Sup Forums If socialism doesn't work how do you explain Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Finland etc. They are happier...

Sup Forums If socialism doesn't work how do you explain Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Finland etc. They are happier, healthier, living longer, make more money, take more vacation time, no medical or student debt and don't have to worry about going to a movie, university, nightclub or sending their children to school and having a mass murder

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They took the war and race identity out of fascism and called it social democracy. Social Democrats before WWII were a near left party that opted for full socialism rather than a state capitalist halfway house.
Germany and Japan are economically fascist.

>They are happier, healthier, living longer, make more money, take more vacation time, no medical or student debt and don't have to worry about going to a movie, university, nightclub or sending their children to school and having a mass murder

We can have all of that, or more like, we could have had all of that, but, you know, our country is 40% nigger. Give those countries you listed a couple more decades of mass immigration from 3rd world countries and their socialist programs will collapse.

Smaller population in comparison to the natural resources. And even then, the people became panda bears who didn't want to breed and fight for their country. The only time socialism ever works is when it turns he populace decadent. I'll stick with the risk and reward of capitalism while advocating nationalist trade and immigration policies.

Niggers are only 13% of the population. Spics/Beaners are out biggest minority. Sorry to be a sperg, but I don't want foreigners to actually believe that.

white homogeneity. That's the only correct answer

Allahu Akbar

Gosh what do all of those counties have in common, except for a more homogenous society socially, ethnically, and socio-economically?

There is also a white majority

Funny how that works

>Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Finland

here you go op

Fuck off, scum

It helps a bit not having to spend hundreds of billions on your own defense

North sea oil money with a low population
See above
Laws designed to abuse workers rights in order to remain competitive with places like china, also access to a closed market. If anything this is an example of something that is certainly not socialist economic theory.
A hole, this place doesnt even count as "socialist"

Overall the secret is low population with income that is not tied to the population

Literally none of those countries are Socialist you dumbfaggot

Also the welfare state of all those countries won't sustain itself longer with tens of thousands of refugees coming in.

Exactly this

You US guys will never be able to pull it off because you have minorities that see the state as as something they should Milk as much money from as possible rather than contributing to it

You have too many dead weight niggers and illegals

It's because they're white dumbass

Ethnicity >>>> economic system

>make more money

They are culturally and ethnically homogenous.

Make America Great Again, then we talk about communism.

It works but im broken inside

>Smaller population in comparison to the natural resources.

Plus, not niggers or other POC to contend with...until recently that is. Add niggers to the equation and watch your precious Socialism crumble.

It's not about homogeneity, it's about being white.

A society that's homogenous Ethiopian is going to suck ass.
A society that's mixed between Germans and Swedes is going to be wealthy

>explain Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Finland

Less than half of one percent of their combined populations is black. Try importing several tens of thousands of American nigger into those countries and then see how quickly their socialism collapses the entire economy.

>not REAL socialism

and then they go back to the other threads posting


Theres absolutely no "democracy" in our social democracy.

heres a quick explenation.

all our parties except FRP is pro immigration, FRP is gaining like a motherfucker on anti immigration ticket.

however at the same time FRP also put our financial sector under EU compliance so now our finances are under EU control(this was last week).

So dont buy into the Scandinavian socialist heaven meme, we have no say in the matter, controlled opposition has made our politics a nightmarish catch 22.

Oh did i mention FRP is also pro israel?

Im not an AP faggot, im just angry the last real party we had was NS.

>Be Jews
>Destroy several nations with socialism
>Try to instill it on more nations to destroy them
>They thrive by adapting it with democracy
>Quickly rethink how to destroy those countries
>SJW plague happens and mass immigration commences overburdening the welfare system.

Even if it works, you'll lose.

>Try importing several tens of thousands of American nigger into those countries and then see how quickly their socialism collapses the entire economy.

Soon. (Except arabs as well)

Free market welfare states. Try using Cuba or Venezuela as an example.

Scandinavia countries have a small population and abundant natural resources. The US has a relatively large population, and laws and regulations make it hard to use our natural resources.

lol not for long.

The USA also has tons of 80 IQ blacks and 85 IQ Mexicans

Cuba's just as successful

Niggers are less than 15% but your point is still valid. We're going to see the end of socialism and the severe curtailing of social democracy in our lifetimes. Native Europeans aren't going to want to pay for a robust public sector subsidizing those who do not pay into it and who refuse to even identify with their 'host' nation.

If black people work, how do you explain Detroit, Flint, New Orleans...

Socialism is inevitable. When 3+ million transportation jobs and even more service industry jobs become automated, Americans are going to be crying out for "gibs" while they starve to death. Good thing they supported Trump like the memes told them too! :^)

Is that why Ukraine and Belarus (100% white) are so much better than Sweden (80%) white? you fucking dickbag

White Christian homogeneous non-Marxist and successfully capitalist before they were socialist.

