We're #43!

We're #43!

Talk about how free your country is.


Number two, very nice
>mfw America is less free than Burkina Faso

>#17 right behind Germany
>the first yellow country
>the only issue is that PM insulted journalists as ''anti-Slovak prostitutes''


Wait hol up
How the fuk is Germany and Sweden so high?
Didn't they have a massive rape cover up?
Isn't Sweaden still covering up its ghttos and shit


>being ranked 40
this angers the Brit and fills it with envy

Number 6, feels good

>believing Sup Forums memes


Memes = facts

The press should be banned anyway. Literally anti nationalist propaganda rag full of fake news.

America, I heard your country is freedom fighter

True. We fight everyone's freedom.

somebody free us from this cuck please

>US is satisfactory situation
list disregarded

They actually do have a bias in journalism, but it's voluntary, not enforced by corporations, government or mobsters.


Feels good



fuck off he literally saved serbia

I'm sick and tired of all this Nordic propaganda!


You know this list is a joke when spain is 29 with all their corruption covering problems.

wtf i love this guy now

yeah nah, all euro cunts have extremely controlled and repressed media. I denounce this as invalid.

Based on what?

Very sad to see this.

The mainstream media stay quiet about certain things here as well. Party media outlets are more open.


there's no problem with our press situation here wtf?

You're in BRICS so that's the problem.

Get red pilled.

Obviously the ranking only represents the opinion of the rwb. There is no reason to belive its the reality.


>yfw the freest stan

kek, I want to start a newspaper where I spread lies and hitler propaganda I'm allowed to do it without anyone being able to do shit other than cry

They also count when gangsters murder journalists. It's not just about repression by the government.

RWB represents reporters who get kidnapped, imprisoned and killed.

So yeah, just their opinion.

what the fuck do I see and feel everyday

> Germany
> Sweden
> Good Situation


> Canada
> Not red

This map is shit.

> """"""""hate speech""""""" laws

How come we're always next to France

The fuck is wrong with the west?

Based on envy.

that really enlightened me


Bravo Costa Rica

Redpill me on Canada

It's really big

It's America's hat. A big, cold hat.

>Ukraine more free than Russia
>literally the same problems such as no freedom of speech and confidential info of people being spread around.
How hypocritical, and that's just because we are "muh agressors"



bullshit. our press is with out a doubt more free

Do they have the same draconian internet laws?

Press freedom is a quite vague thing. Basically if governments agenda and the news channel agenda is the same there is "freedom of press"

Situation in Ukraine is terrible but you have multiple oligarchs with media fighting for power.

Russia is consolidated.

Press freedom is about not sending lawyers or hitmen to deal with journalists.
In Sweden, MSM is dependent on government subsidies.

>people still live 90th
You need fast forward your life a little bit

I beg your pardon? Russia in the 90s was similar to current Ukraine. Russian oligarchy is loyal to Putin, that's where you differ from your neighbour. Stronger central government can apply more pressure.

Feels good!

We don't have oligarchs no more. All them are just Putin's friends. You can call them "walking wallets" if you want. Abramovich is from the era of the last oligarchs.
We have big entrepreneurs like but they don't meddle into politics

You call them however you want. They either pledged allegiance to capo di tutti capi (Putin) or he took away their wealth and put them in prison.

the press shouldn't have any agenda other than reporting the news as impartial observers with the occasional column thrown in by people with opinions about this and that. there's nothing vague about it.

And some of them left Russia to avoid this fate. Can't say I'm sorry for these criminals.

>Poland was white when the pro-EU globalist PO government was in power
>Poland becomes orange when anti-EU anti-globalist PiS government gets in power
>both governments were in power of the same state-owned state-funded media corporations TVP and Polskie Radio and literally nothing changed since then
>the pro-EU globalist PO government actually got in hot water for shutting down journalists spreading """"undesirable"""" information and actively censored things that didn't fit their worldview
geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i wonder why

could it be that Reporters Without Borders has an agenda?

The only rule is don't go into politics. You can be as rich as you want but don't do it or will end like khodorkovsky.
It's just impossible. Try to do it yourself. You put your thoughts (agenda) into it even if you don't want it

Are we honorary scandies?

Yes, obviously

on a personal level, sure, some subjectivity is to be expected (and actually a marker of freedom if you think about it), but the way you put it i assumed you're talking about some uniform agenda fed to all reporters as if 'our way or the highway'

They are not fed by it they are actually believe in it. Journalism is a collective work too if you are not a columnist of course

which belief are we talking about here?

Left wing or just general poat ww2 humanism

ok, so you did have something particular in mind.

i'm not ruling out that ideologically similar-minded people could end up working for the same news outlet, but i don't think that happens because there's some great scheme or secret back-room where they agree upon what they publish and echochamber in their respective outlet to push an agenda. nor that this could be a nation wide and directed phenomenon. were that true we couldn't talk about press freedom in the strict sense. it would be a distortion of freedom... unless! there are other people working in the media too so they can have a public debate about their opinions which balances out the dogmatics from what ever side...


