


bring 'em home

2nd for finlan is bad

Is this the get thread

Delete Finland is strongest ally

Rev up those pulus for those octos

hokki best
baseball sucks

>77767777 is kill

what was it?

have you considered learning how to use Sup Forums before posting


a-deen dva comrade


Let's try that again: Is he Cell key material?



>upstate new york
>not new england

>New york is hell

Blame our shitty infrastructure on the highways

show me on the doll where matt stone touched you user

quids for pulju



Guaranteed shit.


Go away pedo

Will Dog pull through again?

only if we believe

i dont know. It has to be a very lucky get for dog

He's been getting digits like these for days
Like small rumblings before a massive quake

>not always believing in dog

dog is reddit

You're reddit, go back

t. reddit

t. ifunny

>This shit again

Is ifunny even relevant now? That site is atrocious.

>tfw have to go to bed early and will be asleep for get

Set an alarm
Or just stay up you pussy

dont worry just check r/Sup Forums tomorrow one of the donzens of redditors here will screencap it im sure

the thread will still be up you retard

Tolvanen 2+1





excuse him finnposters
he lashes out when feeling threatened

>KHL is literally too easy for Tolvanen


finnlovers will be shot first


>hating on best nordics

scary to remember that they issue weapons in your country to people with crippling autism

>hating noridcs because they post donald duck


>mfw finns think they're people

this is a really poorly mad thread, OP is a faggot and should kill himself

what the heck is that goofy finn doing? :)


We're in the final 4 digits lads. Keep your guard up.

if /hoc/ wins the octs i will not only stop bullying finland but i will also move to lapland and become fin



Who would bling bling boy root for?

bustrik laine who


o shit almost time

Post monkes


I have made this


fuck you gary

idk. Am I?

>implying hoc will get the get and not /nba/ or /nfl/

>not believing in /hoc/'s autism power



Rev up those pulus, dogs, and monkes for the get



>our GM is so shitty he can't even sign our prospects
>we're stuck with this shit team for another couple years because he's a fucking retard
>the only replacement the fans want isn't leaving tampongay
>meanwhile the only hockey event I was looking forward to is going to be missing all the good players
>tfw the next lockout will last a whole season and the NHLPA will end up getting the players nothing like before because Bill Daly is an overpaid piece of shit who hasn't accomplished anything
>also I'm losing my job because the pistons are leaving the palace


you did me a service allowing us to watch that frog dance

Get a job at the pizzarena


tom is reddit


Maybe Beanman will get the octos?



let me tell you what you have to do in order to get that job:
>Pay $5 in Parking everytime at PizzaDome (if you're an employee)
>Pay 2% tax to the city of Detroit
>Work 50% of all events (they will be managing something like 8 venues) despite most of the Palace employees working outside of metro detroit
>Even if you're security you have to wear a suit at PizzaDome
You only have a base pay of $8.90, and you work 6 hours an event. With the parking deducted that's only 8.10 per hour, without including gas money.








>flies are attracted to shit
Seems accurate desu.

