>be a great connection to the Soprano family
>help everyone make money with Esplanade
>Carmine and his idiot son cost you money
>Carmine finally dies
>defeat his son in the war
>grab the big seat
>be a good don
>get snitched on by consigliere Jimmy Petrille
>get pinched
>quit smoking
>start exercising
>get cancer
Be a great connection to the Soprano family
Not to mention he helped diffuse the initial riff between Ralph and Tony.
He was a good character but he shouldn't have openly cried like that during the wedding.
to be fair, he was playing both sides like a rat
I don't think he was. He wasn't extorting Ralphie or doing anything of the sort either.
watch it again, he coerces Ralphie to seek an apology he knows Tony won't give and just generally stirs shit
Would you sanction it, Sup Forums?
The Esplanade was John's main concern though. Why would he look to stir shit up when he explicitly stressed to Tony that it wouldn't hurt either of them to have "a point man in there that feels appreciate"?
he fucking cried at his daughters wedding when he was arrested. A complete bitch move for a bitch of a "man". Deserved everything he got.
Ralphie deserved a beating and more but tying it to the insult was begging for chaos.
Should have just given him some tainted blow and let him kill himself.
NO. Carmine was in the right, too many dollars were at stake.
John was in an emotional state (understandably so) but he was irrational.
Johnny got a lot of rough deals, but that's the game baby. The shit will chew you up.
I remember when you used to wait in the car.
had nothing to do with the Esplanade, he just wanted to create discontent in the Soprano family
The way he cucked Paulie was some fantastic TV.
John was partly right. In the old days, a made man insulting the wife of an underboss - especially the underboss of a much larger and more important family - would have gotten whacked.
This. Besides, Ralphie wasn't irreplaceble, Vito was making top dollar for Tone.
Let's not forget who started that shit. Paulie created a fuckload of problems for the family and never once owned up to them because of his ego
that fanook more important than ralphie? madon
Sure, Paulie was a weasel but he never got caught. What he did was enough to get him clipped.
Paulie was the one who ratted Ralphie out though, and Ralphie was hardly the only one guilty, the entire Jersey crew made jokes at Ginny's expense
Ralph wants to fuck Ginny?
He was my favorite character. Also made me hate Phil even more when he made fun of him crying. Sack was the man and a good dude. Could have had Ralph dead. That scene always gets me