If you were in the father's position with the audience's knowledge about her condition, would you?
If you were in the father's position with the audience's knowledge about her condition, would you?
Yes if he only fucked her tight little pussy nothing bad would have happened.
She's probably still a virgin because her shtick is so fucking retarded that most people wouldn't want to go through with it, that's where those fits of rage come from.
I kind of wish she had turned out to be a demon or something. Her just being a creepy midget makes no sense.
If I'd seen her all manky and old looking, no, otherwise sure.
>Her just being a creepy midget makes no sense.
I liked it, I'd like to see a more serious romance movie of a woman who tries to trick a man to be her "daddy" because she never really respected her real one when she was young as he was a cuck. She likes the new guy she's tricking because he's violent and aggressive and she sees him as the alpha master she never had.
She occasionally misbehaves on purpose to get beatings from him which she masturbates over later when he's out.
little girls are early 2010's
now it's all about big titty mommies
>be a demon from hell
>have power in hell
>heehee let me go into a little girl where I can barely do anything
You sound retarded
no, i would have fucked her before she got home from the orphanage.
>be a demon from hell
>transform into a loli
>seduce men and destroy families because that's what you do for fun
Makes perfect sense to me
>heehee let me go into a little girl
no her teeth were terrible
you might have some repressed issues, might wanna talk to a psychiatrist about that
If she could have just kept the edgy jealous shit under control she could have had it made.
You'd be just fucking a legal midget, there's no thrill in that.
It's pretty tame compared to some movies already out though. Hollywood movies are full of bizarre sex stuff.
Amen brother
Bone Vera Farmiga
>still having mommy issues
you know you've got to be >18 to post here, right?
Fuck what was the name of this movie. I barely remember it. I don't even know where I saw it
>the boy doesn't want both
there are no midgets that look like *THAT*
I would fuck her. My coworker's wife has a similar disease where she never hit puberty and even though she's in her late 20s, she doesn't look much older than 17. Nothing wrong with fucking an adult.
Isn't that the exorcist?
In all fairness if i was the dad and i didn't know about her condition i would probably still fuck her.
I mean she was pawing at his cock, it's hard to resist.
No because she is ugly.
the audience's knowledge is that he dies if he rejects her, so the only reasonable thing to do would be fuck her. which is fine because the audience also knows she's not a kid
she can keep the false teeth in though
pretty sure it would be considered child cruelty not giving her the d in such case
No in the exorcist a demon possesses a girl, what those anons are discussing is a demon turning into a girl
oh well excuse me all to hell
>tfw izzy thread on teevee
what happened?
Of course I would a loli-looking legal chick is jackpot
I don't know what you mean friend
would take her out for some yogurt
I'll post what little i have.
she'd like that, she's very hip and into clean living
you're a gentleman, even if your trips say otherwise
Is it possible for midgets to look this child like? Or any disease to make an adult look like this?
You'd figure there would be SOME defect to cause this but i never seen a case like it.
does she poop from there?
Andy Milonakis had something that made him look about 13 and he was 30.
That's a good dress, but it's bad on her figure. The hair on her arms also stands out on that red.
you mean improvement. the ultimate goal of esthetic surgery is make rich 45 yo women like prime 12 yo girls.
girls don't poop, stupid
>The hair on her arms also stands out on that red.
>that's a bad thing
Uh no imnot into grannies
wtf she looks 35 in this pic
>is already really attractive looking like a kid
>puts on make-up and dress to look like an adult
>looks worse
What did Hollywood mean by this.
Devushkas age like ryazhenka
you look 35 shut the fuck up
>implying there's anything bad about izzy
She looks like Orlando Bloom in that pic.
Let's be real, just like Chloe she peaked before puberty.
>crazy slav in my house
>threatening my family
distract it with warm vodka then mosin
No. Never stick your dick in crazy, it's a fucking headache. Girls who are a little nutty have an allure, but it almost invariably ends up not being with it. The idea of fucking her would be hot, but the reality is that after killing everyone else he cares about so she can be the only one he loves it'd only be a matter of time before he woke up with his cock in a pair of scissors and her screaming, "Why won't you love me?"
>not wanting to fuck Orlando Bloom
what are you, gay?
dumb tripfags ruining honest pedo threads
>implying that's anywhere near as bad as finding out that your loli isn't a 12 year old girl but a 200 year old castrated guy
>being a pedophile
I'm no pedo i just support Sup Forums culture
closet thing to a cunnybot you'd get. you have to do it.
waifuism is Sup Forums culture you moron
you could have rough abusive sex with her and nobody would believer her because she's nuts already
i would play anne frank and uncle otto with her everyday if you know what I mean
they can both be
my fucking man