friendly reminder that if you can't sing basically you're a mediocre guitarist with shit ear
Julian Martin
Robert Anderson
wtf is super sonico? Could you please make the /gg/ threads guitar related?
Christopher Gutierrez
>an SG model guitar isn't guitar related Anime website.
Adam Cooper
expensive gear is nothing just sitting on the rack play something groovy with it :)
Elijah Torres
Ethan Brooks
Then why in the fucking hell the thread is called Super Sonico and not SG? Wtf is Super Sonico?
Wyatt Nguyen
Here you go my dude this is what is at my house right now. I can post the 800, but it isn't timestamped because again; it's at my bandspace. This is home because of maintenance.
Random Fender Strat Gibson VOS Special Gibson 1978 LOLNORLIN (not weight relieved lel) The Paul and a Silverface Twin that needs some fixing.
Jose Martinez
Because the guitar-related picture in the OP, an OP intended for anime website Sup Forums, is of Super Sonico holding an SG model guitar. Do you have the autism, user?
Ryan Mitchell
Lets get full body shots individually
Blake Flores
You still haven't explain what is Super Sonico you fucking piece of shit asperger.
After I finish my tuna pizza and finish stringing them, also I'm not gonna move the twin back over because it's too heavy.
Wait I believe I actually have a picture of the 800 with the VOS guitar.
Jason Carter
Lincoln Stewart
I like the brown LP. I think you know how to use a search engine.
Nolan Wright
Me too but people shit on it because its Norlin era. This guitar is one of the best things Norlin did though in my opinion.
Blake Howard
Your truss rod cover's on upside down
Eli Powell
thats normal on specials friend.
Julian Turner
It's not screwed down yet.
Kayden Carter
I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night.
Nicholas Peterson
>mental stability
Joshua Mitchell
Redpill me on lp user
Gabriel James
Someone got triggered
Thomas Gonzalez
What is there to redpill you on? Weren't you a fender guy?
Robert Smith
Do you want american or european?
Luke Sullivan
Do I really need to install a humbucker if I want to play metal on my standard Tele? Try as I may, I just can't get the tone I want. No matter how I fiddle with the settings, the distortion is always fuzzy and has little tone. I'm playing on a Vox VTX modelling amp. I've seen videos of people getting nice metal tones from a modelling amp, I don't know why I can't get the tone myself. I'm using as little gain as possible, and boosting using the tube screamer effect. I'll use as little as possible, and gradually turn it up, but no matter how much I fiddle with it, it just turns into a fuzzy mush.
Colton Jenkins
Also, this is with the brown lp not the VOS.
Connor Morales
Metal sounds good with single coils as long as you don't overdo it with the gain. This is the shit I'm talking about
No. I like all guitars except chinese. I would have got a gibson but i needed a sc guitar first I know very little about the different era's
Landon Thomas
>tube screamer >with a modeling amp
Asher Thomas
Do you actually know you like SC more than DC? Because I thought so too, then I played DC. Go play some LP's. Era's are generalisations and don't really tell you anything about the quality of the guitar.
Aiden Cox
Get some emgs just for metal
Brandon Mitchell
Short answer is yes. Modeling amps really don't sound good past bedroom level unless they're seriously high end
Jose Clark
I meant single coil.
Luke Nelson
That sounds like trash mate
Easton Morales
The modeling amp has a distortion effect and if you use the PC software, it lets you select from a variety of different distortion pedals, the TS being one of them.
My problem is that the tone is either not "metal" sounding enough, leaning more to blues, or it turns into a toneless mess.
If I installed a humbucker I'd only replace the neck pickup, I love my Tele bridge for cleans, it's why I play a Tele.
Andrew Wilson
You sound like Trash.
James Watson
go play some LP's. Heavier is actually really annoying in a live setting. I don't know which music you play though, I think that should be the biggest factor when considering guitar types..
Colton Sanchez
>The modeling amp has a distortion effect and if you use the PC software, it lets you select from a variety of different distortion pedals, the TS being one of them. That's exactly the problem lad. You won't find the sound you want with any of that.
