What's his end game?

What's his end game?

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To become the charming man in the car and get oral sex from some boy i believe. And the complete destruction of all muslims in the UK.

/our guy/ to the fullest

about 300lb

How are him and his fans going to destroy all Muslims? Drown them in tears?


This is unrelated, but is Morrissey gay?
Someone told me he is recently, but I don't feel like googling it.

Morrissey has 10 gas chambers underneath his mansion

Looks like a middle aged trucker who drinks a couple six packs a day.

It's not a bad look desu

/our guy/ indeed

why does he look like a Greek chef now? like wtf i think i saw this guy on andrew zimmern

>So he pulls the bag off his head and says 'you're a big guy', and Bane says 'for you'. It's brilliant Stew she says. It's the biggest film since the silent age, Batman Rises by Chris Nolans. He pulls the bag off his head, says 'you're a big guy' and Bane says 'for you'.
The biggest film since the silent age. Not Lawrence of Arabia. Not Citizen Kane, no! Batman Rises by Chris Nolans.
He says 'you're a big guy' and Bane says 'for you'. Then Aiden Gillen makes a face. The biggest film since the silent era
He pulls the bag off his head, Stew! Stew! Listen Stew!

i want a thicc upper bod like morrissey. not fat. i want that dense look

To have people continue to listen to every single dumb thing that comes out of his mouth until he passes away.


drown them in blood from their wrists

he looks like one of those cartoon hobos that wears a barrel for clothes now

There's no way this dude isn't at least a little bit gay

He's probably kissed a few dudes in his time, maybe sucked a little dick. nothing gay about that

>tfw I love him now

To become the most washed-up hasbeen there has ever been.

there's some obscure interview with him from like the 80's or something and he said he was asexual, whatever that means.

i fucking hate the smiths but the guy was a brilliant song writer and johnny marr was/is a very underrated guitar player

Go check out StarGang on Youtube & SoundCloud

I thought it was known fact that he was gay? Maybe I just assumed that, he seems pretty gay desu

He's a celibate bisexual

daddy af

>sucked a little dick
>nothing gay about that

he's definitely into dudes but he's too autistic to have a meaningful relationship with anyone so it doesn't matter

ugh I'm afraid the muzzies will have their way and turn all the nations to rubble. I'll give it 50 years.

Not all nations user

But you're an atheist.


National Veganism and Chinese genocide

Is this guy worth listening to?
I have respect for his as a down to earth working class guy but he ruins it by being a cuckservative and not a leftist.

Praise Yah

>ruins it by not being a leftist

Being a conservative when you're poor or working class doesn't make any sense, but don't get me wrong I'm not gonna blame people for being conservative most just don't know any better. Morrisey is rich now anyways so he doesn't have as much as an incentive to be a leftist.

>I have respect for his as a down to earth working class guy
you clearly haven't listened to him
>but he ruins it by being a cuckservative and not a leftist.
again you haven't listened to him

Yeah I haven't. What do you mean by all that though? I just read about how his lyrics talk about working class issues and stuff but also about he's conservative a lot of the time.

>implying conservatism is only for the rich and misled

I think he's not a person that really fits into left or right. While a lot of his songs are about alienation and not fitting into his environment in his youth he also seems to have a fondness for the mundane parts of English life. In terms of his political views, you have some relatively radical stuff like Meat is Murder but then he's gone and written songs like Bengali in Platforms and The National Front Disco (which I think is open to interpretation). I think his views of what's going on in Europe are legitimate and I think he has the right to be concerned over the Englishness of England disappearing. Also people need to keep in mind that the guys almost 60 years old, he's not some tumblr twink who's hip to this weeks social crusade.

This is pretty much true as a general rule.
Thanks for this, the alienation thing and stuff is what I meant about what I like about him. It seems like he sang about real stuff not bullshit idealism like a lot of musicians.

True must not mean what you think it means.
However, I would agree that more conservatives become successful by making their own money, and not just suckling off the government.


Morrisy is a weird guy. Its like if you fused pol and tumbler into one person.

He is a walking contradiction. A shy man that loves attention. an elitist who loves the proles.

One second he is talking about being a gay asexual, the next he is saying vaguely racist things about asian people

if we're talking about left-right in the context of western electoral politics, they're both for the rich in the sense that both are ran by the rich for their benefit

The British identity has historically consisted of invaders saving their gene pool from generations of inbreeding and squandering the high IQ genes of the conquering Normans.

Yes I agree that both the Democrats and the Republicans are two sides of the same coin, I mean far leftism, socialism, marxism, communism, anarchism.

wow that's some nazi shit

white ppl baka

How can a vegan be this fat?

It's not nazi. It's just conservative.
Also wym by "white ppl" England has always been a white country.

A white country that hates almost every other white country at that.

wanting to retain your own culture makes you a nazi. We're all one family under globalism

>There's no way this dude isn't at least a little bit gay
no shit

Southern hicks have no culture worth preserving other than moonshine and monster trucks, don't even try to compare your trash existence to centuries of greatness.

>We're all one family under globalism
Kek, guess you've never heard of Islam

>my culture is 'better' than yours so yours doesn't deserve to survive

southern culture is more than that and you know it schlomo

Yes, not all white cultures are equal, just like not all white people are equal. Its mostly the undesirables at the bottom of the barrel that resort to this sort of cringey reactionary "pride" in the accomplishments of greater men from greater lands.

I cannot fucking wait until he dies

Dying alone


i work at a music venue and morrissey refused to go on stage because there was a taco truck across the street. true fuckin story. i don't get why people like this cunt he sounds like kermit the frog.


Tons of potato, beans and (unfortunately) soy.

holy mother of vascular fat

No prob, sorry if I came off as dickish before. I consider myself a relatively big fan of his, there's not many like him out there. I will admit though he says and does retarded stuff constantly which I guess is part of his charm in a way. I think him and Kanye are kindred spirits.

Based Morrissey desu

>is literally an immigrant himself


He was born in England

t. Pierre Mehmed Seamus O'Hessenburg Shekelstein

He's widely regarded as one of the best of his era, and I've never heard anyone criticize his work.

But palestine isn't a nation state?

Sounds like a meat issue.