How /black/ is Sup Forums ?

how /black/ is Sup Forums ?

I'm Moroccan-dutch.

i'm brown

i'm slavic

i'm irish so honorary black

i almost have unibrow

Im greek, ikibey himself accepted me

i'm half black and half Mexican

I'm greek

I'm black inside

I'm a 100% wh*te pig

I'm mostly white, but my dad was from kenya.

How are things going anyway Barrack?

my heart pumps nothing but the purest claret of royalty

I am jewish

Sup Forums is the whitest board of Sup Forums.

t. whitelogist


I'm black

I am italian, the definition of nigger

more of a 'coffee' 2bh

We're 100% black.

Blacker than Sup Forums but not nearly as black as Sup Forums.

I'm Greek

Shut the fuck up man. Repeating Iki isn't funny and you just encourage him.

i have dark eyebrows and i'm kinda stupid, so i guess i'm nigger
hello brothers

U mad bro???

i have brown hair so yes

Afro American master race.

My girlfriend's boyfriend


BLACKED-American here.

Male or female?

I am an Ikebey-American, full Greek ancestry

I'm an American black. The best kind of black

I'm white

nigger brown

post hair

just like hannibal, white phoenician man from carthage

Lebanese people literally wuz phoenicians.

I'm Mongoloid.

The niggest my son.

I'm black

fuck niggers.

I'm pure black from Africa.

Haha fuckin edgy man XD

>guy just above woman in pink hijab

everyone here must prove they are black or else they are not black

Fuck you uberhuman I am Nigerian

I am greek

i am black on my great-great-grandmother's side, she had the black bred out of her by wh*teys to prevent me from proving i was a kang on Sup Forums in centuries to come.