Nolan Allen
Just get a new guitar, humbuckers are best in the bridge
Jason Harris
If you only don't like chinese I'll give recommend you to invest and look for a Navigator (japanese) from the 80's with one piece neck of honduran mahogany. The japanese makers were looking to make the best guitar and they didn't cut corners. Nowadays top of the line Tokai are very good too, they have all the proper circuitry and the right woods. Shitloads of money, go for Terry Morgan Replicas. Relic'd look Maybach from Germany/Czech R. Gibson VOS or Historic are always good, but too expensive. The new versions of traditional and standard can't compete with the other brands at that price point. The Heritage needs to be mentioned: they are doing the best Les Pauls in the USA without breaking the bank. ESP/Edwards if you want the right look at the right price, but I would go for any of the other brands.
Adam Murphy
>a bloo bloo he called my favorite band trash wahhh
Christian Sullivan
Spunds like you need a new guitar m8. Prolly a superstrat
Grayson Howard
Thanks m8 that jap navigator sounds like what im looking for.
Colton Anderson
Navigator sucks and is overpriced but great if you're a Gaylord
Oliver Anderson
Tone is mostly in the strings, the pickups, and the amp. Tone woods are bullshit
Levi Brown
Good choice. Besides being a great guitar it triggers anime soyboys -->
Benjamin Brown
Ethan Ramirez
I like how you never even mentioned the player, which is the only place "tone" really comes from
Owen Perry
I own a navigator strat and an Edwards LP I'm just being honest. They aren't that great
Xavier Wilson
Looks like the poorfagg neets are up. Heres a squier you cant afford.
Jace Cox
Nobody said anything about Navigator strats.
Cameron Davis
Post pics or stfu
Charles Williams
The thing is that I have seen videos of people getting a nice tone with it, I don't why I can't figure it out myself.
That's a cheap one, but check that it comes on a soft case and Navigators have the same headstock angle of a Gibson. There may be some problem with that.
Daniel Lopez
Why are you like this?
Hunter Lee
Like how? And please dont tell me thats a 3 piece lp. All i want is a solid mahogany body and neck with ebony fingerboard. Will i ever find my lp?
Asher Green
Is there any easy way to write a minimalist guitar piece that's a half hour long? I have this long electronic ambient jam and I want to add guitar to it so it's less boring and the only ways I can picture the guitar part being are if it's a bunch of single notes back and forth in different patterns like Mick Barr or if it's some finger picked rhythmic continuous thing like John Fahey. Does anyone have any ideas how I could write something like that that's a half hour? It doesnt have to be super good cause the electronics are there, i just need to ad some interest to it.
Aiden Gray
Btw i like your guitars. Just the lp the least. Probably the dc the most.
Blake Collins
Sounds like you need to do some lsd
Angel Foster
Just do some fingerpicking with chords. Literally impossible to make it sound bad, and it's as low effort as music can get.
Ryan Price
I don't care if you like them, you told me I was a poorfag and bragged about your jcm900. What the fuck is wrong with you dude.
I posted my 800 by the way .
Lucas Thomas
you can't convince me that this jcm 900 and 4x12 weren't perfect choices for a bedroom setup
also i bought a second classic vibe 50s tele recently but it's been "held in customs" for the past week and i'm waiting to get a letter telling me what their fuckin problem is
Blake Ward
Perhaps you should take up the name jcm800fag so i can differentiate you from the no gear losers.
William Sullivan
fuck off. I don't post here often because of faggots like you.
Jordan Cooper
i dont get this problem with hi gain on single coils that you mention. the only problem i may get is hum noise
Isaiah Lee
Three Jcums in a row. Looks like the japanese movies Jcum900 likes.
Christopher Richardson
Ethan Stewart
i bought mine before i really knew what i wanted in an amp. it's a great amp though, i just find the dirt channel a little too classic rock and british. it's also extremely loud even in the 50w version that i have.
Cameron Bell
Good stuff user. Now you just need a guitar upgrade sometime in the future. PEOPLE DONT KNOW ABOUT THE JCM900S SHIMMERY CLEANS.
Cooper Rivera
:(. user i thought you were fren? Stay poor sam. Hows that memory man? Should i just get a carbon copy instead?
Gabriel Reed
What tubes my dude?
Jackson Murphy
if i ever get an expensive guitar it'll just be a nice midrange les paul. for the next 3 years i'm a full-time student so i'm not going to be making any big gear purchases in the near future. don't feel like i need anything anyway, my poor musicianship is the major obstacle at this point.
and yeah the cleans are surprisingly great.
