Faces of Sup Forums




>posting your face on Sup Forums

girls are not allowed on my board

Hello white friend

hello muh nigga


that's not a girl, sweden

are you half something? don't look full to me.

you can either pass for full SEA or eurasian from a darker caucasian country.


why do you have

>a fucking leaf

in the background m8?

is this the guy who speaks a bunch of languages

post face

oh no my ruse has been uncovered!


btw are you short hair is coiffure guy? i pretty much agree with you since i like girls slightly masculine in some features and enjoy seeing it but you should get new material.

roast me



Me and don't laugh.


you're an ugly motherfucker

opinion noted.

i don't at all feel it reflects reality since i've never had trouble meeting women. it sure as hell isn't my somewhat disagreeable personality they enjoy i'll tell you that.

Quite tanned now, using one from winters last year

You look kazakh, thats a compliment

i've been told that before in real life by kazakhs especially if i wear a shirt with cyrillic on it, although chinese people assume i'm korean, koreans assume i'm i guess not korean, and the odd few people assume i'm part white despite not looking at all white.

maybe i have mongol rapebaby genetics, who really knows. all i know is all it takes to be asian is kawaii desu make peace signs.

we wuz conquerors n shiet



k ladz r8 me now

Eww, you guys are ugly sons of bitches. Disgusting.

y-you too

based bro

>posting whole face

>thinks we care about him

I'm too shy to post, but I look like that "I am Iberian" guy

n-no you


I am greek therefore cannot be ugly

you would if u saw my face

dont die

Don't hit on me silly boys

plz no bully :)

face after /sex/


whitey looking even than usual whites in America?

Just fucking stop doing extremly normie concept trying hard to make your face qt as you can after making tons of autistic posts you fucks. makes me feel cringe

Ive seen one of you guys posted two white grandpas buttfucking on this board. pic is mfw i saw that

Guess what type of subhuman I am.

looks like the guy from portugal who won eurovision

Me with the phone

You look great man

You're on the wrong site, gook

only decent looking guy in this thread so far lmao

You look Belarusian

W-wew, thanks lads


Ironed my hair today

No bully pls

holy shit, it's Jesus

now that you're here again when will you start separating the good from the evil and shit?


good morning, Sup Forums

I only like men who drink and smoke.

Soon brother, soon

You look cool

not bad

>a fucking leaf

you seem to be easy to be friend

Here I am

plz bully



HAHA what's with that likeable face, whatcha gonna do, make someone YOUR FRIEND?

Could I pass as local in spen or italy?

Are you jutting your lower jaw forwards?

just reminding you that there are actual idiots ITT who actually post their face.
another reminder that these faggots also the same perverts who jerk it off to children picture and act like a little girl on the internet

t. too ugly and insecure to post pic

Not to my eyes, but in general people would think you're from here.
No sir, i'm a longfaced horse.

Wh*tes look all the fucking same.

Shut the fuck up Poland

>who jerk it off to children picture
3d ones are disgusting

shitskin subhuman in greece

Could I pass as a local in your countries?

Swede user tells me that people there mistake italian diapora for arabs, how common is that?

I'm also long-faced, but not like you. What's your facial index?


I couldnt decide which kek to use

too white for italian
spain maybe, maybe north spain

>greek in greece
what's the point?

Oh hey, it's a Hapa. Hello Hapa bro. Count yourself lucky for those handsome genes (no homo). I got the worst of both parents.



Finnish GĂ©rard Depardieu/10

i drink and smoke quite a lot.

Yes, tho in this time of the year i'd think you're a tourist.
If all you take in consideration is the complexion it might be common, but here you can spot a moroccan from a mile away, arabs have their own typical traits.

Getting to specific here friendo, never checked.

What is the average italian complexion?


I though italy was whiter than spen

literally africans


Everyone in europe looks the same.
Everyone in the middle east looks the same.
Everyone in the northern continent (russia/ukraine/slovakia etc.) all look the same.
