Real talk, why do Jews hate whites?

Real talk, why do Jews hate whites?

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we don't

They're goys they're not chosen

Because jews hate themselves

>implying Jews arent known for lying...

Because the more you mix with nigger genes the dumber you get and become easier to herd,memes aside (or is it) though it's probably a coincidence or some autistic plan of trying to get the messiah.

Because white people are the only thing standing in their way to total world domination and a slave class of brown shitskins.
We're the only race smart enough to call them out on their bullshit.

They just jealous cuz they ain't us.

jews don't hate whites, they just feel superior to everyone who isn't jewish

it's like how white people treat hispanic people in the United States, but with an even weaker base

I have always wondered this myself.

They are white, and for some reason I am supposed to believe that they are idiotic enough to believe that the retarded shitskins are going to jump on board with that.

Something doesn't add up.

not lying. jews don't hate whites, YOU hate Jews and you project that hatred.

Who cares what some hook nosed ugly merchant tier upper middle class rats think. Jews think they're hot shit because rothschilds have a lot of power. Jew pls, those fucks are a hair away from losing their fortune through dilution and race mixing.

Read the first couple books of the old testament and tell yourself that they were raised with that as a dogmatic background.

Nice Dubs. But considering how much crazy shit is going on out there, there's probably someonen who believes this. Many evangelicals apparently believe the existence of Israel marks the beginning of the end times and that's why they are so crazy for it.

Tehehe...if only the knew how right they are, but not in the way they believe.

cause we're cuter than them desu senpai

Because they are subhuman. They are the scum of the Earth. When you talk about Jews, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel of humanity.

Because whites are the only group with enough intelligence and agency to be able to organize, lead, and govern on our own. All the mudskins are sheep that serve as the perfect clients to be commanded and controlled.

What do you guys think her feet smelt like when she got shot?

>Real talk, why do Jews hate whites?
you can never get a real answer on this user
a Sup Forumsack is speculating
a jew answer is always a lie
>Because white people are the only thing standing in their way to total world domination and a slave class of brown shitskins.
>We're the only race smart enough to call them out on their bullshit.
this is the best answer your going to get

pic related is how far they are along on the project. They may have fucked up with accelerating immigration soo blatantly that people wake up more and more faster and faster.

inb4 its a forgery - yeah whatever they sell it at jew book stores and it describes whats happening.

The jews must perish.

Because their whole religion and culture is based on revenge.

a millenia of being cucked. why do you think jews are so white looking? because their women took that BGC behind their jewish husbands back. now the jew is having his revenge.

the strength / curse of euros is high trust.
if your the unicorn jew whos national loyalty is greater than his tribal loyalty then your elietes are dicks and making you look bad

also good news the holocaust didn't happen the vile kike rothschild used it as PR to get Britons support for creating isreal.

Real talk, jews are to whites as whites are to niggers. Why do you hate them user?

they aren't white
they have a tribal loyalty that doesn't includ you.
see all media, banking, politics.
Trump is the first pol since Kennedy that didn't kiss the side of that old roman fort that kikes like to hump and stick paper in.

>holocaust didn't happen
ditch this shit meme. it did happen and there is A TON of evidence. there is a reason the only people who try to deny it are sub 80 IQ stormfags. clearly hateful ideologies, like hitler's, always lead to shit like that.

Jewish girls are so fucking hot. I would die for Jews and Israel.

Depends what kind of Jews you are talking about. There's the religious Jews(Hasidic, Sephardic), the racial Jews(Ashkenazi, Israeli) and there's the political/economical Jews(Leftist Jews, Zionist, Jewish Oligarchy, and Sabbatean)

They all hate white people for different reasons. However, they all have one thing in common, Jewish Supremacy.

Real talk, why don't white girls like white boys anymore?

proofs that 6 million jews were systematically gassed, burned in ovens, and turned into soap and lampshades?

you fuckers lie soo much you might actually believe that chart
you know how they cherry picked the best of the ashkenazi only, the rest are niggers and ashkenazi hate them too, but they are too stupid to notice.

