>6ix9ine's sentencing delayed because he failed his GED
>judge is giving him one last chance to pass or he goes to prison for 3 years and gets life sex offender status
Jesus Christ how fucking hard is it to get a GED
>6ix9ine's sentencing delayed because he failed his GED
>judge is giving him one last chance to pass or he goes to prison for 3 years and gets life sex offender status
Jesus Christ how fucking hard is it to get a GED
GED is like the bar exam for niggers
Is 6ix9ine straight up retarded
6ix9ine isn't like the average normie
Institutionalized education doesn't work for people like him. It is simply above him.
I'm a simple man..
I see 6ix9ine thread, i bump it
iirc I was allowed like 2 hours to take the exam for my GED and it took me about 20 minutes
the GED isn't hard at all
did 6ix9ine drop out before the 9th grade or something
bump, that boy is moving smart in the industry tho
these people are in a contest to outdo each other in achieving lower and lower levels of degeneracy failure and self-destruction.
i predict in the near future soundcloud trap whatever being made by literal actual retards and deformed monstrosities bragging about their fetal alcohol syndrome etc.
>neo-Sup Forums's god is a literal retard
I mean that should've been clear from the start since he thought a 13 yr old was 19
That's already happening
damn I really hate this faggots personality
He’s uglier than both of you, yet gets more pussy. Lmao keep coping
what is it with faggots whiteknighting for celebrities on the internet
Trippie 'La Creatura' Redd
I really don't care. In fact some Sup Forumstant sent his girlfriend a dick pic that wasn't his and she sent back tons of videos of herself. That shows how retarded and out of touch Michael is
hes above it you mean right
He's a dude who has 69 tattooed all over his body and can't think of two words that rhyme besides "nigga" and "nigga". How smart do you think he is?
>6ix9ine's sentencing delayed because he failed his GED
What does this have to do with the legal system?
lmAo your sad becauseSUCK compared to Trippie Redd
So they're putting him in jail if he's a retard but freeing him if he's not?
>Hernandez was expelled from school in 8th grade, and did not return.[2]
it's to show he dindu nuffins, he a good boi, he in them programs, going to church etc
Why the fuck you get to avoid prison and being labeled sex offender for passing high school exam?
it was part of his plea deal, if he passed his GED, did not commit a crime for 3 years, and met other behaviorial conditions he'd basically get the charge scrubbed
Ah, so it's a way to get criminals and "street kids" on the right path, correct?
Yeah, but im suprised he hasnt failed the commiting another crime part already, considering hes waving guns around and doing drugs in every video
How long did the judge give him for the extension?
Its going to be almost impossible for this drug addled idiot to focus enough to do it, he will go to jail lol
he actually passed every part of the GED except science, I think the judge gave him 2 weeks
>As 6ix9ine began to mumble an explanation as to why he has yet to complete the GED he was ordered to over two years ago, Hon. Mennin asked him to speak up. His affect was meek and softspoken—a far cry from the howling provocateur he is on stage and in his records. He explained he’d passed every section of his GED except for the science portion, which he pledged to retake.
>Hon. Mennin implored 6ix9ine to take the GED seriously or “you may end up going in [prison],” before begrudgingly adjourning his sentencing hearing to April 10, 2018.
I don't understand, what does a GED have anything to do with him being punished for rape?
the GED is a joke. I can't believe that you can study at the university level with only a GED. I left school at 16 and spent a year self-studying a few subjects and got into a uni. the GED doesn't say anything about your academic ability except that you're not an absolute fucking retard.
completing the GED is part of his plea deal
Literally dropped out at 8th grade.
Which is the tier of all of his fans.
no excuses, I dropped out 9th grade to sit at home and get stoned and I aced my GED in every category and even got 100% in the algebra segment
you can't fix stupid
My brother got a plea deal to have his charges dropped if he got a hair cut. I think judges can do whatever stupid arbitrary shit they want. Never underestimate how stupid the legal system is.
he sure fucking ain't white
OK user
>did not commit a crime for 3 years,
6ix9ine better start breaking in his bootyhole then.