
Seriously stop with this Brexit bullshit. No one cares about you britbongs leaving the EU. You bucktoothed tea-sipping faggots should all be gassed along with the rest of the EU. You fuckers have been irrelevant for a long time now. Time to face that fact.

>Inb4 angry brits and other United Cuck losers

If you don't agree with me on this you're probably a queenloving sambo and if you're American and you disagree with me you're treasonous scum and you should be shot after you're tarred and feathered.

Prove me wrong CrumpetCrunchers

Pro tip: You can't

>Inb4 wew lad
>Inb4 American hating kikes
>Inb4 bait
>inb4 1 post by this ID

>Typed his little hissy fit in English

>nationalism is bad because nobody cares about your country

T. Jew

>Butthurt United Cuck
Try sipping tea in the gas chamber redcoat scum

Traitorous faggot

Why can't you understand how important this is?

Like, it's not just nationalism, it's about the EU man.

>it's about the EU
Immediate turn off right there. EU should be nuked

I am a traitor because I want dad to do well? You are petty bitter faggot.

Life is not a videogame user, just saying "nuke this place" in your head won't make it any less relevant.

European union is one of the biggest economical unions in the world.

Even Obama talked to the brits about this, if you read a bit into this you would understand but you just block it out because you can't see further than the tip of your nose.

Shut up nigger. The sooner Britain leaves the EU, the sooner we can leave too.

you are not useful to anyone.

>meanwhile elections


Go back to Plebbit you fucking dorks.

>if you read a bit into this you would understand but you just block it out because you can't see further than the tip of your nose.

>If you just read Das Kapital you would see Marx had a good point
No no no no no

Not an argument

I'm not trying to convince you to take any stances, but saying it's not important is ridiculous.


>Not an argument
>Not an argument
>I'm just a little niggerbaby who loves Britcock
You're literally nigger-tier at this point

>but saying it's not important is ridiculous.
Its important in the sense that this problem could be solved with nukes and gas chambers

>Brits suck for having nationalism in their country
>We suck because we want an ally to do good

Get a load of this fag

You're meming too hard faqm.

I literally completely agree with you. FUCK the britbongs. Let mohammed burn down their streets and fuck their women.


Got anything besides non arguments and ad homs?

Brexit is the best chance anyone has of destroying the EU though.

>a nigger and a beaner saying that no one cares about UK

I'm not surprised.