What a fucking cunt

what a fucking cunt.

>yes judge i definitely need near a million a year to live! the lifestyle he provided for me, i'm used to it! now that i'm no longer his penis pleasurer i still demand everything he gave me except his penis!

why are divorce judges such cucks?

Fuck off you redditor fags.

kys evil cuckservative

cant they like, idk...get a job? cool bait btw. too bad (You) wont get any (you)s


>net worth
for all we know he has 25 cents in his bank account just owns some shit thats all

And get payed less than men for equal work? What's the point. If you divorce a woman she is 99% of the time the one without a job already.
It's reasons like this you cuckservatives are virgins.

Do you not see the extremes?

It's fine if she gets like 50 grand a year. But 900k? That's fucking insane. She can get a job.


Ya blew your bait kid.

Sup Forumstards posting strawmans and then literally arguing against themselves is a sad sad sight.

He blew it when he used "cuckservative" as an insult twice in a row.

Huh? I dun get

You "people" are disgusting. You would throw a woman into a gutter if you divorced her.
Good thing no woman would EVER want you, heh

Go back to Sup Forums.


this is the worst bait i've seen

Haha got you all. I was just pretending

You can shitpost all you want Sup Forumstard. I have a loving girlfriend and you don't.

No amount of irony will shield you from the loneliness. No amount of circlejerking will make you less of a disappointment to your parents.

Pics or didn't happen

It's reasons like your post women are inferior.

$900.000 a year?
Do they have 400 kids together or what?

That's the cost of "maintaining her lifestyle"