Admit it, this character made you laugh

admit it, this character made you laugh.

>Are you kidding me? I'm blind!

Didn't need to be in movie. At all. So gay

>Da faurrcee

he and his pseudo bounty hunter friend were the only notable characters in the whole movie

Should've had a bigger role than 'dying on a beach to pull the lever'


only time I laughed

Good joke.

Him and the robot

He should have used the force to pull the lever. But he cant do it alone, so Baze drops his blaster and joins him. And together, they both use the force to flip the switch before a tie bomber torpedoes them from above.

Comic relief done right


But I was laughing at his chracter rather than with him. Such a cheesy shit character.

>Hey what if we made a Shaolin Monk who is attuned to the FORCE?!

Literally in my top 3 favorite Rogue One characters .

1. Jyn Erso
2. Chirrut Îmwe
3. Baze Malbus

His mate was pretty boring imo, the movie suffered from too many characters and trying to make your care about all of them and give them big emotional deaths

4. Mee Krop
5. Jaffa Decker
6. Wiki Gonzalez
7. B.J. Dart

His force is with me chant got really annoying really quickly

Why didn't he just get robot eyes or something?

why didn't le chiffre just send a hologram with the location of the death star vent

I know right....

dat choreograph gung fu tho

Because it's not possible.
Robot eyes are far more complex then a hand.

who is this semen demon

This joke did make me laugh, but otherwise he wasn't a comedic character.
I did like Chirrut though.
K-2SO was the comedic relief, who I found to be funny and I actually felt a little sad when he died.

I agree, his death wasn't a compelling compared to K-2.

They could clone him some eyes, they have the technology to clone entire people, why don't they replace their missing limbs with cloned parts?

I laughed all right

laughed at how out of place crouching panda was

Wiring a camera to your brain to function as a set of eyes is actually possible.

Holy shit I can't wait til I can go full Cyborg.

Transhumanism is on the way and once they figure that shit out we're all gonna see some crazy shit. We'll all be in our 50s at the earliest though.

It's probably possible for a rich Imperial citizen on a core world, but doubtful there's such resources available to desert-dwelling fringe temple guardians.

>Character has no control over the force
>It's bad writing he should have used the force

Sup Forums

they never had force move shit powers though

1. Darth Vader
2. Quipbot
3. Cute Girl's dad

That was actually a pretty good joke.

People already called the shield gate a Spaceballs ripoff. If they did this, they'd call it a Mallrats reference.

tfw we will never be smug transhuman lolis

Holy shit I'm jealous.

cheap pander to minorities.

So, was mothma just talking shit about the bothans or what.

he was the worst character

fucking idiot

Fuck you, shill.

The blind chinamen and the robot were better characters than any of the new ones from force awakens. Fuck redlettermedia

no what she said was 'manny both-hanz', who was unfortunately written out of the movie

Was the only time I chuckled in the movie.

Only because of that one time he reminded me of Toph from TLA.

>Marvel making fun of disabled people


Nah just made me rewatch Ip Man because Donnie Yen is fucking great. Advise you newfags to do the same.

Seriously this was all I could think about the whole movie.

Rogue One is the story of the Rebels who stole the plans for the first Death Star, not the Bothan spies who exposed the development of the Death Star II. The ending of Rogue One leads directly into Episode IV, but maybe you missed that.