Fuck your risk threads
>hearts of iron 4 general
>which nation do you choose?
>what's your end game?
>do you let Germany get raped?
Australians are not welcome.
Fuck your risk threads
>hearts of iron 4 general
>which nation do you choose?
>what's your end game?
>do you let Germany get raped?
Australians are not welcome.
Risk thread
im too shit at that game :(
World domination
I live civ more.
>tfw i want to buy this game
>tfw already got burnt hard with stellaris
Paradox you suck dicks.
Let me guess, USA, UK, Australia and Canada are labelled as 'Democracy'
>play pooland
>ally germoney
>annex czechoslovakia, romania, latvia and lithuania before all hell breaks loose
>no danzig or war so everything is k.
>soviet union declares war on me
>cue 6 grueling years of war before the polish army, victorious after taking moscow, finally gets the soviet union to surrender
>liberate the ottoman empire because fuck it we're going full meme mode now lads
>push the allies out of europe
>its 1949 and the game is running unbearably slow
my army is stronger than germany, which means that I invariable follow them around and clean up their messes. 2 million american troops invading leningrad? ok germany be right there.
i've got a game going as fascist poland.
joined the axis and been helping fight the communist menace.