Yfw this single sequence was better than the entirety of Rogue One and TFA combined

>yfw this single sequence was better than the entirety of Rogue One and TFA combined

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Hate all you want. It was the best action we've had in a Star Wars movie. The battle at the beach was great.

Not hating, this is genuine praise. Are you fucking dense, cuckmaster?


go to bed George

I meant Rogue One you contrarian cuck. There isn't a battle at the beach at Phantom Menace.

>if you pause a fight scene you will see they are not actually hitting each other!

Duel of Fates was the best track of the entire trilogy.

I know, I misread. You're still a faggot.


You're the one who likes a highly choreographed fighting scene where they look like they're dancing instead of trying to kill each other, faggot.

That may be true, but unfortunately

> action =/= film

Are you actually saying that the Phantom Menace is a better film than Rogue One or TFA?

Yeah, I'm done talking to you. Enjoy your dead thread. Post a smug anime girl or a bait picture and say you trolled me to save some face.

fucking kek

time for the daily maul fanboy thread is it? please go away

what is a force kick?

yea, its wrapped up in a horrible movie though

I am not from US and don't have the same racial mentality as you guys. My country has people who are blue eyed blondes to people with monobrowed black hair, brown eyed tanned/brown people in it.

But I swear to god, I just can't understand the mentality behid choosing this protoganist. He looks like a fucking gorilla. If they wanted a black protoganist why didn't hire an actual, I don't fucking know, an actual charismatic black actor? What should that huge, pug nosed, weird lipped guy should inspire as a leading chacter in the audience? That even human/gorilla hybrids can become someone in Star Wars Universe?

>He looks like a fucking gorilla.
hahhahahahahaa, holy shit your stupid, he's like 4'2 ft,
>a gorilla
yea ok , idk what country your from but your an idiot

That guys facial structure, his lips, nose, eyes, shape of his temple are very primitive ape-ish. I am questioning why did producers choose a handsome black guy?

>inb4 there are no handsome black guys

We don't have blacks in the country so I am not familiar with them but there has to be some universal handsome black guy type or something. That guy looks like the missing link.

dude, wtf is wrong with you? ray park doesn't look remotely like a nigger, neither does Maul, jesus christ m8 if your seriously getting triggered over this u need help

look I get it, your gay for niggers, this is not within your fetish, Ray Park couldn't look less like a nigger if he went though 20hrs of makeup


Which star wars movie has a black protoganist?

Answer that question and then tell me which star wars movie I am ranting about...

The music was the only good aspect of that scene.
This is Star Wars, not Star Dance.

get a load of this niggers, Ep 8 spoilers leaked:

Mace Windu is not dead, a passing ship broke his fall and he stowed away and exiled himself to Jakku.

Rey was left on Jakku Luke after his academy was destroyed and Mace and Luke met on Jakku.

Mace used an old force power that was lost with the near extinction of the jedi to cloak Rey so that Snoke and Ren could not find her and finish her off. The same one Yoda and Obi-Wan used to protect Luke and Leia.

Luke wanted to learn all of the old master jedi force powers that he was not strong enough to learn from Yoda and Obi-Wan so he exiled himself to learn from Mace.

When Rey finds Luke Mace is also there and he reverses the cloak which restores her memory and all of her past training and Lukes academy being destroyed by Snoke, Ren and his knights is revealed.

Rey leaves to get revenge. When Ren met Han he was conflicted and turning towards the light, which is why he was defeated by Rey, he is really much stronger. His knights are also very strong. They overpower and capture Rey.

Finn, Poe and Chewbacca are with the resistance having battles with the first order, there is a space battle, one on a snow planet (not-hoth) and one on a swamp where Finn and Poe get separated together (its gonna lead to a lot of tumblr shipping).

Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, C3PO, Leia, BB-8 and some other resistance members go to find Luke because Rey has not yet returned with him. When they get their they find out Rey has left. Mace and Luke do not have a ship to follow her.

Finn, Poe, BB-8, C3-PO, Chewbacca, Mace and Luke go to save her. They run into Ren and he ends up turning to the lightside. When they get to Rey she has turned to the dark side. There are many different lightsaber battles.

Eventually Snoke is on the way so Mace sacrifices himself to buy them time to escape. He is killed by Rey.

