Want to watch movie

>want to watch movie
>when it's downloaded i don't want to watch it anymore

>want to watch movie
>open movie
>pause at 0:01
>"I'll go for a urination before I watch this"
>come back from urination
>decide not to watch movie

>Pirate bay on fucking lockdown thanks to shitty laws.
>Fuck it i have this on DVD somewhere
>dig it out
>Trailers autoplay
>Fuck now I want to watch that instead.
>Don't have it

Today felt like I was living 10 years ago again.

>have terabytes of movies I havent watched
>don't delete them because I keep telling myself I'll get to them one day
know that feel

>pretend to like movies
>spend all day watching them
>occasionally remember i don't actually like movies

I'm like that with prostitutes.

>have list of movies I want to watch
>never watch them
>watch movies on a whim instead

>spend 20 minutes looking for flick to watch with dinner
>dinners cold by time i find flick
>finish dinner 15 mins into said flick
>turn it off

>want to watch movie
>have huge backlog
>end up watching Aliens for the 100th time instead

i do this all the time

>marathon lord of the rings
>get to return of the king extended
>realise i fucking hate lord of the rings

keep doing it. always forgetting