
Why does only Argentina make constant new and decent music in the Hispanosphere? Is it because they are (not) white?

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Arjentina is the worst shithole in SA, and that's saying something

They don't do good music and that would be spain.

t. spanish soyboy

>plastic indie rock
>leftist militant hiphop



that's bullshit

as an argentine i like a lot of our music and indeed we were great in several types of rock music, with some artists that left a huge mark in the region as a whole (spinetta, charly garcía, ceratti, etc), but we are severely lacking in other types of music and haven't had much legitimate game-changing music in a while.

and it's funny you say "new" music is good, because in any case the present isn't particularly exciting. the mainstream is at least a decade behind the times of global music and the indie scene is polluted of faceless indie bands that think the only route to take is imitating Él Mató, which aren't that exciting to begin with

I don't like what this thread is trying to say, but Juana Molina is the most interesting female musician alive on earth right now. so they got that going for them as a big plus.

she's very good indeed
caught a free show she did last year. fucking audience was disrespectful as fuck, you could tell a huge part of them were there since they didn't have to pay shit and not because of liking her music

that's pretty dope. Too bad about all the normie scum though.

The only relevant musician right now is Juana Molina, yes even more than most dadrock from here

the same reason Chile does: they have a higher standard of living.

then where's all the good music from costa rica?

Cualquiera que sea de Argentina y tenga un poco de buen gusto sabe que estamos pasando por una fase (eso espero) de música de mierda, no hay una banda que este subiendo la vara, todos quieren ser Mac demarco

La imitación está matando el indie local. LAPTRA quizás pudo haber llegado a ser novedoso cuando salió, pero una década después toda bandita nueva quiere sonar como El Mató. Si vas a un festival local las chances que te encuentres con unos muertos haciendo indie rock berreta son altísimas.
La vara está muy baja, se podría apuntar más alto. Hay géneros de los que cuesta encontrar grandes representantes (ejemplo, dónde hay pibes haciendo buen noise-rock o post-hardcore de calidad?). Y si los hay están escondidos porque no hay gran interés, ni del público que quiere indie facilón de verso/estribillo/verso, ni la prensa que se pajea con cada nueva cosa del Mató y te dicen que son los ídolos del under.
Hay cosas que están re buenas, pero para hallarlas te tenés que tomar un laburo enorme.

Costa Rica has a significantly higher standard of living than its neighbours but is still less developed than Argentina and Chile

No soy pero conocés algún album bueno actual?

Uno con los ojos abiertos, tenés toda la razón están escondidos y no hay interés, la gente prefiere a un nene brillito que canta boludeces, que no está mal que te guste pero no entiendo como es que opaca la escena musical y nadie pone los ojos en bandas que valen la pena

Esto está bastante bueno, para escuchar un par de cosas que normalmente se pasan por alto:

Planeo arrancar generals de música latina/en español, como para discutir más seguido y ver qué se encuentra. Creen que habría interés? A qué hora convendría?

Está buena la idea, no se a qué hora convendría pero seguro que habría interés

Gracias por la recomendación.

En la tarde hay más latinos, pero seguro aparecera uno que otro shitposter.

Creeme, no quieres que haya un hilo de latinos

Casi no hay lugares donde conversar sobre música y menos que sea latino

Out of the way nerds


OP here, I'd like to keep the thread going, it took an interesting twist.

I need to explain a little but hate phoneposting, so, basically, Argentina has got the right conditions for something new. It does not matter if most of the indie scene is ultralame right now (they embraced too much identity and PC culture). Buenos Aires might be the last city on Earth where rock is street culture, sonically thats a great thing, but also theres a lot of local black music unknown to the world, limited but innovative in its own ways, which make a great repository for new resources. Apart from that, a great tradition of selfconciouss white music, very different to anyone else in terms of moods, lyrics and intention because of the viveza plus

>also theres a lot of local black music unknown to the world
well said my friend

post some interesting music already you argentine fuck I wanna hear this shit

México > Chile > Everything else around south america

The only shit argentians do it good


This song is amazing

Thanks, user

even the cockiest porteños have abandoned hope at this point. the southern cone is about as much of a shithole as the rest of SA. chile is probably next.


Bueno ya que todos estamos de acuerdo con que la escena del rock está plagada por el indie y no tiene mucho futuro: cuál es el próximo género más popular? Ahora que casi todos los grupos de cumbia son uruguayos y la "onda nene malo" está casi muerta, y con los pibes estos del quinto escalón que están sacando temas, yo creo que lo siguiente es el trap


Yo creo que el trap va a durar, más o menos, el mismo tiempo que el EDM, no más.

