Lightsaber cuts through it like warm butter

>Lightsaber cuts through it like warm butter
>Offers no protection from Blaster Pistols
>Doesn't stop Jedi lightning
>will not protect you from rocket launchers
>Puts up no resistance to either side of the force
>Will not protect you from Darth Vader's force choke

What exactly is the point of the Stormtrooper armor?

Other urls found in this thread:

keeps u comfy and runs off recycling the piss and shit you take in it

Might have cooling, I forgot
Imposing presence

Well if you want to be an evil empire,
you got to have monotonous henchmen.

keeps your willy warm

Looks cool.

Its a cultural vestige from the cloned troopers.

The amor actually does deflect most of the fatal trauma caused from laser blasts to an extend, but the force would knock them unconscious.

The amor was impervious to projectile weapons like Tusken rifles and thrown missiles.

It's also space proof and allows survival in most conditions on planets.


The justification I have read is that it doesn't stop a blaster bolt, only disperse it. So it won't kill you, usually, and the empire presumably has adequate medical treatment for its troopers.

>Krennic survives blaster bolt to the shoulder
>Stormtroopers falling left and right from single shots despite their armor

Just once I'd like to see stormtrooper armor being effective

>protection from thrown missiles
>Ewoks easily overpower stormtroopers with stones and arrows

shrapnel protection

>Will not protect you from stronk independent mary-sue feminist warriors that are twice as strong and capable as a man attacking you with an extendable baton while you're holding a gun with 5 armed friends behind you.

Are the ewok's arm strenght superior than Tusken rifles then?

Ok I'll fucking bite

>Lightsaber cuts through it like warm butter
The materials that can't be cut by it are very expensive and thus not suitable for mass prduced armor

>Doesn't stop Jedi lightning
>Will not protect you from Darth Vader's force choke
Why should it?

>will not protect you from rocket launchers
That's why they have the Mechas

>Puts up no resistance to either side of the force
Force tears apart AT-AT's how would armor protect them?

>Offers no protection from Blaster Pistols
Only thing that should change

The gravity on Endor was 10x that of a normal terrestrial environment, Ewoks were fucking ripped dude. Those rocks were like dropping a 10 tonne boulder

Oh yes.

Keeping uniformity.

>A built-in heads-up display also provided targeting diagnostics, power levels and environmental readings at the corner of the wearer's eyesight, and one could access data on various military subjects and civilian organizations on the helmets display. In addition, motion sensors alerted the wearer to any enemy the soldier might have missed. Seeking to discourage nonessential chatter which was strictly off-limits while on-duty, stormtrooper helmets recorded everything that was said by the user, sending it to monitors to review after downloading the data off of the armor's memory.[5]

So why the fuck couldn't they hear an old man clambering about next to them, why did they talk about outdated land speeders when chatter was strictly controlled, why the fuck couldn't they hit anything even though they had a targeting computer and HUD?

cheap to produce armor that offers basic damage reduction and is easily recognizable as a symbol of authority to civilians

pretty similar to modern military uniforms desu

its the force nigga i ain't gotta explain shit


They're really quite useless, the ewoks can cut through them like butter.

Bitches love armor.

>offers a little protection from bullets, bigger calibers will penetrate it though
>doesnt stop lightning
>will not protect you from rocket launchers
>will not protect you from magic
geez its so stupid who invented this shit

They're perfect for almost every environment, are vacuum-proof, and lore-wise, they do protect a modicum against blaster fire, but for the sake of film, where they can't have every storm trooper shrugging off blaster bolts, and storm troopers are throw-away canon fodder, they don't do anything.

>Ewoks were fucking ripped dude.

Good points, I agree with the first one especially. Which is why I think that TR-T8 was fucking retarded. Apparently they grabbed what little lifesaber-proof materials they could get and made RIOT BATONS with them instead of armor. Why didn't they saved all that material and crafted an armor for Kylo Ren? Or hell, back in the empire days, for the emperor and DV.

Pretty sure we also see the normal good guys throw shit in Endor.

But that's wrong, he was felled by a single blaster shot.


Don't forget that one rebel that was shot in the chest carried on to the door just before the scene where the blind jediwannabe died

Why does that stormtrooper have a device capable of blocking light sabers, when Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker are the only Jedi in the galaxy?