Guten tag, fellow Germans.
Guten tag, fellow Germans
>be german
>be cuck
Hello I am a future German. Wish me luck on my conquest of German pussy.
You dont need luck lol, you just need luck to get to germany.
Enjoy it while it lasts, cockroach. Europe always wins in the end.
Nice tan.
believing in satan lies
tanned german
You can stop pretending to be cool with your pseudo-german shit, hipsterfaggot.
Good day.
praise kek
G-guten Tag, einmal Analficki b-bitte, ich liebe Refugees!
Nein, ich will diesen Teppich nicht kaufen.
only if its sexual emergency? if not it is HARAM brother.
Can I pretend to be a refuge and get in Germany
Will they give me free money food and housing and German girls just because I'm black? or at least any color but white ?
What kind of question is that? Of course.
yes, yes and yes. You can go through croatia bro, we'll give you some food, our politicians will greet you with "salam haleikum" and show you alternative routes to germany if the main one gets closed.
You wont even be vetted. Even the France terrorist who did Bataclan massacre managed to get in through Croatia, why wouldnt you.
Please come
Our women are desperate for brown cock
Time to fill in my backpack with food medicine and a gun
good luck Mehmet (you dont need any luck to get into germany, it's just a saying=
>you dont need any luck to get into germany
Or a passport. Or any other sort of identity confirmation for that matter. Or any respect for western values. Or the native population. Or any sort of education.
just make sure you delete ISIS flags and videos of beheading on your mobile phone. I'm not saying you'll get deported, but it will be just easier for you to go through the german documentation process.
Jemand erlöse mich von diesem Albtraum, er plagt mich seit langem.
Ich kann nicht aufwachen.
Ich sehe Bilder von Dämonen beschworen.
Aber ich kann nicht aufwachen.
Ich sehe das Ende unseres Seins, und doch -
Ich kann nicht aufwachen.