Was David Bowie an early SJW?
Was David Bowie an early SJW?
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Yes, that's why SJWs love him so much
>committed rape and pedophilia
>said britain could use another hitler
This was a pretty common criticism of MTV in the early 80s
shouldn't MTV play black artists?
I know BLM are fags op but you have to give a little to get along
i have david bowie's face tattooed
wow you're fucking stupid
Can I see?
Stop making anachronisms.
You realise this was the 80s? the 80s were pretty incomparable to now, social justice was warranted in the 80s.
Sjw in the 80s caused all the shit now.
Boomer gen Parents and teachers infected kids with it
thats just the pendulum swinging too far the other way,.
Fuck I hate these simplistic shite arguments
>Bowie had "consensual" sex with an underage groupie girl (later affirmed as "consensual" by Lori Maddox), transgressing social and legal codes of morality, however there isn't evidence or testimony that show him to be some serial predator or pedophile
>Adopted various personas throughout his career and at one point, as the Thin White Duke, had a cociane-fuelled phase of heightened interest in fascism which he later wholeheartedly rejected
>Bowie stands up against discrimination ... oh no what an evil proto-sjw!!!!!!!!!!!!
>swinging too far the other way,.
That's Bowie for you lol.
Does this trigger you?
This board is shit
fucking proto SJW
Doesn't matter..
He's a legend...
Early MTV with blacks is like modern MTV with whites.
We've simply gone full circle now.
In fact, the 90's grunge scene was the first warning sign that the SJWism was getting out of hand, to the point the musicians couldn't take it and killed themselves.
Hell by the late 90's they knew it was a sickness.
I'm not gonna watch that cuz I'm listening to music currently,
What's the synopsis?
It's down with the sickness by the disturbed.
Only back then the real sickness was rising apathy and hatred.
Those days are returning though.
The black artists that Bowie wanted MTV to play, are very different than the black artists an average SJW today would want them to play.
True speak.
I remember the days of system of A down, when that's all people were listening to...
That n rage, but that's all ancient to these Newbs
>Was David Bowie an early SJW?
No. He wasn't a communist.
No, he actually had a point at that time. Early MTV was so white-centric that they wouldn't even play someone like Michael Jackson until he made Beat It, and [pretty much all black music that wasn't Bad Brains or Living Colour at that time was considered "R&B" and incompatible with Pop and Rock formats unlike how it is now. Of course, now it's swung way too far in the other direction in many regards, but that's hardly Bowie's fault.
Whoa, this is so true.
Mj didn't get play for a years, then thriller came and BOOM
No, that criticism was entirely warranted.
It's one thing if you decide today that you're not going to play shitty trap music on your station, you might get some sjws calling you raysis, and that's bullshit.
But early mtv was ignoring the likes of Michael Jackson and Prince
And price broke major ground without recognition
Jesus christ go back to /r/The_Donald.
Wow, I just burned all my Bowie vinyls after seeing this post. I can't believe I ever listened to this SJW wankfest.
You're actually dumb as fuck or an alt rightard if you think this is SJW.
Cut down the Soy
Centrist scum
You're a bit late to the party, he was the poster child for gay rights in the 70's. Despite him not actually being gay or even bi, he just said he was to be controversial.
I'd literally strangle these little redditcunts if I could get hold of them