Para mí va a durar lo que duren bad bunny, ozuna y el resto de la escena más grande de trap latino, porque los de acá copian el mismo estilo. Incluso los beats suenan todos iguales

A mi como que ya no me gusta el rock latino mucho, la gran mayoria solo fue siguiendo lo que hicieron los Estados y Europa de todos modos.

Estoy escuchando la musica tipica cada vez mas

Es algo propio latino.

Mas cumbia, culeros

El trapo local no existe, me parece difícil que sea la próxima cosa

El tema loca de khea y duki está literalmente en todos lados. Si duki hace un proyecto SEGURO va a tener mucha atención. El tema es si al pibe le da para más


posta hay un tema de trap local en todos lados? estoy medio desconectado de todo, entonces

Traslúcido es bueno, dejate de joder. Hay bandas decentes regadas por BsAs, solo hay que muy under.

En el mainstream sí nos refuimos a la mierda though.

Hay que buscarlas, son muy under**

>en todos lados
Dónde perdóname? En mi vida lo he escuchado.

ya sé que las hay buenas, pero como decís: muy under. el mainstream es mierda, el under es en buena medida también: lo único bueno es el sub-under, bandas aisladas que son excepciones.

That doesn't explain brazil's music culture though
y éste también

Con quién se murió el rock argentino?


brazil is the biggest economy in SA, moron

mucho plebeio x aca XXXXXD

What argentina has to offer???

cumbia nena

Was thinking about starting a noise band in zona sur, but i don't really want to deal with the left police that infests the under scene.

>constant new and decent
The last worthwhile band to release a debut there did it in 1998, and all their good artists from previous eras have either died creatively or literally.

I always wondered why there isn't an interesting black metal scene in Argentina. Apart from Downfall of Nur, all bands of that style are pretty bad.

Arbol was the last good thing to come out of Argentina tbqh

How is Arbol shitty pop rock good in any way?

From what I've heard, Argentina has some really, really great post-punk and new wave artists from the 80s.
Sumo, Charly García and Los Abuelos De La Nada are really great, worth checking out.
From what I've heard of bands that are popular right now, like the aforementioned El Mato, it's a bit uninteresting, I didn't care too much for it. Their newer reggae influenced music is also really bad, and doesn't hold a candle to the reggae Sumo was doing.

Good songwriting, good lyrics. Guau! is the only modern argie rock album I listen regularly

Babasonicos and Pez

for any non-argie that doesn't know, Babasonicos is a meme, don't take it seriously. It's for ironic listens only.


babasonicos has been the only decent mainstream band for the past 15 years

argie music is underground but that doesnt make it good, at all. our indie scene is fucking garbage for the most part, it might be sort of exciting first but overall it gets tiresome very quickly

if you want some names to look into, some of the up and coming not mainstreams bands are: Mi Amigo Invencible, 107 Faunos and Japon (defunct side project but better than their current output), Bestia Bebe (shit albums, better live), Atrashaytruenos, Peces Raros, just google the whole LAPTRA lineup to find the rest of the same shit. There are many more im forgetting but, they really arent that interesting. Its not like the sort of hidden gem some people are trying to meme.

I'm in La Plata and shits even worse but in Capital the scene is a tad more varied, still not that great. I dont know much about electronic artists but i know a few experimental ones like Juan Jose Calarco, if you talk to him on Facebook he might be open to guide you much better.

They've been decadent ever since the late 90s with jessico dude.

>the biggest Hispanic market and closest to the 1st world and can't produce anything half-decent or relevant
>their biggest music is unironically songs in a puppet show (31 Minutos)

>the trap theory
Last time I was in Buenos Aires I met a guy who recently left noise and subversive indie pop for trap. The innovative aspect of argie trap is in terms of personal aesthetics and fashion, and to a extent elements from cumbia and BA street culture that permeates in it. Sadly, trap is just a fad sound, and local acts couldn't escape to its inherent vices and contradictions (the egomania, the materialism, the "berreta" existentialism). More to add, on the avant-garde margins merge with the worst of local SJW (Hiedrah et al).
Anyway, I don't deny that RIGHT NOW it's the sound for the new argie hip, but that won't last, it has no future.


In terms of black sounds it's all about cumbia. It had a long period of relevant innovations from 1996 to 2013 aprox, with a region-wide commotion a la Sex Pistols in the first years of the noughties. Its problem was, and still is, it has no narrative to follow. No big, impartial music critic has ever talked about it. Argentinian intellectuals (90% liberals) always claim the same shit: "it's the sound of the people! the oppressed! the rebellion!". But it's not like that. There were producers making smart moves very much like Malcolm McLaren and a LOT of taking from white/middle class music. It's needed a new narrative based on the music and aesthetics and not in pseudo-sociological analysis. With a simple search you'll find all the acts you need to start.

