>american athletes
American athletes
>eurokeks athletes
how can we even compete?
is an dog a athlete ?
That literal faggot is supposed to be your GOAT? Ours looks like an Alpha Male
>mfw Americans clap after watching a total eclipse
Real alpha male doesn't fear flower m8
>all that photoshop.
>mfw Germany didn't even get an eclipse
what an ugly block headed moron, the average american male is fucking bland as fuck
A little advice, you may think you are totally anonymous online, but there's always someone who can find you, and it could effect you in real life. In no way is that a threat or anything but, not thinking before posting stuff online can hurt you in real life. I've been online since I dialed into bbs. I've watched it grown and flex and change. I've seen bad things happen to good people because they thought they where safe. So I guess what I'm saying is, don't believe just because you think you have anonymity online that there can be no repercussions in real life.
Because there can.
>freedom (dont say anything bad tho or ur racist and also btw u cant invest you own money in what you want we control you lul but keep praising that flag brainwashed lil guy ty - donal trmp)
We did in 1999. And no one clapped.
yes, of course he does
Never trust anyone that didn't get attractive before their late 20s
OMG he hung out with Terry Perv, too???
And by "hung out", I mean ███ ██████.
Look at the look on Terry's face, ffs. This is a degenerate situation.
quoi la baise, cop1?
>third worlder opinions
IIRC only if he gives a thumbs up in his pic they banged
>Be Colombian
>Score own goal
>Get murdered
I like to imagine she's causing the camera to shake.
this looks pre- ...but damn, that's a diseased way to live a life.