Did they predict pink wojack?

did they predict pink wojack?

Can we please stop talking about these pedophiles?

>they're bad people so I'll just assume their music isn't worth listening to

>dude just separate the art from the artist maaan
I am not going to encourage the products of pedophiles.
Their art is a product of their views.
Their views are that it is okay for them to have sex with children.
That's not okay.

that's not even true, stop being an unfunny boardshitter

>that's not even true
They were fucking kids ironically, then? So much better.

they don't, however, express their pedophilic views in their music
if you discovered tomorrow that your favorite artist was a pedophile throughout their entire career, would you just stop listening to them forever?
if so, you're an idiot

they’re pedophiles retard

every gay is a pedo. but show me an article that says they fucked kids

>they don't, however, express their pedophilic views in their music
Just like Stereolab don't come right out and say "Death to capitalism, Marxist revolution now!" but we all know that they're Marxists. Which is fine, because the last time I checked Marxism isn't predicated on destroying a child's life for your own sexual release.

Can you learn to separate art from the artist, like a normal functioning human being and just enjoy it for what it is, rather than dwelling on who they were? People still love the Beatles even though John beat his wife. Is this really any different?

>dude just listen to these pedophiles sing and play instruments like a normal human being

how the hell does coil being pedophiles make their music any worse if they never mention pedophilia in the music itself?

>the last time I checked Marxism isn't predicated on destroying a child's life for your own sexual release.
yeah, it's a lot stupider and much more depraved

>dude just listen to those wife beaters sing and play instruments like a normal human being

I know you're playing this up for epic lulz or whatever but no, it's not. Most Marxists are just well-meaning pseuds. Zero pedophiles are.

>one kid is scarred for life
>mass starvation, totalitarianism, concentration camps, purges, thought crimes, and mass censorship

I mean, they're people just like us. They have feelings and they have the right to make art. Just because they're attracted to kids doesn't make them savages.

>Just because they're attracted to kids doesn't make them savages.
Yeah, it does. They should be lined up and shot by virtue of their perversion.
I don't care if they're people. That alone does not justify them being toxic by nature. They do not have a right to exist and victimize people simply because it makes you feel queasy to question the morality of culling certain groups.

Maybe you should go listen to music by someone who isn't a pedofile. Be sure to check that they didn't assault any women or had any ties with holliwood celebrities who did.
Make sure to bitch about how "media is important" on tweeter too.

Have fun being an Enlightened Intellectual™ while you defend pedophilia online. You're really making the world a better place. God bless~

>at least 20 replies to this thread
>not even one link supporting the pedophilia claim

come on guys

I don't defend pedophilia? Just because i enjoy their music doesn't mean I support their belief or word view.
>Have fun being an Enlightened Intellectual™
oh I see, go back to tumblr or Sup Forums, which ever side of the "culture war" you're on.
And let people enjoy things for fuck sake.

>I don't defend pedophilia?
...he asked, unsure of himself.
>go back to tumblr or Sup Forums,
This just in, finding pedophilia intolerable now makes you a radical member of a culture war and not, as was previously thought, a regular person.

notice how the go "back to tumblr or Sup Forums" wasnt a responce to you finding pedophilia immoral but to "Enlightened Intellectual™". Reading comprehention my dude.
>unsure of himself
green text me where i defended pedophilia.


Another Coil thread shut down. Good. These degenerates need to be permanently removed from all musical discussions.

you bought the fucking premise that Coil were actually pedos.
you fucking retard.
you're not going to win this argument by this point.

For the record, there is zero proof any member of Coil ever even contemplated pedophilia. Just some erroneous association of homosexuality with pedophilia

uh oh, it turn out this guy >(you)
brought up the pedo subject. Nice try tho.

wtf I love coil now?!

I'm unaware as to what you imply I was trying to do. What's my supposed m.o. ?

is my only post in this thread

if that's true you should have read the thread from the beggining you dumbo.
(still (you) by the way)
said they were pedophiles from the first post.

Is there actually any evidence of them being pedos? Other than something like Sleezy did his "boys choir" thing (which was mostly synthetic voices anyway) and moving to Tailand?

No, it's predicated on destroying western civilisation and murdering every one who opposses you in a violent revolution in order to steal and redistibute their resources because "we're all equal maaaaaan". Much better.

An ideology which has murder built into it isn't "well-meaning".
Again, no evidance presented of them actually diddling kids, opinion discarded.

>he's self-absorbed to the point were he has an identity on an anonymous imageboard

I spell like a true genius

oh sure. I'm still looking for proof any member of Coil ever even contemplated pedophilia, or if this is just some erroneous association of homosexuality with pedophilia

Been googling a bit and as far as I can see it's just rumors. Couldn't find any press article on the matter and no sign of an accusation or arrestation.

So the guy posting that they are pedos is either a very dedicated baiter or just plain retarded then. Cool.

How bout you do some googling too before comming to conclusion? I may be lying, you don't know me.
Plus i'm anonymous, I could be (are you not gonna respond to me buddy?) trying to switch his bait mid thread.

I always though Coil sucked I didn't know they were pedos though lmao

This is some advanced shitposting

I'd like to say that i'm proud of my talent.

It's p convincing

>(are you not gonna respond to me buddy?)

>he forgot to log out.
Tripfags belong to the past. Leave like the rest of them did.
I'm not your buddy, pal.

>he forgot to log out.
No, I didn't. I made it pretty obvious that those posts were me.

>I made it pretty obvious that those posts were me.
And how did you do that kind tripfag?

Brainlets never learn, do they ?

>he can't tell when it's friendo

I never heard the pedophilia story and, frankly I don't care. If they're pedophiles they are sick individuals, but if their music is good and has nothing to do with it, I'll just keep listening to it. If I should not enjoy something cause it's author has different opinions from me on matters that don't concern the author's work I wouldn't literally appreciate anything. Though I can comprehend that things such as pedophilia or marxism are something that can completely prevent someone to enjoy it, I am the first to struggle when I try to separate the artistic value from a work that has to do with socialism and maxism

oh no there's two now!
Good thing tripfags only reproduce online and not in real life...

Why do you take such pride in not knowing the difference between a namefag and a tripfag?

makes me feel better about myself.

>I am not going to encourage the products of pedophiles
>uses Sup Forums

Hi montie

is there any proof they fiddled kids?

Where's the proof that they're pedophiles?
I thing you're making up memes to discredit Coil.
Pieces of shit.