The fact that it was predicted 100 years ago suggests that it isn't

>What do you guys think her feet smelt like when she got shot?

There is proof of a genocide. that much can't be denied.

I mean come on, is it really that hard to believe? Have you listened to Hitler's speeches? Read his words?

The Ashkenazim are self-loathing whites, they're not Jewish. Neither culturally nor genetically Jewish.

3 shekels have been deposited into your account.

Good goy...

proof faggot

confessions while being tortured don't count
it was real in my mind ...... or the holocoaster

How do you explain the newspaper articles about 6m Jews this and that prior to the Holocaust?

You didn't answer my question.

When people say "the holocaust didn't happen" they're referring specifically to what I posed above. Nobody is questioning whether jews were rounded up and put in labor camps. And nobody is questioning whether jews died. But the question is whether or not there was a systematic extermination of 6 million jews.

>dude, like, IT HAPPENED, umm are you kidding me?


Easiest race of people to hate/shit on at the moment

how do you explain the death camps in germany?

how do you explain the eyewitness accounts by survivors and nazi members?

there were about 9.4 milion documented jews in territories controlled by the Nazi's at the start of the regime. where did they all go?

the smart ones do

coalburners are weeding themselves out of the genepool.

kikes try to breed white out of existence, end up speeding up our eugenics program.

yeah we deny it
show proof
yes and yes
the jew translations of his speeches and words are shit they add and subtract words
your turn to hear his words

you're picking the most exaggerated claims that people make and asking me to prove them. I can't prove them because they are exxaggerated...

There was a systematic extermination of Jews. We don't know the exact numbers, but it was in the millions. this is supported with SO MUCH evidence.

They don't hate us, they're just paranoid because the top kikes tell them to be.

Saying there is proof is not proof.

penishead in pic is a jew
jews aren't white

not only evidence but tons of eyewitness accounts from unrelated people. are they all conspiring together? come the fuck on

They see that we are better than them and could challenge their world dominance and "Chosen People" fairy tale.

they do. just not you, shlomo, and you aren't even white.

Stop embarrassing footfags you pleb.

The Shoah must go on

>For decades, Germany’s justice system couldn’t be bothered with prosecuting such lower-ranking officers. But in recent years, after pressure from jurists like retired judge Thomas Walther, they changed their legal strategy and finally began to hold these guards responsible for supporting a system where victims were systematically murdered through execution or starvation.

More than 70 years later, Hanning, now 94, was put on trial in February as an accessory to the murder of more than 170,000 Jews. On Friday, the widower was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison. Due to his advanced age, he’s not expected to serve any time in custody.

>There was a systematic extermination of Jews. We don't know the exact numbers, but it was in the millions. this is supported with SO MUCH evidence.

Where are your proofs?

Dubs denied.

Holy fuck, you type like you're pushing 40 years of age. I've never seen such an obvious outsider.

Effective immediately, your shilling gig is over. Don't come into work tomorrow. You're too old for this, you dumb faggot.

eyewitness accounts, hitler's own words. death camps. population records.

>1 post by this ID

i'm literally 20 years old

there are only labor camps in germany
the "survivors" you've heard are full of shit, and you have obviously not seen the "survivors" who enjoyed their time playing in the band at auschwitz, or the movie theater.

look at at the world jewish almanac for 1920ish for a better number.
there were 1.5~mil in all the german territories, after the war 3.6~mil survivors claimed reparations from the german government, that just leaves the remaining 6 million who are dead.

>eyewitness accounts
Yeah, so reliable. These guys talked about jews being turned into lampshades and soap, these jews talk about how there were oven roller coasters, these jews talk about how different ethnicities burned different colors, and all these other jews have dozens of "it was real in my mind" stories, but sure, let's totally take all the stories of gas chambers and ovens as truth.

>hitler's own words
What exactly did he say?