The difference between socialism and capitalism is the difference between Sweden and the USA

The difference between whites and blacks is the difference between the USA and Zimbabwe

Race matters much much much more than economic system.
White people are always going to be relatively wealthy, because they know how to manage their day to day lives. They keep their houses painted, their delivery schedules on time, their workplaces organized.....etc

I can explain your asinine query in a single word: wealth. Large government wealth and small homogeneous populations makes for easy governing.

Too many guns in a concentrated area meaning that it's too dangerous and all the rich people end up leaving.

Problem is, our country isn't comprised of Danes and Nordics. It is ridiculous to even try to compare the living standards of the US to those companies. Germany? They are poor trash. If Germany was a US state, it would rank about 30th in per capita GDP. Euroshits pay much higher taxes on similar salaries, and have higher prices on everything due to VAT. US has bigger homes, larger properties, more vehicle ownership, more EVERYTHING. And we do it with the handicap of niggers and MExicans. Euros live packed like sardines into shitty little apartments, in shitty, overcrowded cities, and most homes and businesses don't even have air conditioning. Life in Europe has always been shittier. People voluntarily moved to an unknown continent filled with dnger and uncertainty, because risking being scalped by an Indian or eaten by a bear was preferable to living as a serf in Europe. I'll take my house, by big yard, my 8 cylinder car and gun over any of the advantages europoors supposedly have. By American standards, Europeans are all po white trash.

It's not about homogeneity, it's about being white

Kenya is homogeneously poor

>because they know how to manage their day to day lives
That is so true. Management skills are highly underrated. Knowing that keeping your house in good order and your neighbors doing the same helps to keep your property value high which directly affects the value of most families' biggest financial asset.

Neither Denmark nor Sweden nor any other place you mentioned are purely socialist states. They BORROW aspects of socialism like healthcare and wealth. There are a million things wrong with those countries and Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe because of their leftist policies and love of uncontrolled immigration.

All the answers in this thread are wrong. The correct answer is they were all free market havens prior to being socialist states. Their standard of living increased during their free market phase.

wealth = welfare


Elaborate, plz.

Is there a single white country on this planet that's poor?

What was South Africa like when it was managed by whites, compared to when it's managed by blacks?

It doesn't matter what economic system you have. Could be monarchy, could be capitalism, could even be socialism. If your society is composed of high IQ, high trust genes it will always be relatively wealthy

Hmm, do the only places where mixed socialism seems to work are ethnically homogeneous germanic countries? How interesting! What's that? These countries are having problem and their social services are being overwhelmed conveniently at the same time as they start importing millions of muslims into their countries?

No conclusions we can make from this! no sir

This, TBQH family.
White people build the best societies (with some Asians a close second). The degree to which an ostensibly white country stagnates is generally proportional to the degree to which the population is contaminated by brown/black people.
It's why millions and millions of brown people all over the world risk life and limb to relocate to someplace white.

We build it. They come to steal it.

m8 Cuba is a small island economy that's been under economic blockade for 50 years, of course it's economy is gonna suck.

What matters far more than economic system is race. Cubans have an average IQ in the low 90's, Chinese have an average IQ over 105

>americans being retarded

>small island economy
...and what is Hong Kong? Even after '99 they still operate with a large degree of independence from the mainland.

Also, there's no blockade of Cuba. There was a trade embargo that was only honored by the US and no one else.


Compare Cuba to Puerto Rico. The US has had control of PR for well over 100 years (since 1898) and it is a basket case. It is bankrupt with over $80 billion in debt, a poverty rate at over over 45%, and real unemployment rate over 20%. Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate and a longer life expectancy that does PR. In fact Cuba, which has been embargoed by the US for over 50 years, has social indicators on par with the world’s most developed nations in categories such as literacy, infant mortality, life expectancy, healthcare quality and coverage, and educational access. On the other hand PR lags far behind even though it has the great American capitalist economic model to emulate. Cuba is a phenomenal success if you actually look into it and don't buy into US propaganda

>The "nordic countries are socialist" meme strikes again

oil money

The only exception outside Europe seems to be the japanese.
The chinese and koreans almost are human too, but not quite.

Holy hell, you are a damn lovable genious, burger.

Saved, and i will spread it whenever applicable .

>Is there a single white country on this planet that's poor?
The Communist shitholes.
>What was South Africa like when it was managed by whites, compared to when it's managed by blacks?
I have no idea, what was it like? If we are going by gdp growth then it's pretty much the same.

They rely on a capitalist economy to pay for those socialized programs.

those countries are the most white countries. that's why they are the most successful. They had very high standards of living well before socialist policies were enacted.