Luke returns to the island to finish mastering what Mace taught him so he can defeat Snoke, he also further trains Ren.

ah ok, we aren't talking about that here, Maul has nothing to do with the, yea fair enough gorrilla from TFA, again wtf is wrong with you?


stop posting fgt

What was with them force field things that made Obi Won wait?

well you see whats with them is, they're forcefields, and they made obi wait

is their anything else your not clear on?

TFA's fight between Rey and Kylo was better. George can't choreograph a fight scene to save his life. The original trilogy light sabre fights were fucking terrible.

It doesn't matter, what matters is they pump up the tension of the fight.

Not really. It was cool but pretty fake after rewatching it. Not natural at all. Obviously choreographed. No emotion either.

R1 action scenes that put this to shame. It's like Battle of Five Armies vs. Return of the King action scenes.

delete this

The trained Jedi weren't frothing with rage and swinging wildly so it doesn't count.

>what matters is they are bad writing

Qui Gon meditating was a great moment

>implying george choreographed the fight scenes.
Darth Maul did that.

yes, the OT fights will trump pt shit every time, but out of the shit this is the best shit

How does one get so invested in Star Wars fandom that you can't appreciate a bitt of mockery of what clearly is a fucking ridiculous fight scene?

>t. prequelnigger
here, have some more spinning lights and motion. it's faster and more intense!

>a bit of mockery
how desperate are you? this was some mediocre choreography. Are you so enamored with this shit you can't admit basic faults? the fight was good, it had problems, air kicks were one of them

Yea dude. I agree with you, it was shit, which is what i originally said

earlier they use super speed gotta go fast force power to escape from droidekas. did Obi Wan forgot this power, because if he used it he would have went through them on time?

yes, introducing homosexual dance scene to SW was really bold

george broke new ground by having the first homosexual in star wars. maul should be a gay icon

Too bad you have to wade through 90 minutes of dull, boring, emotionless dogshit before you get to it.

yea my bad

>Sheev visits Jakku often
>Mace was hiding on Jakku

Fuck off, faggot. Get your fanfic elsewhere.

Fighting in movies is based on beats its timed and its a dance between 2 or more parties. So yes it is a dance but thats not a reason to claim it was bad. Just sloppy work.

TPM is kinda forgettable, but the Darth Maul battle was pretty cool.

All three of you are idiots

[Spoiler] btw check'd [\spoiler]

>he doesn't know how to spoiler

This thread is irrefutable proof that SWfags are retarded.

>muh wildly swinging slow sword fights with EMOTIONS

I thought about this the other day. Obi-Wan vs Maul is the only fight in the series where two fit trained jedi/sith go flat out trying to kill each other. There's also the fact that they are both apprentices, fighting to show their capability. Even though the fight might have looked choreographed, this is actually the most realistic depiction of a %100 effort fight between two force users.


>Vader didn't want to kill Luke in V or VI
>Old Ben was stalling Vader in IV, plus he was old as fuck

>muh spinning and speed with INTENSITY

Aurlnauts are pure gold, their sound editing is god-teir

he used it, got between force field's 1 and 5, look theirs so many problems with this fight, the force field scene is not one of them

yeah trying to kill eachother, hmph, not with the that dance routine of a "fight" there not. *sigh* if you were anywhere near as intellegent as i, or any reasonably educated person (not a republican hick) you would easily be able to dissect the battle and analyse it deeply and thoughtfuly, using rationality and logic (with these by my side, i am unstoppable). me personally being exstensively trained in HEMA (Historical European martial arts, for you dumb rednecks), am able to see all the moments in which this choreography, which likens to a homosexual mating dance (dont mistake me for a homophobe, 'tis but a joke), fails to recognise the many openings which these jedi "warriors" leave for the opponent to strike them down. from the girlish twirls leaving their back exposed, to unnecessary jumps and flips putting them off balance, this fight is nothing but attrocious to anyone with half a brain, and to a connosieur like meself, this is, to quote Oppenheimer, "now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds". simply abbhorrent, childish drivel, ill stick to Stanley Kubrick and Quentin Tarantino thank you very much. Heh, I guess those directors are a little to sophisticated for the type of imbicile who would enjoy a childrens film. You've probably never even heard of them, or seen masterpieces such as Clockwork Orange or The Resevoir Dogs. *shakes head in disdain* What a sad, twisted world we live in...

