This show is so fucking smug, Jesus Christ
This show is so fucking smug, Jesus Christ
>this show is well written and directed
>It also makes good social commentary and takes data from the now to predict the future
>Better call it smug so Sup Forums likes me
Men against fire gave me Jungle fever
Ive downloaded 2 gigs of interracial POV porn since that episode
how can a television program have feelings?
>well written and directed
I've just watched that video game one, what a fucking mess.
The same way a post on Sup Forums can come off as smarmy or, in your case, stupid.
What about it didn't you like?
The prime minister/pig episode is the only good one. Upvote if you agree.
80% of this show is
>Technology is bad mmmmkay?
it is literally the most pretentious pseudo-intellectual garbage, no wonder it ended up on normieflix