Hola, ¡me sumo a esto!

wealth disparity or not, there's wealth

De que parte de zona sur?

On the middle-class/white side, there's an indie line of music as something free, urban and subversive. The problem with it (for an anglo audience) is that this artists mostly excel...on lyrics, which are very visual and casual. I'd put various artists on that canon, but I'm sure we here would agree that Sumo and Dios are VERY BIG artistically and idiosyncratic. I'd add others, but... the rest is much more controversial.

I just can't understand the appeal of El Mató, Perras on The Beach, Las Ligas Menores, Los Reyes del Falsete, Tobogán Andaluz, Mi Amigo Invencible... Soy una vieja chota o que? Ni siquiera tengo 20, what do?

reminder that this is the most viewed song from argentina in yt

El mató me gustó un tiempo pero luego me di cuenta que siempre estaban lanzando la misma canción

Este disco es divertido

esos son chilenos, bobo

>From what I've heard, Argentina has some really, really great post-punk and new wave artists from the 80s
It's not as exciting as you would expect. Outside of the big names it gets hard to find "hidden gems"

yo sé mongol, ¿pero estamos hablando de música en español no?

Posting the best Argentinian musician


What does this shit mean? They are a great band, even if the sound they stick with now is considerably more uninteresting and safe from previous works.
But most works from Jessico and before are great

No, es comprensible. Algunos zafan en mi opinión, pero a la larga se superpone el sonido y no desarrollan nada especial. Las bandas de LAPTRA para sus shows siempre llaman de teloneros otras del sello o similares y te das cuenta de lo monótono del asunto.
Qué te gusta? Tal vez te puedo indicar un par de cosas buenas.

Went to mexico city a few years ago, music scene was shit, everything was so stereotypical, almost like a living vice article.

Great? what's so great about them?
They were an OK alternative rock band pre-jessico, that's it.
They aren't even relevant anymore with the current youth.

El Mato first record and their trilogy of EPs were huge and very refreshing on the mid-2000s. In that moment made total sense and they are still good records.

Now things are more complicated. They overused the formula and much worse, there's a whole scene trying to sound like them... it's pathetic. Moreover, the band that was going to replace them as the new cool (La Ola) fell into a media hell and the cultural/liberal press is trying to push Simon Poxyran as the "successor". I mean, I liked some of his songs, but the little talent he could have is being overwritten with celebritism.

I guess the indie poptimistic redpill would be Len Rocket's "Aburrido" (has the best shoegazy song I ever heard in Spanish, "Tanto"). Los Bilis first EP is also very good and fresh. Both are from 2017!

name a better post punk record in the spanish language. i'll wait.

anything by Paralisis Permanente is better then Los Memeditos de Memecota

>the band that was going to replace them as the new cool (La Ola)
did they ever become that important for the indie scene? jesus, they weren't even that good - twee aesthetics taken to its nauseating limit

still waiting

Keep waiting, you fanboy. Los redondos are by far THE most overrated argie band.
Also, I think calling them post-punk is a bit of a stretch, they're a plain rock band.

pensaba tal vez tipo 7
si mañana estoy al pedo a esa hora los arranco
voy a ver de subir un par de discos a mega para compartir

Los fuiste a ver en vivo? La gran mayoria de bandas con un seguimiento que crece (como Mi Amigo Invencible/El Mato) es por que en vivo suenan bien. Los Reyes del Falsete y Tobogan Andaluz estan bastante desaparecidos en comparacion con años anteriores, quedaron ahi medio en el limbo pareciera. No se como es el tema con Perras on The Beach pero el loco Poxyran se nota que es una version muchisimo peor que Migue de La Ola, no tanto por la musica es mas la onda pseudoquiebre y la audiencia que intenta comprar. Igual hace mucho que no estoy en estos circulos asi que la verdad estoy medio desactualizado.

This is what happens when you let tango die

it's just too risky to be a male rock musician in this day and age.
I was in a band with small moderate success back in the mis 00s, but we decided to quit because our own fanbase was getting very, very turbulent.
Female fans would fight with each other because some of them were fucking a few of us, so the ones that didn't get to fuck us started posting some feminist stuff on FB. We just decided it was better to quit. Too dangerous. I don't want to end up in jail due to made up accusations, and the current law in Argentina is way too bizarre, anything can happen. Right now there's a witch hunt for male rock guys. It's happening in USA as well, but in Argentina there's guys already in jail, without actual proof, just because an old groupie of him said that he "abused" her 15 years ago.
It's fucking scary.

I stopped playing rock and am now just DJing. Far easier and less time consuming, and girls on eletronic parties are way too high on drugs to think about doing any legal shit.