Kpop general


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I hope Hayoon will be ok.
choerry on top


where do you guys migrate to when you're banned from mu?

I hope you bought the album chingus

who are some idols that are loud in bed?

try to be a productive member of society




i migrate to the real world
seriously, getting banned is almost like a blessing, but as soon as i'm unbanned i'm back at it


the gym

This is no laughing matter



i swap them every other night and that alone has helped tremendously

haseulie a qt

back and forth I'm like see saw

Was Joy always so hot?

how much ¥ is this?

what a shit thread someone post some mother fucking twice

stop it

of course, both regular and signed

I just sleep with a fresh towel over my pillowcase



sad kang minas are the jjang idk why
why is she always so upset

>not knowing how to ban evade
its like i dont even know you guys sometimes

I enjoy seeing sad Mina a lot more than other sad idols. idk why

>i'm just t-shirt

these types of shirts crack me up

Twice? More like Cripes How Awful



Tablet costs around ¥4000

glad you're here so i don't feel so weird user


stop posting gremlin i'm trying to sleep

ham opening a water bottle to jiyeon
choa sayin pig to way
eunji chupoping the rong


>It's 2AM and I'm on kpg again

lol probably saw some wings she couldnt eat

fat fuck


and you're still ugly


wtf I still love Rachel though

this place has literal random mass bans, i don't know how it would have any posters at all if everybody just sited their bans

are we getting based audio from twice's show tonight?


Trying to come up with indisputable proof that P is equal to NP.

>its become a usual thing

wasnt tokyo the last showcase?


big hair heej

i thought they had the night off

you inspired me

i think they have two more but i don't think it's tonight

i deserved some (You)s for that post...

post shit meme 1


saving this, good job

its the same thing but instead of 'eaten chicken wings' its 'snacked'

momochan nakadashi!

I don't care, Kang Mina will always be the best gugudan to me

so pretty

That fansite has the best pics

i made my meme because i love her

hayoon saliva

i remember that guy in the back from when we watched it live on kpg
he was mad as fuck he didn't get to taste some food

mixnine didn't ruin her for me

i love the pictures where they grey out everything else but the main idol

i just realized that mina hasn't really been on vlive in months. there was the group one for the twicetagram release, when jeongers grabbed her chest. but a random one without the full group, you gotta go way fucking back. what's going on with her?

You guys throw around the "L" word too easily.

shut up loser

Likey is a very good word

i want to experience hayoon's warm and wet mouth....!

we got the power

she hates us

was she even in the 3 hour one when dubu played piano? seemed like they all were but now i'm not sure...



Honestly, this song would've been a million times better without the English lyrics.




What a koreaboo.

4 am
Rain again

But then we won't be able to sing any part of it

people who stan bella stan a fucking haircut
never seen a single person post her w/o that orange short hair and I doubt i'd even recognise her if they did

this was actually the last time mina's put work in on vlive. it was over 4 months ago

Nah, more like I don't like cringey English lyrics.

when dont use the boo word here champ

I take it you don't like kpop then?

she has a neck like a fucking ostrich so it'd be hard to miss her

one of her best


its cute though

go won's song was underwhelming, she's very pretty though

mina should just step down if she hates her fans and fellow members so much