Fair enough. But do they have any skyscrapers?

The "communist shitholes" you refer to are all slavic.
Slavs as you might know are a white-oriental mix with an IQ in the mid 90's.

Besides that, the genocides and pogroms were largely carried out by Jews, who overwhelmingly ran the Russian government.

Scandi countries were already prosperous from monarchy/capitalism, natural resources and good culture from before. Scandi countries remained wealthy despite socialism. That's slowly changing now as socialism degrades prosperity.

Pick one

Hong Kong is a part of China you know

What does it matter? They actually retained their national culture and didn't have it sucked it out of them through globalization and becoming a US puppet state.

>itz da jubs!!
You're just pissed off they have a higher iq so technically to your perspective that should make them the master race.

Well said

Without us protecting them their defense cost would go through the roof and would have to cancel many of their social programs

Europeans are on antidepressants at a much higher rate than Americans
except for the fact that Americans have the best cancer survival rates
>living longer
only because of infant mortality rates. in the US anything that is birthed and dies is counted. In Europe, if a baby dies in the first 3 weeks it isn't counted. That's literally the only reason Europeans can gloat about the US infant mortality rate, because we're honest about it.
>make more money
False, average american makes more money than the average Euro, $52,00 vs $48,000 after monetary conversions (and pays less in taxes)
>take more vacation time, no medical or student debt
and they can afford that shit because we pay for their military protection

Sweden healthier... maybe before the invasion

i wouldn't call being gangraped by dune coons healthy user

If socialism is to prove itself superior to capitalism, it needs to show it has enough energy and resources to waste away, obviously. What better way than great big shiny phallic symbolism?

Geographically it is connected to the mainland, however for decades it operated under British law and since '99 has been allowed a great degree of economic autonomy. Hong Kong has been an "island" of capitalism for decades and the results speak for themselves.

That money is spent on the people's wellbeing. They have no desire to show off to capitalists

The people who actually work in Hong Kong are poor as fuck

Hong Kong isn't a part of china until 2047

And how do they compare to the rest of China? Hong Kong is pretty well off all things considered.

no replies.

tomorrow they will say

>Socialism will save us

this is the level of the Jew beast. Craven, cowardly, pathetic and eternally hypocritical

ITT: retards defend socialism

heh, as if beaners aren't nigger tier shitskins. we are overrun in our largest cities and most populated states. Only a miracle (plague, hitler2.0, bio weapon, act of god) can save us from the hordes of unwashed illiterate shitskin peasants.

>and they can afford that shit because we pay for their military protection
And that is a lie:
A.)European students do end up with debt after university, but don't call it student debt as it's not being used to pay for tuition, it's being used to pay for housing, books, and other stuff you need to actually be able to get your degree.

b,) If debt is incurred outside because your country decided that letting you die was better than saving you because it saves money, it doesn't count either.

What are you on about? Hong Kong's GDP per capita is amongst the highest in the world. They are an island nation with no natural resources yet are a great example of what to follow with a good economic system.

Nothing you said even remotely refuted the fact our military protection keeps Europeans defense spending low.

Considering Hong Kong's income gap is the largest in Asia and one of the highest in the world, not so well. It's easy to say a country is wealthy, but that wealth is concentrated among very few

so? its glorious to put our boots on the neck of inferior goblin like creatures. beaners of all stripes are not human and should be treated like savages. A success would be doubling those rates and killing them for sport, like white man safaris where we hunt beaner goblins.

Those countries are social democratic

True socialism (which has never existed except for a few small areas and short periods of time) will be even better.

That wasn't my point, burgerfat, my point was that it's not true they can afford it, because they actually can't. They simply relabel things and claim everything is dandy while it's easy to see it isn't.


Waiting for a Finn's response to this.

And yet Cuba beat you out every time you tried lmao

no, he's adding on to my post, not attacking it.

I even read an article about EU students having debt trouble recently, but I can't seem to find it. I just forgot about it until now.

thanks for chiming in

>1 post by this id

They went from fairly free market economies after the war, to mixed economies with hungry welfare programs as round the 70s. They are living off of their nation's past wealth and the crash will soon quicken with the influx off rapefugees.

>muh income inequality
I'm not feeling the bern, bro. That's an entire concept that MAYBE shouldn't even exist imho. The notion of income inequality relays nothing about the lives of average person of Hong Kong versus the lives of the average persons in any other country.

first, they aren't 'socialist' in any meaningful sense

second, they are pretty much homogeneous white countries, and white countries can make pretty any system work to some extent

>how do you explain Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Finland etc. They are happier, healthier, living longer

They don't have a huge population of farm tools that can talk.