Still fine money, tho.
Julian Reyes
Mendes literally walked away with his hands down with 10 seconds left and got KO'd. Everyone I watched the fight with thought it was a work. Watch the end - it is fucking bizarre. Mendes lets himself get KO'd.
Lucas Ortiz
Logan Campbell
>Jones is smaller than DC weight wise reach, dumbo, it's all about reach
yes Conor's greatest strength is weight-cutting. Without it he's maybe Top 7 in his natural weight class. He's hemming manlets as a career and STILL ducks defending, ffs. Embarrassing.
Colton Ortiz
Austin Adams
>ronda Good fighter, but her retard team convinced her she was Mike Tyson and caused her to lose everything. Her Judo and submission skills are solid, if she stuck to them, she might still be relevant. >conor He isn't worth shit in non manlet divisions, not like that is a bad thing. He got away with that 2nd Diaz fight thanks to the judges. Good fighter though. >jones Only reason he dominates is his freakish size. He should have been in Heavyweight from the start. There is a reason his only real rival was Gus, another freakishly large guy. Good fighter though.
Jacob Cook
Nathan Miller
holy fucking shit you are retarded
Isaiah Wright
OMG you weren't kidding. wtf? this guy is one of the biggest fuck up in the history of sports
Grayson Taylor
no champ, I actually know what I'm talking about - so could you, all the info is available inline. If you object to the fact that I didn't subtract whatever take the UFC is getting (and I'm sure it is huge) that's just because I don't know for sure what their take is. All the other numbers are solid. What exactly is your objection, leaf?
Kayden Robinson
Why are the returns so high?
Ian White
Not a boxing fan but the fight is a show so it's probably pacted that they'll go the distance and Mayweather isn't a power puncher who goes for the KO but a very defensive boxer
Juan Ramirez
that looked like it didnt hurt, fell on his knees and arms
Brayden Green
not a betting guy - what does that mean?
Cameron Perry
Gee I dunno, because its fixed for Nigweather several rounds?
Samuel Campbell
Hudson Morgan
Floyd would spend the first round feeling out his opponent if he were fighting a paraplegic