>population records
You mean the ones that show there being just as many jews being alive before and after the war? Or the ones where they show population declines conveniently at the same time as all the jews flocked over to israel?

Still haven't shown


They are white and in denial

They had to leave their ancestral homeland after getting cucked by romans and arabs. After many years of societal mingling in europe they are no different from real whites apart from the religion they cling too.

they are literally getting paid free money for life from the german govt and all they have to do is say they were stuck at Auschwitz

you don't think you could find a thousand people from a tribe of leeches to say that for sheckles?

>jews are behind gun control

Jews are top officers in virtually every political group you can find user. Sure, jews are behind efforts at gun control - and other jews are prominent second amendment activists. Both the right and the left in this country rely on jews for both money and brains. So of course virtually anything you want to look into, you'll find jews behind it.

No cherry-picking Mr DeNile. There are dozens and dozens of well done studies that all showed roughly the same thing. Sephardim and Mizrahim perform at roughly the same level above the goyim they live(d) among (for instance Egyptian Jews are 10-12 points over Egyptian Arabs and Sephardim outperform Latinos and Turks by about the same margin.)

Progressive tax on wealth has been a thing since the mid 80s in America.

>So of course virtually anything you want to look into, you'll find jews behind it.

Oh okay, so then there should be a roughly equal distribution of pro and anti trump jews in the media.

Envy. When Lena Dunham went on stage with Taylor Swift and her cuntcrew, she tweeted how she felt bad, and Judd Apatow replied that it would be like if he were standing next to Chris Hemsworth -- that they "aren't human". Subconsciously he was expressing that they are Aryan ubermensch.

So they have this massive inferiority complex that has synergy with their persecution complex, and that manifests their worldview, behavior, tribal nepotism, and need to destroy all that is not them.

>are they all conspiring together?

If they're Jews, yes.

ah right, guys we are arguing with a kike, at least some lurkers just took an important redpill.

I have shown evidence, you just dismiss it all as conspiracy.

Jews ARE whites

This also goes among Jews, Ashkenazi Jews feel superior to Sephardic ones.

Can someone explain this meme?

"And that nature really is unique. At some time far back in the prehistoric period, certainly more than 3,000 years ago, the Jews developed a unique mode of survival as predators and parasites. Whereas other races, other tribes, sought either to live alone among their own kind—or to conquer other tribes militarily and take their land or require them to pay tribute—the Jews sought to invade the territory of other races by stealth and then to subvert them, to undermine their morale, to break down the order and structure in their societies as a concomitant to controlling them and exploiting them.

In the beginning, thousands of years ago, this may have been only a novel plan for gaining control of a particular neighbor, but eventually it developed into a way of life. It became part of their religion, and eventually it got into their genes. I believe that today they really can’t help themselves. And as I said before, you do need to think carefully about this. You need to study the facts. It’s difficult for many people to understand the Jews because they really are different from every other ethnic group."

"One aspect of the Jewish problem which adds to the difficulty many people have in coming to grips with it is that the Jews are not just a scheming and sinister kehillah of adult male media bosses. They are a complete community, with women and children and many members on the fringes: part-Jews, dissidents, and so on—even a few anti-Jewish Jews. There are approximately six million Jews in the United States, by their own count, and they can’t all be film studio owners or newspaper publishers or promoters of “rap” music or Hollywood scriptwriters. Most of them live and work in a way which gives them relatively little personal opportunity for damaging our society. They are simply teachers and businessmen and merchants and lawyers and doctors, earning a living more or less like everyone else—but not quite.

You must back off a bit in order to see the forest rather than just the trees. The essential thing about the forest is that it is destroying our world. It is a parasitic forest. It is injecting spiritual and cultural poison into our civilization and into the life of our people and sucking up nutrients to enrich itself and grow even more destructive. Perhaps only 10 per cent of the trees in this Jewish forest have roots deep enough to inject their poison into us, and the other 90 per cent play only supporting roles of one sort or another. It is still the whole forest which is our problem. If the forest were not here we would not have had to endure the curse of Bolshevism. If the forest were not here America would not be growing darker and more degenerate by the year. It is the whole forest, not just a few of the most poisonous trees in it, which must be uprooted and removed from our soil if we are to become healthy again."

