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the absolute state of hip hop culture

lol he's fucked

la creatura....

this has to be the most niggerish article I have ever read

Cell mate got the stiffy uh

>migos are irrelevant
>xxxtentacion JUST
>lil peep dead
>lil pump to retarded to do anything
>now this



this math is tricky uh

oh god

This is like a cartoon or anime episode or something
>You're going to prison if you don't pass your exam, 6ix9ine


>omae wa mou shindeiru 69

dubs and he doesnt pass


And he just writes a big 69 on the scantron

he'll cheat if he can't pass

I didn't know about this pedo shit. Is he using his rainbow colors to lure in children?

gays are one of the oldest pedo group, this isn't news.

You ever see How High? I bet he's got some weed ghost to help him pass

can y'all explain what a GED is to non burgerlands

why does he have to pass his ged for that lol

I don't know if that's true


Government Employment Decision

if you fail out of or drop high-school. You can pay money to take a highly concentrated group of exams that say you're at a high-school level.

The ancient Romans were fucking little boys, dude.

Highschool diploma for retards who couldnt do it the first time. I dont get it. All you had to do for highschool was show up. I smoked weed everyday in grade 12 but my average was a 91.

Pedophilia among gay adopted parents is magnitudes higher than regular adopters.

But that was like over 2000 years ago and they were Greek, and the Greeks are well known freaks


I don't know who this dude is, can someone give me a quick rundown? His name is 6ix9ine and he has 6 and 9 tattooed all over his body? that's his thing?

ye also he acts like a ghetto black boy

>over 2000 years ago, pedophiles were fucking little boys
Are you the same guy who said that you "weren't sure if it was true" that gays are one of the oldest pedo groups?

> listening to musicians who aren't college educated

tfw still need to get my ged


..why? why are people even giving him attention? that's the worst gimmick I've ever heard of, period.

What state was this?

There are like 3 musicians who are college educated

Irony is a plague.

imagine if he actually doesn't pass it

69 years is prison get

But they were little boys for like half of their lives because living conditions then were so shit and people died super quickly

Canada in a very impoverished area. You could argue that I was bell curved for funding but even then I know a lot of people who failed or simply just stopped showing up. I shouldnt of said retards cause there are reasons. My good friend had to leave school due to being so poor he had to provide for his siblings.

>the mentally deranged lefty now defending a group of people he has no knowledge of because they are gay

Yeah, but the Romans weren't gay. That was just how they did shit then. It's completely different from now

>fucking little boys was okay because it was their KULCHUR

I didn't say that. I just meant that they didn't know any better. When lifespans are as short as they were back then, kids grew up a lot faster.

GOOD post

>named 6ix9ine
>hand tattoos read 96

>yamate! calculus-kun

Ugh sissy musicians these days. Remember when men were men and real music was on the radio?

me on the left

Reminder that early black metallers murdered several people and burned down multiple churches

hardest genre?

rappers still murder all the time

we still have Yung Lean and that's all we need


just study a bit. it's even easier now that we have the internet.

good riddance

what the fuck kind of plea deal did he get where not even actually graduating high school excuses him from sexually assaulting kids? fucking really?

Isnt GED supposed to be piss easy?

i slept through 90% of highschool and did great. what is wrong with these retards who can't get their GED?

public school trash confirmed

>Sup Forums worships a literal retard


Not only that sometimes you have family/personal issues

This is a he?



>icejjfish still going strong

How long until every rapper that got big the last few years is in jail or dead

It’s up to Drake to save us now

What happened to XXXTentacion by the way? Did he go to prison for that whole pregnant girlfriend thing?


> sat at the back of classroom by window

what's with the sixty nines all over his body

are they the digits he forgets the most to his social security number cos if so wow not bad

He's on house arrest.

> Lil Pump is 17 and has made more millions than I have after he dropped out of school and had trouble with the police

Man, what was the point in me getting my Masters

Ahaha. I knew these faggots were drop kicks.

A steady income for decades rather than 11 minutes of fame.

Probably because it's fake news.

True, but those 11 minutes of fame for him could set him up comfortably for life financially (if he doesn't blow it on dumb shit).

>but those 11 minutes of fame for him could set him up comfortably for life financially
Not if inflation has anything to say about it.
Oh and the fact that the fuckhead will blow it all on coke.

The amount of tax people have to pay if they earn a million in half a year whew laddy you ain't really keeping much after your minute of fame is up

You'd be better to build a career slowly and get paid well out of that and if success, fame, bitches and hoes come out of it, that's a more substantial plus. It's also why people like Dr Dre and Jay Z invested in other business opportunities (record labels, clothing lines, sports teams, etc) because they knew one day they wouldn't be making the same kind of money they once did with music.

As someone who recently took the GED after multiple years of being out of high school and remembering nothing, I was pretty worried about failing it but it's actually so easy a 7th grader could pass it no problem. I have no idea this 69 guy could fail it.

Why is the midget Mexican aloud to get away with saying nigger?


cause hes not a lil beta bitch like you. plenty white people can say nigga too. just not the ones that are like you

I don't get it?
He's allowed to have sex with children as long as he gets his GED?

you forget
>lil xan got sober & lose talent

is that U2 lmao

Lil Pump went to harvard though, he dropped out to save the rap game

This dude is a damn fruitcake

Why to people like these monkeys? How much of an impressionable, single-parent raised teenager do you have to be to look up to this kind of male role model?

how can a man be a pastry



1. stefan burnett
2. pierro scarrufi
3. ???
who else?

dub quads

Is that varg guy one of them?