William Stewart
Epididymis and Vas Deferens, the same as you.
Juan Murphy
Gibson or other brand? Finish education but dont forget music user. It will really help through the rough times.
Lucas Martin
Mine are fallopian though jk. I meant power tubes obviously.
Camden Thompson
>100 watt >bedroom
People like you should neck themselves.
Brody Davis
i really like the memory man. if you're really after the darker, analog sound then the carbon copy is great. it has nice modulation too. the memory man offers much more clarity and versatility though, plus it has tap tempo, longer delay times, reverse, loop, multi delays and saveable presets. basically it's a matter of preference and knowing what you want.
2x el34, pre amp is 12ax7 you know anything about tube swapping? i'm interested in trying other tubes to try for a more modern sound and getting good breakup at lower volumes. i just don't want to harm the amp by not knowing what on earth i'm doing. and i don't have the tools for rebiasing, which i've heard is important if you're changing tubes.
Dominic Fisher
Are you some kind of fragile bitch? You dont like the bassy boom of chugging through a 4x12? Stick to your boss katana and 5 watt clone amps soyboy.
Michael James
it's 50w but yeah, it's a little silly given that i may never be able to crank it. don't really understand your vitriol tho.
Levi Taylor
Well i would start by putting in all 4 tubes. Keep them as el34s. Everything else requires modding. Yea biasing is important so you wont fry your shit. But maybe if its already biased for el34s you could get away without it. I personallybuy jj tubes but i heard chinese shuguangs have less headroom and slightly more crunch. Do you have a cable closing the fx loop or do you use it for your pedals? Also a compressor will really help tighten the gain and make it sound more modern. Also proco rats but i dont have one. Im chasing the trey azagthoth tone with mine and im not far off. My jcm at neutral with full gain sounds like the tone from greendays brainstew
Isaiah Gutierrez
What are Tanglewoods like as an intermediate folk guitar? I really like the design of them, but that seems like quite a shitty reason to buy one if the sound isn't great
Eli Anderson
I have a 4 string Cort action bass. Shoul i swap for this? I really need a guitar, and this supposedly is a 70's MIJ "Luxor"
Jeremiah Collins
the 50w version has half the tubes ha, it's not missing any. alright cool, i'll have a look for those. my pedals go into the front, i've tried putting them in the loop and it's not sounded that great. probably a dumb question but what difference does putting a cable in the loop make?
i use an off-brand ds-1. it takes like 20s to warm up and it produces an ungodly amount of noise but i really like it. i've also tried a fulltone ocd which sounded fucking awesome into the dirt channel but that made it even louder. i've settled on having the gain around 9-10, i'm not a heavy or death metal guy. the tone i really want is something akin to this, where it's cutting but smooth at the same time and there's some clarity to it:
Hudson Butler
I like the LP jr double cut
will you ever put new strings on it?
Juan Taylor
For some reason, I've started picking up radio on my ESP Tele on the high gain channel.
Oh I see I didn't know it was missing a couple tubes on my 100 watt I can switch into a 50 watt I'm not sure if it cuts to tubes off as well. On the gain channel try putting it at around 6 and then add your dirt to it. By running a single cable through the effects Loop and making it a close the loop you get added warmth bass and some gain. So the YouTube link was a joke
Nathaniel Cox
it doesn't turn off 2 tubes, it treats all 4 as triodes and doesn't actually make it half the wattage. You can remove 2 tubes if you're careful and can confirm it's a push pull pair while confirming it doesn't cause too much current to flow through the remaining 2.
Asher Long
All it all it's only slightly quieter. Triode mode changes the distortion character and both decrease clean headroom
Kayden Butler
Yeah I've heard about people just leave in the middle two ones but I don't know. And you know what you're right it does switch from triode to pentode
Matthew Bennett
Just the middle might be the 50 watt version. I seem to remember pulling the 2 left(or right) in the 100 watt. You'll know if you break up a pair. Think that was an Slx I owned
Luke James
I see if I remember correctly the V3 position is for the Reverb
Eli Kelly
I was talking power tubes. I believe v3 is the phase inverter in the 4100, the last ecc83 before the power tubes.
Jaxon Cruz
Reverb driver/recovery is solid state
John Gomez
Those scratchy lines tell me that a Westerner with an unsure hand drew this.