So you have nothing.


"The essential point again is this: not every Jew has a leading role in promoting the evils which are destroying us, and not every person is a Jew who is collaborating with the leading Jews who are promoting evil, but it is only because the Jews as a whole are among us that the evils they always promote are overwhelming us. If the Jews were not present we could overcome the evil men of our own race. The evil men of our own race may seek their own profit at the expense of the rest of us, but they do not seek to destroy our race. Only the Jews seek that."

jewish destruction doesn't deserve hatred?

Pst. why is all "deathcamps" in the Russian area?
>commie detected

Implies I wont reply to my thread

I think they really just hate Christians.

Every false religion (certainly including Judaism after having rejected the messiah which was the whole fucking point of it) hates the true God. "What has light to do with darkness?"

Not necessarily saying this is all evil from all Jews - Some adherents may simply be deceived and I believe God will have mercy on them in his goodness.

But the essence of contemporary Judaism is the rejection of God both in its religious and secular atheistic senses.

Where did all the Jews go?
What was the incinerator at auschwitz used for?
What about all the photographic evidence?
What about all those human experiments done to the victims? All the findings were fabricated? If so, why is that knowledge accepted today?

I've never met s single Jew that wasn't a manipulative piece of shit. They really do use their words to fuck people over.

they don't
they hate everyone

"Why does the world shed crocodile’s tears over the richly merited fate of a small Jewish minority? … I ask Roosevelt, I ask the American people: Are you prepared to receive in your midst these well-poisoners of the German people and the universal spirit of Christianity? We would willingly give everyone of them a free steamer-ticket and a thousand-mark note for travelling expenses, if we could get rid of them." ~ Adolf Hitler

Hitler was too soft. He was paying them to leave, but most of them didn't want to go. When the war started, he sent some to concentration camps. A lot were sent to these labor camps because they continued to practice kosher which was banned by law in Germany.

Cause Jews tend to be anti social and their values dont mix well with healthy societies

>What about all those human experiments done to the victims? All the findings were fabricated? If so, why is that knowledge accepted today?

if T turns out to not be like his father and grandfather
or if the juden steal it
we must all start new decentralized political clubs only hook up and go by one name when we are immune to a leader being Rockwelled.

Heil Hitler.

Because for almost the entirety of European history we have been trying to kick them out

the chimney was built by Russians after the war

its not even hooked up to anything

we dont hate whites, we hate everyone equally

>Where did all the Jews go?
israel and elsewhere abroad
>What was the incinerator at auschwitz used for?
efficiently disposing of bodies. Crematoria aren't limited to supposed death camps, just so you know.
What about all the photographic evidence?
>You mean the photos of chimneys that were built after the war, or the plethora of other stuff that has been doctored. Yeah, I'm sure Uncle Joe Stalin would never do such a thing. Never. Or perhaps you're referring to the piles of dead bodies discovered? I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that the allies bombed german supply lines, resulting in starvation in the camps. Not to mention typhus outbreaks.
>What about all those human experiments done to the victims? All the findings were fabricated? If so, why is that knowledge accepted today?
What does this have to do with the claim that 6 million jews were gassed and burned? Once again, nobody is debating that jews died.

And while I've allowed you to answer my questions with your own questions, I must note that you still haven't given any proof. The whole "flipping this on me" thing isn't going to work.

what is the name if this comic?

Fuck off kike.

You're literally a filthy kike

They hate authoritarianism (and, by extension, Christianity), and they want a world of their own. They also have taught their children through the ages that white Gentiles are their greatest enemies, so there's that.

>hur dur ya we committed a genocide and there's all this evidence but you can't prove to me right now in this internet argument that it was exactly six milion so jokes on u ur the bad guys hurr durr
literally nigger-tier