They just Inherited the agenda from previous generation where being left was a good thing to be. Journalists are all stick together and know each other. So working in the biz is like studying in a university: you before and you after

see this is what i have a big problem with. the press isn't supposed to be left-wing, right-wing, chicken-wing, what ever.
imho if you work for the press you need to cut the wings off and report things as they are, not as what they appear to you. the obvious exception of course as was mentioned is if you're supposed to cover something from a perspective.

and don't even get me started with the university. if ideology and agenda in some perverse way infiltrate a place where people should be taught independent thought then we're all fucked big time

Journalism says what their funding says. This why all journalism here is full of Sweden-tier crap about how bad white men are.

Unis are like these because of all people that studied there and teachers who treat everyone "equally". The profession makes you a leftist. professional deformation.
As I say you can't be object no matter how much you try. You can just report facts but there are things you can't just cover such way.
The only problem with journalism rn is it's too scared to acknowledge its inability to be objective.

Uni education is a joke, they won't even read the papers they do for degrees. And a high school student can make those without attending uni for 3 years. Anyone who has ever been to a uni knows that is the case.

>all journalism here is full of Sweden-tier crap about how bad white men are

strange. in my uni there was nothing like this. maybe it was just that in natural science department this doesn't happen. some lecturers openly made fun of all this "equality" bullshit.

t. didn't go to uni

Well, I am not talking about quality of education rn. I am talking about the spirit of the place. It's friendly environment where you and teachers supposed to challenge everything. It's very childish and equal.
I had conservative teachers too but the whole uni system basically shows you that class(marks)>race

>the whole uni system basically shows you that class(marks)>race
are you talking about the marks you get at class or actual marxism and class struggle or something like that?

marxist term

>t. didn't go to uni
Got near 100 points on all exams and went to uni, only to find out it's a piece of shit for dumbasses that have great near-term memory recollection. Especially the social studies, you know. Hard math people have to figure out formulas n shit instead of making big words in their papers.

ok. funny, i never, not once ran into a situation where i felt that i was subject to some marxist conditioning by my lecturers. nor any conservatism for that matter. in fact the only ideology that i must have come across in uni was the good old protestant work ethic: study hard! but that hardly counts in this regard i think

you took a "soft"-science curricula? that's the only place i can imagine that being the case.

>you took a "soft"-science curricula?
Nope, I went through all the math and perhaps made up my own formulas. Nigga, the social studies are joke. I can make a 6th grader tell the same stuff as they do. All the "philosophical" degrees are a complete joke.

>I went through all the math and perhaps made up my own formulas.
in which field of uni math did you make up formulas? genuinely curious here

As I said it's not a direct propaganda lecture during a class. It's people attitude and professors phrases that shape you.

>Germany is more free than Canada and the U.S. despite even more censorship of "hate speech" and actual arrests over Nazi-related stuff.

Really jogs that noggin.

Advanced mathematics taught in IT. Despite the differing formulas I got the same result despite not attending any classes and drinking beer instead.

>Advanced mathematics taught in IT
ok räägime eesti keeles, sest see oli nüüd nii laialivalguv vastus kui vähegi annab olla.
sa mõtled kõrgemat matemaatikat või? elik differentsiaal ja integraal arvutus? või suisa matemaatiline analüüs? või mida? anna andeks, aga mul on väga raske uskuda, et sa seal midagi uut välja mõtlesid.

kõrgem matimaatika tõesti. "õiged" vastused, kuigi valemid olid "valed". noobeli preemiat välja ei teeninud, aga õpetajad imestasid, miks ma selliseid tehteid teen. i was thinking outside of the box.

leidsid mingid uuenduslikud võtted diferentsiaal- ja integraalarvutuses aga ei saanud nobeli preemiat isegi? mees, su jutt haiseb pasa järgi

ei tea, sain kõrgema matemaatika A, eriti ei süvenenud, mis seal õpetati. ma tean väga hästi, kuidas humanitaarteadused on pask.

oot, kus see oli siis? IT kolledz või?

You sound like somebody who has an extremely overinflated opinion of themselves.

gonna let you in on a little secret here. the guy never went to university. the place he claims to have gone is a vocational school and the subject he claims to have breezed through is not even taught in that particular school. my best bet is he's a compulsive liar who dropped out. and very likely due to the math courses of freshmen where he was drinking beer and flunked.

>this fucking continent

we're 14, down from 9.
Media ownership has become too concentrated.

That's pretty sad. I just assumed he was like the 'too smart for school' American losers who drop out or fail because they can get ahead on their ~remarkable intelligence~ without an education or skills.

This site is a joke.

>muh Germany

We literally have the governing parties sitting in the boards of our TV channels + two of them are literally government owned and tax funded

How the fuck is that free press? You will literally never hear them speaking in any (real) opposition to what the government says or does

Meanwhile AfD is being lied about, rapefugees are praised etc etc