he didn't, he was running at normal speed, not flash turbo speed

>Ben was stalling Vader in IV, plus he was old as fuck

then vader should have crushed him, because he explicitly stated he wanted to fight him and i doubt it was so he could be stalled

1. Qui gon & Obi wan vs Darth Maul
2. Luke vs vader in Return
3. Rogue one beach fight

and then just the rest cos its all shit

ROTS has the best action

First 30 mins are better than the entire RO garbage.

ROTS has the best opening too.

luke vs vader in empire is number 2

how can u tell? its not like their was a blur or something when they used superspeed

yeah i loved it when r2 set those droids on fire lmao

like what, screen cluttered with 5000 ugly cgi ships and a million explosions? so engaging wow incredible action. jedi cutting down shitty cg battle droids like fucking butter? wow so cool and suspenseful. get cancer literal retard


here's another (you), retard

they moved at different pace
Obi-Wan was nowhere near that speed during the duel

with superspeed the nearly teleported, you can see the difference with naked eye

nope, you can't argue they used it then and he didn't during the force field, its just too ambiguous, maybe he's running at normal speeds, maybe not

He's saying that the fights were better, and they are.
Nothing beats that final fight in TPM.

if Windu came back I would be so fucking stoked.

I would wonder why he would not of taken revenge on Sheev or Anakin though.

>I would wonder why he would not of taken revenge on Sheev or Anakin though.
Because of some contrived excuse.

They should do a stone age star wars movie before any of the cast existed and the whole mythos starts.

>Enjoy your dead thread.
>he thinks he can single-handedly decide a thread being over

they should make an inside me-like movie about midichlorians

If it's epic fights you want, just watch the SWTOR trailer cinematics.

100000 times better than any shit Disney/Lucas ever came up with.

Also the Old Republic universe is just a gorillion times better as well.


>literally autism

fuck, was it inside me or inside out?
too lazy to check
last year's pixar movie btw

Yeah, he'd struggle going after Sheev again because Sheev would probably keep the fight at range this time with force powers.

But Vader he could definitely take. Maybe he should have.

Maybe he got shanked by a drug dealer in an alley on coruscant while he was recovering from his wounds.

Or maybe he tried to resist arrest.

reddit pls go

wow more spinning badly choreographed bullshit. yawn

yeah star wars is about "spinning choreographed bullshit with lighstabers" in case you didn't know

your minority mary sue wars, belong in the trash

>TFA's fight between Rey and Kylo was better.
It was that bad that they had to slow down the scene at one point just to build tension.
It was shit.

>George can't choreograph a fight scene to save his life
>implying the choreography in the TFA duel wasn't some of the worst choreography in cinema history

Nigger you fucking what

>did Obi Wan forgot this power, because if he used it he would have went through them on time?
You're not wrong, but it wouldn't have worked.

that's what star wars is about? spinning lights? man i was way off

>star wars
everything is a capeflick now

>that commentary
Top lel

Yeah, Star Wars is about epic fights.

Not minority pandering that you so much enjoy, my non-white friend.

oh ok

Itt millenials who grew up with the shitty prequels

Why do non-whites even come here, did you guys not hear the news?

>prequelnigger attempting to defend his favourite turd by implying that only scary "non-whites" dislike it
this is a new one. let's see where it goes

he was pretty fucked up by that fight if he survived
probably a cripple now that cant fight very well
iirc windu was only decent at force abilities but was the best lightsaber fighter in the order. or something like that

they probably pick and choose from the eu canon like they have been doing and have it turn out hes like Empatojayos Brand
take a dip in liquid autism if you dont know who that is

I was actually imploring that only non-whites like this trash, nice try you dumbfuck subhuman LMAO

another flawless victory

k never mind. i thought you were this retard

I just realised there is a severe lack of white men in the new star wars.

Why have they been left out?

jesus christ that unapologetic author insert. literally every person sucking the characters dick, and he is even the one that defeats the emperor,

gotta get dem wewuz bux

having white people on screen is problematic to white people who get offended by white people