Why dont you guys have any voter ID laws...

Why dont you guys have any voter ID laws? You need ID to do anything these days but choosing the leader of your nation and the direction in which it is heading doesnt warrant it????

I understand me being able to walk into the local polling station and just give my name, we're an island nation without 11million immigrants that can turn the tide of an election but this sounds like suicide.

Any americans care to tell me why?

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Because the laws overwhelmingly discriminate against minorities. They're just a way for Republicans to suppress Democratic votes.


What ? PA has Voter ID laws. There were a bunch of commercials reminding people to bring their ID with them

Also, they're just fucking unnecessary period.

America doesn't have a significant problem with voter fraud.

Yet the GOP conveniently tries to solve a non-existent problem.

Unconstitutional. Every citizen has the right to vote.


Stupid niggers like this don't realize (at least in WI) that state issued ID's are completely free

It's more like the democrats not making that known that its free and blaming big baddie republicans

>Every citizen has the right to vote.

agreed but how do you determine who is a citizen and who isnt? I could holiday in california and contribute a vote to your election while never being a part of it


'no id required'

This chart is all wrong.

Many states that are gray require an ID to have anything more than a provisional vote, which are usually thrown out.

Many states that are dark red simply require you to go to a courthouse within a week and give an excuse as to why you didn't provide ID.