Soma is the best song on this record

Soma is the best song on this record

It's pretty obvious what the best song on here is and it happens to be the only good one

Good thread.

It's Geek USA

Sorry, it's cherub rock!

How do I keep making typos? Sorry everyone, its actually Quiet

Changed my mind. its Cherub rock again. No takesies backsies!

Hummer is it for me desu, but I only came to that conclusion after spending years with this album.

One this is for sure though, it's a great album but it's pretty deeply flawed in ways that people always seem to overlook.

my nicca

It's Mayonaise, though.

That's not Sweet Sweet

>1. Mayonaise
>2. Hummer
>3. Soma
>4. Today
>5. Cherub Rock
>6. Luna
>7. Disarm
>8. Geek U.S.A.
>9. Silverfuck
>10. Spaceboy
>11. Rocket
>12. Sweet Sweet
>13. Quiet

I'm in love with YOU

Mayonaise is the best song for sure.
Cherub Rock is really good too no matter how big it is.

I like Spaceboy a lot too but maybe that's just because I've gotten used to hearing it from how much I listen to Mayonaise.

Cherub Rock and Disarm are the only songs on this album I can remember parts of. Not even the whole thing, just parts. I've tried like 3 times to listen to this album but I just cannot get anything out of it.

He understands.

*Or she, who knows these anons


That’s funny because Soma is also the best song on this record too

This is pretty accurate

>the switch to the quiet section

Geek USA is a contender for the best rock song ever

think you meant "Alone, Togheter"