I called you 57 times yesterday! Why didn't you answer your phone user-kun??!!
I called you 57 times yesterday! Why didn't you answer your phone user-kun??!!
Japanese girls can get pretty crazy.
Not politics.
They are submissive as fuck.
Any strong willed man can easily control Japanese woman. Make her walk behind you.
Because you isn't white
and she easily control your money.
like in my cartoons?
her love for a foreign nation is disgusting 2bh
My azn ex was a psycho, she wanted attention 24/7 and kept threatning to kill herself if I broke up
volta pro mexicano helena retardada.
She replied to a comment i left on her video one time and she put a heart in it. It came to my phone and I felt like she did text me.
So good
Yoko is a 6/10 on her best day on looks alone, but her attitude/femininity makes her a solid 9.
Is there literally anything worse than a clingy girlfriend?
having no gf :(
Having a gf who makes you miserable is worse than having no gf.
I disagree.
because i woke up from my dream
Watch out for the knife that will be inevitably plunged in your back. Slanted eyes or not, bitch ed be crazy
Give it a month or two and the tides turn and she has you pussy whipped.
Because I'm 27 and still a virgin
Either you are not my girlfriend or you are not doing your job
Korean lady > Japanese lady
jokes on you, I haven't had a phone in 10 years
i wanna fuck that anime
>wants to fuck a dude
You gay bro?
im gay for that guy yeah
Why is psycho girl socially accepted than psycho guy?
You know that's a roach right?
Because psycho girls are kawai. blame anime
because you can fuck her real good
and psycho guys just kill alot of people
I don't date disgusting gooks.
it can be a fucking rotting moldy koala corpse i would still fuck that
Bebi, Ai wassu atu woruko.
thats a really cute trap.
Because men and women are fundamentally different. A psycho man is extremely dangerous, a psycho woman is only dangerous to the extent that you let her get away with being a fucking psycho. Women, even uncommonly strong ones, are easy to overpower both physically and mentally.
How's it different from any other country?