This is really good

this is really good

It's topping 2018's RYM chart right now

I still like it, but fuck RYM

What's wrong with it?

I remember I started an account years ago, gave a five star review to OK Computer and received a direct message minutes later from some manchild calling me a retard.

Well judging by your rating you deserved it. Also, are you new here or on the internet? You act like that when someone on the internet calls you a retard?

i thought that was george role for day lewis?

act like what?

Phantom Thread is his last role and now he's retiring so no

>deserved it

what you fucking pleb, you think okc isn't 5/5?

Thinking that anything Radiohead made is 5/5 is literally the most pleb thing ever. The most overrated group of all time, you insecure woman.



At least i'm not a cucked pleb like you

''Muh introverted acoustic guitar emo singer with ptosis''


Shut up you fucked up little pathetic vile little virgin spastic

Why are you so mad?

Just shut up okay


No user, i'm not gonna shut up

You know why?

Cause i love you

It's just music man....
Chill out, it's just a prank bro......

Well that makes one of us

Is it a bad thing listening to the ost before watching a movie? Doesn't it spoil the experience?


Not one single post about the specific thread topic. Mine included.