Confess my child


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be wearing two crosses you are going out of your way to spit on christ instead of just not going down that path of belief


I like Gigi D'Agostino unironically.

I listen to Syre unironically

there are some musicians i just refuse to check out cuz their image and fanbase seems retarded, so i pretty much still have no idea who they are

examples being this kanye nigger and the other tattoed face + colored dreadlock one

I still listen to nightcore

no sin

fuck off

I really like new post-rock.

I steal musical passages from people who post on this board

I unironically love V A P O R W A V E.
It reminds me of my ex.

Mr.Rogers creeps me the fuck out.

I unironically enjoy music.

L'Amour Toujours is a good song
noone will ever convince me otherwise fren

I unironically listen to anime OST’s and credit openers sometimes

I recently learned how to ruin orgasms, and have eaten my cum while watching to cei videos 3 times now.

every second post i have made since mes died has been dubs and i dont know how to use my gift

I've just now discovered Toe...

Confess me, father, I have sinned
But maybe angels really sing
Fot the man who would be king

I unironically believe all hip hop is trash and shouldn't be considered music, and that the only reason it's valued so highly at music awards is because of virtue signaling

this album is 10/10 no sin my son

I think Lil' Debbie is hot so i like to listen to her voice and fantasize about kissing her warm soft lips while i dance to her hip hop songs....
is that sin?

I love asking alexandria

i blame jews

Forgive me father for I have cummed

My child, you are allowed to make cummies as long as you lap them up when you're finished.

>I unironically believe all hip hop is trash
Your opinion I guess but I don't see how people can dismiss an entire genre like that
>shouldn't be considered music
Obviously retarded, something only a teenager should believe
>the only reason it's valued so highly at music awards is because of virtue signaling
This on the other hand should be obvious to anyone and shouldn't even be considered a controversial belief on here

eat the cummies?
No please dont make me father

I usually only listen to one album by one artist, thinking to myself "this was good" and then proceeding to go listen to another album by another artist without ever listening to the previous album or another album by that artist ever again

that's a terrible music sin!
Father says get your head out of your ass and learn impulse control dammit
Look what the good Lord hath brought forth in the form of music
Appreciate it, damn you!

I’m gay

trips, triple 3s
it's actually god posting

You don't wanna let your father down do you?

Bruno Mars deserved his Grammy wins.

i'll eat my cummies for the first time tonight at 10 pm
all for you father

bullshit he sucks
just a puppet of corporate america
slave to the trappings of fame and fortune

Shit opinion.

amnasiac is my second least favorite radiohead album

fuck you, it's true

what the fuck

Hypothetical question here: who would win in a fight between Eminem and Bruno Mars?
Lay your bets

mhmm, good boy.

I like Lil Peep

This is a little gay.

i tried being " open minded " and listened to Ke$ha, lady gaga, and katy perry during the summer of 2010

Liking Gigi Dag unironically is a prerequisite for being italian. Like it doesn't even matter how old you are or what kind of music you are into, you might as well hate edm with all of your heart but you'll like him, every single italian likes him

yes fathers are gay, didn't u know?
Especially fathers of the priesthood!

>a little

Hey guys my father finds boys to be handsome and he's been happily married to my mother for 16+ years.
Is he a bit gay?
Asking for me, personally. He doesn't seem gay at all, but for all i know... Right??



I do this too, user.

I also unironicaly enjoy vaporwave and believe the genre still has potential.



How do you know he finds boys handsome? what does that even mean?

I hardly listen to albums without doing anything else. I’m usually on the internet or something.

I listened to ride by 21 pilots this morning because it was stuck in my head and I dunno if it's nostalgia, but I like that song a lot


Eminem would just constantly apologize for being white.

the only talking head songs I own are from a best of album

he saw a boy from the train window and remarked he was a handsome boy
the boy who was standing near the train tracks
yeah, i guess he's not gay though

i like listening to albums in a quiet room and i lock my door and daydream while lying on my back

but in the days eminem made 8 mile wasnt he a good fighter?
What do you think?

father wants to know what timezone you're in so he can masturbate along with you.

I should try that. I do listen to albums like that sometimes but not nearly enough. I feel like I miss things but my adhd is unbearable with that sort of stuff.

i won't do it
I'll wipe the fertilized seed on my bedsheets instead of eating it
Father, i'm in the colorado timezone

Son, are you fucking shitting me? I had a half chub going thinking about this and you now tell me you got a plan b?

You think you're clever?

I love Kraftwerk, YMO, Tangerine Dream, Jarre, and Sakamoto to bits, but I unironically enjoy Dive by Tycho

I don't like Megadeth

mr. rogers was too pure for this world

would u like to fap together in 20 minutes my father?

could u link me the porno of choice and i will reply when i've made the cummies?

i like Filosofem and i enjoy Varg in general

plz tell me father!!

"Suck And Lick Cock And Cum" on xHamster. Do it, boy.

fuck their search engine is too shit for the right clip. It's by user mazen007

For older albums I pause between what was the end of each side of the album. Or I take it out of my queue depending what medium I’m listening to it on.

gtfo u poser

i hate myself

how long do we wait to fap oh, though holiness

sounds kewl bra

5 minutes from this post, my child. Remember what to do with those cummies, and remember who's bustin nuts with you in spirit. THE holy spirit.

Father i need a 5 minute video, it takes me a while to get started
Can u link me something that's not gay?
Stockings and feet really get me off.
I like dominatrixes telling u to smell their feet
Really gets me off, personally!

I firmly believe that Nine Inch Nails is some guy screaming over some shitty GarageBand presets

It’s one of the more autistic things I do but feels nice. I like hearing them the way they would’ve been heard when they came out, and sometimes that little pause builds up anticipation for side 2. It really works on Bowie’s Low.

there's no way that video is gay, no idea what is up with the category. CLEARLY a woman. You're too picky, just find something and jerk off to it and eat your cum, dude. God wants to get off.

are u father?
Let's fap to this one
Start 2 minutes after this post

okay. Already started

did u cum for god above?

i licked my fingers off but it was just precum fluid

I don't even know if you're being ironic anymore, but I'm actually turned on now. This is up there with my gayest hijinks.

This thread took a strange turn

im glad i turned you and god on, father
what is your name now that we've both swallowed our sexual fluids?

>he didn't cum for God

user, I really hope you didn't lie about tasting your precum.

it wasnt even salty lol

you've given me an unironic boner if I just made you taste your precum for the first time.

Sup Forums ERP club when?

The best music is always the guilty pleasures

Gayest post ITT